
This Page is basing on the Book "CHAOS" (refused by all Editors), written in German and in general between 1975 and 1995 - with updates to this day. So it seems, as if all chapters in English would be brand-new texts, when the bulk of it were predictions - over 20 years old.

One day, the "CHAOS" Texts - in original language in GERMAN - shall be translated for this English part (today, translation programs of the German Page in the Internet shall do).

In the meantime, we shall look out for other texts of literature, suitable to fit in these THEMES. The German original is not stronger in its texts, those chapters were only written some years earlier, but the outcome is similarly strong and true.

Just learn that WORLD and REALITY are not what you expect to be. Read, study and get a new sight on LIFE around this Globe. The future Generations will find no chances anymore , if not getting the clue, HOW and WHY our reality turns to hell since 1900 and going fast down the drain until 2099.
The whole Humanity lost sight more and more, on what and how reality is going on ---

This fact and many erroneous reasonings are leading just NOW to a complete and irrevocable World-Collapse. And not one genius, not one politician, not one Dynamite Prize Holder, not one philosopher can see the relevant "WHY-Questions" and understand the DILEMMAS in which humanity is caught - without effective issues.

Contrary to the German part, here you may chose whatever article you prefer first. But only the total script of this Gazette makes out of mosaic stones a complete picture of the World-Theater as it is today in post-modern Times----

There is no FORUM for this Gazette, since experience showed that any level of thoughts is reduced, if everybody wants to talk on low IQ level - instead of learning about strong and new views with regard to existential matters.