END of Capitalism

End of Capitalism - Smoke in the Brains of World's VIP

IT HAPPENS - NOW! --- gently, imperceptibly, slowly and not remarked by 99 percent of folks on this globe, in little UPS and great DOWNS in economics, but exactly along the lines predicted in "Orakel 2099".

Some VIP with smoke in brains still held up the contrary of the real situation, in economy, ecology, politics and culture, but any person with a little of commonsense can NOW understand, WHY all this is becoming reality - worldwide:

Again here must be taken as source a (rather poor) translation out of my book "CHAOS" written 1999 to 2001 (story out of 2nd Chapter: "Das Rauchen der Koepfe am Ende des Neo-Liberalismus"), a book having always been judged, when translated in English, to be of highest intellect when in fact my books were much more precise and accurate. And just note: Not one single Feuilletonist has discussed so far my oeuvre - and "CHAOS" alone, is made out of 100 Texts of the following quality, unnoticed by a dull economic world, although these texts have been written and presented about the year 1997 ("Orakel 2099" already in 1975!).

Big surprise at the beginning of the year 2001: The stock exchange tumble in the bottomless, the Indexes of New Market, the titles for fantasies on NEW TECHNOLOGY, lose more in value as ever in shareholder-values have been destroyed in history of all existing stocks exchanges.

Whole Manager-Etages, whole staffs, plus all the workers of factories, not only in Detroit and soon in China, are sent by incapable CEO and Board of Directors into unemployment, where the Abzock-Scratch can recover to find new deed for heroes in the forthcoming years.  Then Boards of Directors, responsible for junk politics of companies, retreat in corpore, leaving behind dead bodies of investments, after having abzocked like hell and during years all the bonus and salaries, stolen from normal personnel, today called "human resources", more accurate would be "cattle" by now.

Megalomania + false Codes of CEO and Analysts

Specialized troops of brainless "consultants" are sent into the desert and can count on charges against the results of their destructive consulting work and far too high bills in millions of Dollars or Euros, after having brought thousands of Managements into the MEGALOMANIA of insanity. Other idiots, not yet uncovered, give nice interviews with press and TV and blow themselves up, when they just were lucky enough, not having been caught by their own dullness. And all, all of them are in agreement with a collective self-insanity in neo-liberalism, based on a situation "where nobody could see what will come, why and how "IT" could happen…" - My God, the high heroes of today are the criminal losers of tomorrow.

It's ever the same story: The Chief-Editors and other economic bluffers who meant to have allowance and rights for high tones, in the past, bristle themselves still today like Peacocks with help of science in Media, when building new crises for the future and finding for this always new CODES in their deceiving attitude: "PROFIT WARNINGS" are given out in masses, a word-junk of finest art to hide the huge losses to come - unfortunately unprecedented, since such truth-falsifying words are in circulation in masses. This word does not mean that the Company is "warning of high profits to come", but the shareholders are only "informed", that past profits were a betrayal of accounting and in future, one expects only losses over years and final bankruptcy…

Now, everybody is warned not to keep shares any longer in its portfolio, because values at Stock Exchange have always been calculated by Bank Analysts, based on by far too high expected profits in the near future... All these CODES for insiders represent a circle of intellectual self-betrayal for Dummies of their democratic chosen governments (Dictatorships of dull majorities), errors that intellectual people should have been recognizing before investing in Hedge Funds, Investments Funds, Old age "securities", instead of checking the puck only when the whole game was over, as ever happens when dull folks leave LAS VEGAS CASINOS with emptied pockets.

Swiss Bankers + Other Chief-Editors of low Quality

A very rich and huge Private Bank in Zurich (later being on the edge of bankruptcy) buttered hundreds of millions in a project of internet or intra-net and after years of essays discovered finally that the whole matter would not work properly - and the highly paid "experts for informatics" were sent in the desert from one day to the next, while the State of Switzerland had thereon to pay unemployment salaries. The best airline of the World, SWISSAIR, sent in the ABYSS by the gigantic "consultant" McKinsey, a shovel-wise casher just for a devilish Hunter-concept, may end with bankruptcy by the end, and the famous non-controlled Auditors present balance-sheets and statements of earnings that are criminal in falsifying to the max. Not one item in the Annual Statements was correct, but being a trick mirror of future "new facts".

Always the same game: Companies are worshipped for concepts for future disaster, CEO and Board of Directors are presented in Press and TV as the new kinds of Messias, who ask for more GROWTH, more useless destruction of resources and energy, more traffic, more hedonism, and all Chief Editors of this Media-Junk shout all the time: "Hurrah, we are building a golden future!" Who is more stupid: the Managers or the Chief-Editors? You can choose. At the end, all folks shout for "Sanitizers" but those have committed already any stupidity in other areas - and finally, the go-betweens lose all judgement when these new managers must be thrown in the Lake of Zurich or any Ocean in front of New York, London, Paris, Tokyo or Singapore - and that event will again be reason enough for world-media to thresh empty straw, by shreddering useless news for people who don't know anymore, what zero-infos they have been reading the day before, coming from idiots like Clinton and Greenspan.

Poor Taxpayers of Nations pay for Crook States' crimes

When the son or daughter is fallen in the deep Well, all neo-liberal junk shouts after "The State" - after the economic bound politicians have believed for many years in the empty theories of "Shareholders Value". However, many rich VIP become even richer by preventing taxes with aid of Swiss bankers and lawyers, not only Swiss, but German, French, American, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and some other 100 nations, nourishing this Abzock-Nation to the detriment of their own Nations. And in addition, those rich Cheaters got rich with medium-time increase in values, in fact financed by the normal middle class folks paying alone high taxes, who since centuries paid the heavy charges in favour of the "ELITE" with zero-Ethics in their nations (read my letters about tax crooks and their methods).

And when losses in billions arose, in the breakdown of economy, "The State" (= honest taxpayers) again must pay all losses to save the nations and again those who had been taken for stupid by the Abzockers, have to bear the deficits and extend huge mountains of State-Indebtedness to their children and again to the children of those children, in all later generations, in a future, when the Bonanza will be passed by, and the tax money is there to save poor families from falling into the bottomless. And still, all media creep in the ass of their governments and parliaments, who based on the principle of "Democracy = Dictatorship of Dull majorities" are responsible for blindness in Economics and World financing systems.

Naming the buriers of World-Finance

Dear Reader, you know what? Some crooks had to start this madness. Look out for U.S. rich conservative Christians and Middle East No-names, some neo-liberalistic Friedman school lying in disfavour of normal people with commonsense, who instructed to rich Germans, French, Italian, Swiss, Swedish et j'en passe to take any opportunity to cheat folks paying normal rates of taxes in Europe, USA, Asia and Africa, mindless crooks all looking out for TAX PARADISES in Liechtenstein (LGT and LLB), Monaco, Switzerland (UBS, Credit Suisse and all Foreign Branches in Zurich and Geneva, governed by German, French, English and U.S. Investment banks).

Name them: Private Banks in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano), further scrap in Macao, and any Island of shit-ethics near USA (Cayman Islands, Bahamas, Panama), London (Jersey and Guernsey), near China and now being part of China (Hong Kong).

But worst of all is SINGAPORE, because when all others can't cheat normal taxpayers anymore, they go to Singapore, where Bankers are tortured to death by the Top criminal of State if they talk about clients. And I wrote before: The richest Abzockers need not go on islands, a visit in a Bank in New York (with worst Investments Bankers ever seen in U.S. Bonfires of Vanities), Tokyo, Geneva, Frankfort or Paris will do. The rest, tells you a top consulting in tax-cheating, can be done over the computer and internet, just as well as criminal MERGERS to the disadvantage of normal share investors in amounts of billions, already lost when Shareholders Meeting take their decisions of huge vanity.

You can well see, dear Reader, that space is lacking me, to tell the true matters in full. I am forced to abbreviate like hell to get it on 4 pages.

Mendacity + Fairy-tales about "Shareholder Values"

There they are, the tax-hiding human Junk-ideas in order to make discharge all billionaires of this planet from "national burdens" - in favour of official take over of charges by Middle Class, to trick out the normal investors in forlorn old age funds - during the actual insanity of a new One-and-only God doctrine, this time not from Vatican City, a belief in "shareholders value" - in order to protect, during artificially raising stock exchanges, the fortunes of human junk who have stolen by hedonism and false pretensions the income of those, who in future will always see less sense in working for Companies, their Nations, in fact for the richest human scrap on Earth, protected by ALL governments and politicians, right or left, worldwide.

MENDACITY of a third kind, all the line of existence by the important "Leaders" and speakers, like Ronald and Margaret, in a community that has placed its programs of "Economy first" over all politics of ethics and morals in favour of those who become the victims of their own Nations and Companies.

It is not explainable why nobody is able to find thematic ways to explain the relationships of the present happening and to bring them in orderly form in the Media. What remains is the recognition of the fact that either the relevant politicians, nor the giants in economy, nor the profiteers of the systems and by no means the dependant industry of media can dare, to tell to the world such truths, in a form that even the victims of the system can understand. Therefore, is everything a hallucination, just noise and smoke (Schall und Rauch)? Although all this can be said, the perpetrators of the debacle in Politics, Economy, Science are still in power can show up a wheel (ein Rad drehen) in front of newspapers, radio and TV and spread wisdom, based on deadly Theorems in Economics that led to the disasters of our time - and no person whatsoever is able to recognize the trick.

Destroying nations by deadly economics

Let's summarize the foregoing: Stock exchange values crash, mega mergers that saw light only under the false pretensions of highest paid consulting firms, prove by the end to have been traps for gigantic losses and indebtedness. Japan, some years ago still praised for its exploding economy, pays for vanities in growth by a collapse in the bottomless, as we could see before in the "Tiger States" in South East Asia. The super power Soviet-Union of former times is still low because they wanted to adopt a crazy Chicago Boys System of Friedman and Sachs. Would there not be the raising prices for oil and gas, we would see even more of shattered former infrastructure, full employment lost and gone as well as peace between rich and poor folks. And now we see going rotten all our Will-o'-the-wisps (Irrlichter) of the past - USA, Russia, Japan and soon China, going down the drain, inclusive their installation for oil conveying equipments, streets. Towns risk falling in pieces, since there are no means left anymore in view of gigantic State indebtedness, to keep them alive.

Environment + and the Splendor of ridiculous Religion Leaders

And the environment pays the price for a useless growth of nothing, and with eyes wide open, we all can see that the price of a heroic past must now be paid, when rivers, lakes, oceans become pure poison, the air unbreathable in most towns, not only in India, Brazil, Indonesia, Russia and China.

All achievements in State fortune, like clear water without privatised Nestle and Eaux de France Profiteers (which is the greatest shame of humanity so far), social and health care, electricity supply, trains and other traffic systems, become the victims of empty Cash-boxes and of blinded belief in the power of a PAST ERA as times of technologic religion.

The major leader in "intellect" of these ideals, the USA, pay for missing education and intelligence by electing and adoring a great stupid as President, who will throw in the Orcus for good this goddamn "God's own Country" by destruction of ecology, State debts in trillions, keeping low the very little number of real educated intellectuals, and bluffing with wrong arguments the ones with less knowledge, in favour of the richest VIP and their odd theories leading in neo-liberal Orwell world.

FED let interest fall down nearly to zero, because USA want to see a self-destructing dream of eternal growth and richness, the real AMERICAN DREAM, become true - and they lie about the results, the throwing away of all the gifts that God gave in fact to his own country. They call it progress or development (Fortschritt), accelerating it to the max - and finally, the last surviving Super-Power will have sent down in the Orcus the whole world, in the "best world of them all" according to Huxley, a FAKE OF CAPITALISM and Hedonism; a reality seen through U.S. pink glasses of self-pride based on MEGALOMANIA as sole valid "culture of State".

Scandals of absolute Normality

The Scandal with Enron was only the peak of an ice-mountain and it was shown, with one of the greatest processes about criminal bankruptcy in economic history, whereto the path of capitalism, thinking alone in TERMS OF CASH without limits and without save grounds anymore, will lead: Right down in a worldwide and final disaster in economics.

During all this being happening right now, we all look like the rabbit on the snake and think in norms which were already old and false when they were written. We are living in a system of rotten Patterns of erroneous intellect. The ever same faces tell us the ever same lies of feasibility, of any political and economic scrap thinkable, media are under sexy spell about this horrible Show with their inextricable low intellect, short-sighted, not creative, without any deep-cut thoughts, just like the surrounding rest, all adore the sound of beating kettle-drums (auf die Pauke hauen) and all are hot about their own ape-like behaviourism (sorry Animals).

New Youth and their rotten future

The NEW YOUTH lives a life of easiness of being (Leichtigkeit des Seins), the lightness of ignorance, no experience, no lesson taken on the past, young dynamics believe that body cult, sports, appearance, stupid language, count alone and intellect nothing. They live in a FATA MORGANA reality, knowing nothing about past times and their effects into the present and future, having no real education of spirit. No intelligence anymore - and science being overplayed by superficial  RELIGIONS AND ESOTERICS, anti-Darwinism and childish Creationism, dictated by U.S. masters in lowest stupidity and missing philosophy - and their loud and mad-gone TV Shows on Murdoch Media.

The First World goes in direction of Third World - and Third World to END OF TIMES. Soon, the "Developing" areas in this world will ask for same rotten life-style, like in New York, Paris or Zurich, and this will cost the existence of the last real treasures on Earth. Humans will destroy faster than the brains can think, all what could have been of value.

And during all this being happening, not only the chimneys of industry will smoke like hell, but the brains of VIP will be more and more full of smoke, GREED without limits - and they applaud, ever the same headless VIP, about their great deeds, they want explain to folks their restricted view the functioning of our world and we all stand in front of them, the mouth wide open, have become more and more stupid, and are amazed about so much delusion (Irrwitz) in abstruse-grown life-times (des Unerklärbaren).

Impotency + Pseudo-Democracy

All this has to do with one-dimensionalism (Eindimensionalität) of thinking and we now are lost, can no longer think in networks, long dimensions in time, we have driven in the desert the very few ones that could explain in long chains of origins and effects what's happening. But these few are in IMPOTENCY, don't find the right words, see an unexplained LETHARGY of "We cannot do anything", a state of insanity never seen before on this planet. The degree of thinking power, contrary to achievements in technology, goes low and lower. PHILOSOPHY about present times has vanished from this globe as never stated before - the CHAOS is not longer explainable. The liberal brains go one repeating day by day the same disastrous theories of a neo-conservatism in favour of soon becoming poor "superrich" idiots, after having made vanish Middle class and taken care for exploding poor masses on Earth.

There is a conservation of PSEUDO-DEMOCRATIC views without deeper value, "human rights" in favour of the happy few, ideals of feasibility that never in the past created anything good. And our senses got tired more and more, because the always faster becoming world overcharged our intellect, our brains, replacing clear sight by pure smoke, understanding ever less of what's going on, in view of facts, where environment becomes poorer every year, fast changing climate letting geo-sphere get out of its balance, the debts of States becoming Mount Everests, individuals and companies credits figures striving to heaven, "Shareholder values" at Stock Exchanges tumbling to hell, criminal financial instruments no longer interpretable by any "idiot expert" in banks with their protectors, SEC or FED or U.S. Congress.

Mass fanatic behaviourism for Mass folks

On the other side, religious fanatics have high times since 2000, when folks explode in numbers on this restricted globe, they go against abortion without helping the mothers lost in existence, hypocrisy "a l' Americaine" of highest Exorcism of Intellect, for masses of stupid TV "representatives", taken as hostage of Presidents of USA, but in fact by all Gods in all RELIGIONS on Earth, because people on a lost globe are looking out for some little sense in existence, when all promised securities and certainties tumble to hell around us. The only thing really expanding on this bubble is the number of folks in the poorest lands, their weapons and armaments in the hands of governments and individuals, then terrorism in every corner, fanatics in power, religion and sects, ever more violence surrounding us, ever new Popes of self-deceit, creating false hopes in the heads of  MASS-FOLKS, hopes in the usefulness of Internet, communications, educational programs, in view of theories in science becoming all the more abstruse, when we look in Gene-manipulation, growth, fanatism, ever higher greed without limits, in a money-world of "modernism", ending soon in self-destruction of Homo non-sapiens.

We are more and more surrounded not only by a holocaust for humans, but a real holocaust for animals, nature, water, air, rest-resources. New pandemics coming from diseases with animals and humans - and so we are facing a scrap-future of limited times and do, as if we had some other paradises, where to go soon. When we don't want to understand the real facts, the mills of times will crash humanity before 2100.

"Modernists" without any Ethics or EQ for Justice

No one able to still be arguing and thinking in terms of commonsense, perhaps 10 intellectuals being able to analyse to the ground the destructive GOALS of the "Modernists" ("Fortschrittlichen"): They make vanish all  relevant truths, lie about the fundamentals in this world, drawing up a curtain of mist to hide the only matter that really counts: To stay a Humanity with respect for all sorts of humans, animals, plants, trying to stay "normal" in an environment with long-term prospects for thousands of years to come, all kept under acceptable conditions of living, governed by a spirit that would be putting  at first place ETHICS and JUSTICE.

We could have, with help of philosophy, commonsense, soft technology, got the chance of living in peace in a marvellous nature of a given paradise. All was at our disposal before mass growth of stupidity, populations and destruction changed for good the face of our planet. But we decided otherwise - a fact, we cannot change anymore. We adopted demo-crazy politics, science, media, economy and psychology that led to the given facts, because the stupid ones on Earth did never believe in words of highest intellect - the very few ones with ethics and commonsense wanted to tell us.

I am aware of the fact that this text is a very poor translation of the original text - and I am a little bit in shame, not having learnt English on a higher scale. Proficiency seems too low. But big-headed Americans who know nothing but a poor slang of just one language, which is in fact hiding the fine details of reality, would certainly done better. A nice PRIVILEGE IN POWER, taken erroneously as being high spirit and true intellect. Why not? We all live in a free society, when those make the greatest FUSS who can say nothing of relevance anymore.