God - too big to fail

Well, some folks may ask, where this topic shall end.

It will end when I have written all about what I know of God Almighty.

God and Religion

There is not much to be said under this chapter. Those who believe, there is as God, an Allah, a Buddha or any other virtual or real or superficial or other God, a God of nature, of the universe, of Scientology and other Esoterics, they all have no God - but only Belief and Religion.

Never ever any religion or science-fiction scrap of mind proved the existence of God.

Therefore, the Popes and other terrorists of higher minds pretend by applying during a circus for stupidity to their own victims that God Almighty surely exists. Then they go, these hypocrite murderers in the name of religion and God - and kill innocent women and scientists in fires or under stone rains, put them under towels for "free will" of penis-owners, or eliminate under highest pain all believers in nature, sun, some other universe in atrocious ways, and then pretend, all was done in the name of their personal God, with whom all Popes of all Religions have daily Tea Parties of Palin, because ii needs zero brains, to believe into the impossible and to commit Crimes in THEY name.

I think to prove God from the side of Religion is just like to prove that shit stinks.

God and Economics

Some believe that banking and profit making by Jewish Lobby logics on Wall Street, is God. In our given economic life, the Crooks don't say it in this way - but they just make the profits for the richest one per Mille on cost of the rest of human mankind. Then the richest junk is not paying their taxes and therefore not contributing to the infrastructure costs of their home nations. These friends of God, by the end of the week, go to church and pretend to have a special relationship with God, when they only have a special relationship to a Bishop, a dirty priest, or the Pope in Mecca, Rome, Tokyo, Beijing, Rio, Mumbai or Jerusalem inclusive Moscow. Here, Oligarchy and Religion is nothing but a means to keep the Cash in their own rows.

Now, we must understand: Whoever invented an economy that by the end will kill the mass-population of our Earth, not only in China and India, in a mass-grave of illusions, profit making, eternal growth, using up all resources against cash not to be drunk or eaten, is more than an idiot. He or she are criminal idiots, with or without any God. Those growth-oriented stink-in-brains know nothing, but let get poison and left without any fishes all oceans, destroy for cash all original forests, put hands on best of landscapes and all the rest of humans are thus thrown into a world-collapse of Climate and out-balanced weather machinery - resulting in huge catastrophes, some nice towers of indebtedness to be worked down by Middle Class and they love to produce by bonus-bankers, administrating their stolen wealth, the total loss of all savings of Main Street.

If God exists to enlighten the idiocy of those dirty and rich minds without any ethics, we don't require any God at all - all the more all Popes and Priests since the year 5000 before Christ crept in the ass of those who had human power to kill those without power.

God and Politics

What is Politics? Politics is when ugly and bluffing types like Mao, Gandhi, GW Bush, Hitler, Stalin, Mandela, Videla, Pinochet, JFK, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Merkel and any other dirt of mind, tells they are high above average of folks and therefore are entitled to dictate the deadly behaviourism of a rotten species - called human Mankind, leaving a holocaust of animals, of plants and a rotten Planet.

And these idiotic VIPs dictate who shall be killed in their wars, tortured in cellars of CIA and other Auschwitz, who is low enough as civilians to be taken for a soldier or other low-brainy idiot, when all power is given to the dirty Jews and other God-Believers on Wall Street - and none to the atheists on
Main Street

Therefore, they have their own God, the God of G-20, Conference of Global destruction in Cancun, Copenhagen and Gulf of Texas and they dictate the Friedman shock doctrine rules, how it should go that in some years, the greediest Idiots on Earth may destruct all the money, our workers and peasants did put aside for health care for the richest and quietness in their own old days, when they will have gone to God in favour of the powerful and rich Scrap on Earth.  Very good  Big Deal, planned by U.S. and other Presidents.

Therefore, it is an error, if the real universal God would not come soon and waterboard all VIPs on this Globe, all Kissingers, Greenspan, GW Bush, Cheney, Hussein, Thatcher, Ronald, Pinochet, Hitler and Mao and Stalin - plus all political VIPs of today - just to make them feel what they did do to all innocent folks on Earth, having no power, no influence and no cash and being rotten material for the power and atom games of the butchers, the 99 percent of idiots on Earth decided to build up their master-minds, under dictatorship of dull majorities, better known as "Democracy".

Fore sure, if there had ever been the one and only God, our religious Leaders are talking about from the morning to the evening of each new day in murdering TV-programs, not one political Leader ever would have survived the waterboarding of justice and human rights, arranged by God Almighty himself.

God and Commonsense

Would the Universe create a God who would bring in this world some rotten Species, living for millions of years like animals, but then becoming all of a sudden aware, they are in fact human Gods, then inventing cash, capitalism, stock exchanges, derivatives, technology, cars, planes, cruisers, atom rockets, Mechanic Schools, funeral Piles, destruction of mass folks in slavery in Africa, South America and Asia, destroying the planet in only 200 years, transforming all resources and energy in deadly poison and empting oceans, killing original forests and all average folks, but only in favour of a deadly advantage of some rich trillionaires without any brains under the protection of Popes, Religion, Politics, Economics and culture of rotten literary writers who only are able to see the reality in the dusty light of stinky human feelings of the lowest and never ever just a hint of any fundamental Truth?

Commonsense and God? Well, this is a god-damned dilemma and a contradiction in itself.

A God that is not based on justice for all Species, for maintenance of a given paradise and of using the power for equal rights for an given number that could have survived on this exploding bubble instead of the self-killing mass of 10 billions of empty heads----- that's commonsense of the finest.

God and Philosophy

This world NEVER had just ONE real scientist, one real philosopher or one real thinker. A world that believes in theorists of economics that viewed under the aspect of mass-laws of mass-destruction, some misused mathematics, commonsense of idiots and feasibility laws of eager shareholders, smashing a very little and vulnerable planet, could never ever have functioned. And this world of low IQ thinking is totally governed by the greediest idiots and believers in endless richness and deadly growth of self-destruction.

And above all, it were the philosophers who set this Crime in the Brains of economists, politicians, scientists and all of our children, having only ideals of concrete richness and nothing in mind about abstractedness of the real creation.

If you can name me just ONE philosopher or thinker or stinker or theorist in economics or Machiavellian professor in politics, that did not write pure shit, pure nonsense without any value for a life-time - I shall immediately transfer to your Swiss Bank account one million of Dollars. I shall never risk to lose that Cash, friends.

Because I was looking around for one simple man or woman, in the theories of whom I could believe like in a God, and did not find it in 70 years of a lifetime. The world is full with idiots and no brains. If you want to see an intelligent and ethical man, you must try to be it yourself. And women anyway are only interested in consumerism, beauty, VIPs and Priests.

But there is still my personal God - and I explained it before in one of my reports:

My personal God is the one of the unknown, of the impossibility to explain life and death, just as the growing of plants, animals and human beings, the one who knows what is endlessness in space and eternity in times - such a God that could easily explain his Adams and Eves behaviourism and how function the Universe, the Sun system, the Planet Earth - and how commonsense of the finest could have been existing on this Globe.

It should have been the aim and work of the rotten Philosophers of all times, to think around these questions and come to right replies, when in fact they only made jokes about human behaviourism, preached richness for rich Junk, wellbeing for Ladies in their best years, any other idiocies, like eternal growth, greed, injustice in between the always richer getting junk and the exploding masses of the poor, being dead and gone without any God, for sure before the year 2099 will have come.

God and the End of Humanity

Yes, here we are at the final fundamentals any child should have got long time ago:

And God spoke

- all what seems complex, the true nature of being in this Universe and the basic rules for life on Earth, any child of 10 years would understand if the young mind would not have been rotten by adults and their systems

- and all that seems very normal in daily life of humans, is in fact indefinitely complex, chaotic, unexplainable, without reach to any "normal" average brains of the famous 99 percent, taking themselves for Gods, when in fact having been exposed as mass-food to VIPs and Popes and their greedy decision-makings.

In other words in view of the "End of Humanity":

- Any child could know that mass-laws with 10 billion of folks simply kill a planet. Further, the FED-Greenspan mass-money of humans just must kill all economic systems. The greed of bankers just must end up with all savings of

Main Street

Some Paradise, that was virtually possible on Earth, was and had to be tortured to death with mass-consumerism, mass-traffic, mass-casino-idiocy, mass-USA and mass-China and masses of shit in the brains of technologists, scientists, politicians, philosophers, artists, literature of always the same Hollywood junk, to say 99 percent of all books ever written, plus the Popes and their Gods, Allahs, Buddhas, Gandhis, Reagans, Mandelas, Stalins, Hitlers, Obamas and other Jesuses and other legends that killed all ethics, commonsense and all chances for justice in favour of the poor and powerless on this soon exploding Bubble - better known under the name of EARTH.

Did I write this to replace all dictators and idiotic Popes and Politicians of this Earth?

Well, this is what all shit-in-brains on this planet believe, because THIS is exactly what they got as normal education in masters and bachelors from their professors and from their parents, their VIPs, their legends in sports, science, philosophy, literature and other higher Junk.

It's much easier with my sort of commonsense: There might have been humans on Earth who were REAL philosophers and not apparent worthy bluffers in history books - talking here of the inexistent geniuses, who would have really wanted to know what there are:

- God, Universe, Life and Death, endlessness and eternity, humans and banks too big to fail and idiotic systems in economics, politics, religion, beliefs, science, finances, wars, waterboarding, "culture and arts" and USA of Hollywood, not one brain of the Species Homo non-sapiens ever had under control just for one second - as explained above.

It is important for me to have been for some time on this rotten planet Earth, together with my funny and blind Species, during the period from World War II until the beginning of the final End of Humanity.

It was important and a real adventure to see, how god-damned this species is and ever has been - all written in apparently bad English, but still able and gifted to write about matters, the rest of folks, the other 7 billion of blind mice, lacking any notion in abstract thinking - would never understand, even if they had 100 lives in one row and getting the life points presented one by one.

Steps of thoughts are steps of thoughts. Don't try to leave one out.