'ORAKEL 2009 TO 2025'

In the year 1975, I started to write the Booklet "ORAKEL 1995" that was issued about 1981 to very great number to Newspapers, VIP, politicians and persons I considered to be important. There were no reactions, except a few nasty responses, saying that this fantasy-product was completely nuts (you can find it under rene-delavy.com).

Today, most of the predictions became true: We are standing at the edge of a World-Economy CRASH. Even the lowest minded idiot can see that we have a thing wrongly named "Climate-Change", we can see that the Boulevardisation of media has become true, Education only be serving nowadays, not for philosophy, but to become bright bankers at all the Wall Streets in the world, becoming CEO to spread GROWTH and GREED all over the planet, until it is cracking NOW.

In political matters, the famous Ronald Reagan II that I predicted in "ORAKEL 1995", has seen light in the person of GW Bush, the dullness of U.S. Americans to be hated by all other folks in all other nations, has become reality, the energy stuffs and raw materials have become priceless, water and air more and more undrinkable and unbreathable.

In MILITARY matters we still can kill each other any day. And in Religion, the FANATICISM became true as predicted: Where there is no more any hope, even Ratzinger can play GOD in Rome himself with Bollywood shows, eclipsing any reasonable brain.

But now, I have to extend my ORAKEL and spread it, no longer by post, but by the internet, all over our planet. Here it is:

ORAKEL 2009 TO 2025


As predicted in ORAKEL 1995, finally the World Finance System did not crash in 1995 (or 2099), it started to crash in the year 2007. And now it goes on like this:

First some Banks in all Countries in all nations start to crack and need help from governments and their FED and other NAZI-Banks. The number will increase and by the end, the funds given by the nations will lead to national bankruptcy - or, alternatively, inflation will kill all efforts.

The "REAL"-Economy such as production of cars and planes, will go down to bottom first. This is to say: Millions of workers getting in unemployment. Same for bankers, same of insurance employees after the crash of Mortgage SUBPRIME (what a word-construction!!), followed by the real estate and construction business,  first, then HEDGE funds, those artists making GOLD out of casino-money only existent in computers, then all Investment funds and then just other derivative fictional Junk - and by the end the normal SHARES AND BONDS of normal companies, since the SHARES go down due to lack of profits anymore in future and the BONDS due to no capital and cash left to companies, when all finance systems tumbled down the drain before.

After production of cars and planes come tourism, transport business, consulting trash of zero value so far, tax experts for the richest VIP alone, employees or workers of communes and lands and in fact all the rest, except peasants, farmers, health industry, the workers for absolute functions for elementary needs - but the poorest chaps of the year 2008 are now best situated, since they cannot tumble to hell, whereas the richest scrap who with their greed and Friedman-Idiocies of "freedom" and stupid growth, will lose all they had before.

Real estate will go down in value and since rents and interests on mortgage can no longer be paid, governments decide that all folks stay for FREE where they are at the moment, until the nations will have found ways, how to replace this stupid and deadly CAPITALISM by any other forms or systems of keeping humanity alive.


I predicted that all the Billions of Tons of oil, fuel and kerosene will have a reaction - and this reaction will be a "GEO-SPHERE" got completely out of Balance" (and not this idiotic and false principle of "Climate-Change" which insinuates that this matter is a natural thing). This outbalanced weather and climate situation will increasingly create longer and higher droughts in all areas, what will provoke, seen in view of our clear water situation, the most victims on Earth of all, in the near future. But also Water-Floods, super storms not only around the Caribbean Islands, and monster-waves burying even Ocean-Liners, will be resulting from a tremendous stupidity for growth in consumerism, when on a restricted planet, the oil and gas and other resources should have been there for the next 10000 generations to come, and not being spoiled by 6 or 8 generations.

More is, that slums will spread all over the world, due to the explosion of populations, not stopped by God, Allah, the Bible Belt in America, God all mighty in Rome, our Pope, and not by NGOs that did all to make explode population and give the rest of water under the ground and some U.S. food, instead of turning down the number of people and stabilize it on the level of 1975 with some 3 Billion.

So the quality of WATER will, perhaps with exception of Switzerland, Scandinavia, Canada, Russia and some other privileged lands, get down and down, just as AIR quality in most mega-towns, first, of the world. Considering the dryness to come in many areas on this globe, there is not much to be said about the capability of nourishing 7 billion and more of heads, sinking now into poverty on this planet.


It is clear that the Murdoch-Systems of the world will go on. Even the media in the internet become always more shreddering and superficial in their work, because they were all afraid not to get money anymore from industry, banks, tourism industry etc. This was one reason more, they became duller each year a little more, were creeping in the ass of the most idiotic writers, "thinkers", producers of modern ARTS ever seen on a mad-gone globe of a civilisation that used EDUCATION alone for making greedy and stupid consumers, military heads, CEO, Bankers, politicians of zero IQ, artists without value, behaviourism in literature and proud and helpless "philosophers" with zero substance.

Under these conditions, it was clear that with the exception of Rene Delavy, not one person on this globe would have seen coming the disasters as described above and become a REALITY today, and so they shout now, those perpetrators: "We, the idiotic folks of perpetrators with cash on banks, Parts in Hedge Funds, with our big villas, yachts in all ports, we stupid editors of all journals and newspapers, TV-stations and Radio Junk, all over this globe, we come now, after the CRASH - and SAVE the world. NO ONE COULD EVER HAVE PREDICTED what any idiot in any nation could see: Banks having each quarter new records in billions of Dollars of profits, agriculture been killed, not only in AFRICA, when Shareholder Value become new RELIGION, with derivative Junk of which not one professor of Berkeley, MIT, Chicago, ETH Zurich, or in any other Universities on the planet, could have the slightest idea, what they were good for, then with leverage methods, trillions of Dollars, Euros and Swiss Francs were pumped in banks, insurance, Investments and Hedge funds, China, India, USA, Europe, Russia - on the basis of U.S. hegemony of Stupidity in all lands, Americans consuming for 10 years on cost of China, Japan, Korea, Europe, Russia etc. - and not one single person, except Rene Delavy, wrote comments against the existing systems of pure craziness.."


Now, we are at a loss in POLITICS, where the dullest idiots of all times, GW Bush, Clinton, Greenspan, Friedman, Popper, Pinochet, Videla, Blair, Brown, Merkel, Kohl, Chirac, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, the 7 Banking Dwarfs in Berne, Koizumi, Putin and Medvedev, Barroso, Hu and Wen, Singh, Mandela and Mbeki, Hitler and Stalin, Mao and Che Guevara and all the rest of blinded mice, just arranged the break-down on our planet, as late as starting 2007, in a reality some 7 Billion of idiots are living, the mouths and eyes wide open, asking themselves what happened, when all media gave the reasons and this theatre being diffusing, all of that real junk-greed and growth - over all channels free in all the Salons and Slum-huts of all families on this Earth.

We are at a loss in Economy, Ecology, Culture, Philosophy, Religion, Military, Resources, Water and Air, Traffic, Consulting, Banking, Trading and Thinking in normal terms.

Dear Reader: There is a victim in the whole affair - and that's YOU! But you are responsible for your blindness as well. And therefore, the system of DEMOCRAZY = DICTATORSHIP OF DULL MAJORITIES makes the voters of the above idiots to be the PERPETRATORS in one person - in Union of Person. And now go to hell, you, who despised my work all the time since 1975.

Naturally, not one person will seize the situation to learn from the Books of Rene Delavy, but as my "Zukunftserinnerungen" say: When the clash of civilisations, self-produced and extremely stupid in reasons, will have grounded, somewhere about 2025, the "Rest-Menschheit" will look around and find my books and Editors Letters - and see how with AUTARKY and AUTONOMY and WITHOUT any Hollywood Cash-Casino, but by FREE WILL to work, things can and will be done. On a very low level of living, folks will, without any nations and UNO in existence anymore, decide to take a re-start from the GROUND.

I am not God, but I am logical to the max, always was since my birth: If matters will not happen just what I wrote here, other mechanics - not better in its consequences - will pop up during the time from 2009 to 2025. This is a bank, and it cannot be proven wrong.