World vanishes South - World of Women

World of Women - The World vanishes in the South (Part THREE)

After the World of Money (Part two), we want change the subject to much more delightful matters: Women. They are valuable and they are entitled to get their own chapter. And there is some effort required to describe a being that is not much interested in abstract facts. Therefore, the topic about females must be handled with highest consideration, prudence and care.

They are not responsible to be feminine, and not for being taken for dull by the whole Macho-world, in Christianity, in Islam, in atheism - and in all philosophies, most women never were really interested in.

I discovered the world of the Two Sexes very early in times. As a child on the land, more precise being a child taken as a thing (Verdingkind), I discovered one day, how a man made love to a women, on the ground in a forest. I tried some sort of what I noticed to do as well, as youth, but the doing with the peasant's young daughter was discovered and heavily reprimanded: "Such a beastliness is not normal and not at all allowed - don't ever do it again---"

It took a long time before I realized that this "beastliness" was the most normal and important activity of humans. Sex - so much was clear, was the game of highest interest in all brains of two genders.

So I was bound to know very early in life: There are two sexes, they match and go well together. I was perhaps 12 years old when a guy of high school explained to us boys what has to be done to let children come down on Earth. I remember well my scepticism and a silent horror what bodies would be good for, too.

The first experience in real reciprocal sex always seems to be the most important moment in time and you never forget your first girl - and she always shall know, who the first male was, early in her Life.

It is quite interesting that the facts around sex never are looked upon as a normal procedure. This is one of the reasons, in view of the theatre around the case Roman Polanski and his adventure with a young Lady.

When we listen to these U.S. cry-outs in Texas, California and New York, we must remember that at those times the Americans were just busy to kill 3 million of Vietnamese, helping torturing to death the intelligentsia of Chile, Argentina and many other Nations in the world, because capitalism could not accept any socialism. Mendacity and hypocrisy as the full program in matters of sex, this matched marvellously with the "World of Money" explained in the foregoing chapter.

By the way: WOW - World of Money with Females. In fact, all women are some sort of victims of sex and money. If they don't do it as a profession, as whores, their role lies in hands of men as dependent married women, a young beauty in the service of an ugly and rich sack. The role of women, given by Macho-religions, has always been some dictatorship of Machos. It always was the price of females and of their sex, not only under Burka, since Adam and Eve, not to have to say much about their own existence, appearance and use of their bodies.

My experience in life showed: The most honest, the most kind and the best women were in fact the whores in all countries. As man you knew immediately in what land you were and how people are accustomed to think and handle. A Swiss whore is completely different to a French or German one. The prostitutes in Thailand cannot be compared to those living in the Philippines. The American call-girls do not function like the English or the Caribbean and certainly not like the ones coming from Brazil slums.

It was very astonishing that all of a sudden, the Swiss men just looked out for a wife out of the Third World. You could see them all over in towns and villages, the wives out of Russia, Thailand, Poland, Brazil, Caribbean Islands, Africa. What the hell was wrong with the females out of Switzerland? Well, the finer sex, women, simply did the same, but females preferred men out of Germany, France, Italy, Spain or USA - because of the Money.

This is it, what we all call: Cosmopolitan Globalisation.

I don't want to count and present here all my sex adventures of a life. I did it in a separate book and in all details. I prefer to express here my admiration of the principle of feminism.

Women can live in a world of perfect "Concreteness", but of abstract thinking, they seem not to have a breeze of imagination what could be "Abstractedness". They pretend to be interested in theoretical philosophy, but this is a lie. They only are interested in other humans - in other women, because they are the competition and rivalry - and in men, because they can produce children and security with them and most naturally in consumerism.

There is no contradiction, when women in the Third World seem to be responsible for the survival of men and children, because the ladies only get it, real circumstances, when it becomes too hard or even impossible. Anyway, females get the truth out of origins in form of effects only, when the process comes to its end. And most of the time, for good changes it will be too late.

Women are interested into details, not the whole. "The whole", the world for them, is some sort of horror. But they are very kind and most of the time, they want to be nice. They are cooking, cleaning, arranging all matters in the household, they copy the style of managers and bankers, they invent ABS junk - and they talk about important matters, at least it sounds like it. Well, this is true also for men, but with women, it is a bank.

Now try to be more serious. Without women, life could be thrown away. Even homo-sexual man depend on women, to be on the globe and later be listened about their sorrows, because men never get it, they never understand anything - and least the fact, our world is now tumbling down the drain - the World is vanishing down South.

And sex - not really is meant here the lived sexual life, but the virtual one that could be possible. It’s the angle point and the axis of rotation of life for females. "It" just has happened an hour ago, and the man looks already around for the next female. When we pretend that men "would think only of one thing", so we are not really wrong. But in fact, it is the women who think during life only of "the ONE thing". At least, it was very much so in the Middle Ages, the silent times in history. Today, women are so busy with consumerism, earning money, finding the right guy - so under the burden of work and grief, they have hardly any spare time to think.

And so the whole matter with sex has become a question of luxury. Who has no time and leisure to imagine "Sex", only makes it and cannot really enjoy it. And thus, the females lost in dullness, without thinking of tomorrow, produce especially in poor countries one baby after the other and destroy the globe by an explosion to a terrible over-population. And all this is being increased in force by the hypocrite orders of the Pope, the mullahs and other priests of no mercy, whereas in the western countries, sex is celebrated with always less children, the fairy-tale goes of "dying out" soon - and so with immigration, the former Status quo - before the freedom of forced birthing, the ancient times are meant to be re-established, in order to see that the whole infrastructure of ages would not crash in pieces.

Well, it is great misery, women don't want to reflect in abstractedness. Since the major problems of the globe would never have popped up by this tremendous force and heavy consequences, had females seen clearer their own interests. The way it goes, the future of our children are given at disposal - and it is so for the poor AND the rich families. In a world without space anymore, without resources, without functioning environment - there is not much of a future for humans. Well, this is very, very sad, because - n'est-ce pas: Women were at all times such a great present to all men and their children.

All the whores, spoken for holly for ever and ever, and the mothers not only in Italy being taken for holly, present the background of Sigmund Freud's world of a fine "Complex of Oedipus". And this sort of psychology is some sort of a bluff, like the idea, brain-scientology would measure the utility of thoughts. Life is just life, it explains itself without science of higher spirits. The horizon of God can anyway never be reached. And this is so for women and men, for humans and animals, in short: for nature as such.

It is extremely funny that humans do not want understand reality. They are not profoundly interested in future times, in philosophy, in deeper thoughts. They have their world of the sexes, psychology, religion, the World of Money, some sort of erotic industry. A human being with only one dimension has declared. "We are the Kings - we are "Homo sapiens".

If we are slowly quitting the Earth, it is not the mistake of females. They could have helped a little bit with higher expectations in "abstractedness".

Homo sapiens produced his superficial ideas about life, death, God, endlessness and eternity. But time gets faster and faster: We risk to vanish, to go away, out of this Universe, because our mutual interests were sex and money - and not real life as such.