World Craze - 'Climate Change'

Craze about the expression "Climate Change"

Repeatedly, I tried to explain that the word "Climate Change" is pure idiocy on the side of the Politicians and of Science.

The problem of Climate Change is one of NATURE in thousands if not millions of Years of normal development on our Planet Earth.

The real word for what happens in our Geo-Sphere is:

- We have provoked a CLIMATE COLLAPSE based on an ENERGY LOAD (energetische Aufladung) due to spreading billions of tons of poison into the air with cars, planes, electricity works and industry and all the rest of a "Civilisation" in a State of total CRAZE:

Any child of 5 years could have guessed, that this attitude of the now 7 billion of folks would find its end in a gigantic COLLAPSE of the WEATHER SYSTEMS.

Since 1975 I am warning in all my books about the END EFFECT of the habits of the humans, not to think about human conditions, to ask for eternal GROWTH, and some fine GREED in the finance industry and getting "Sun - Fun - and nothing to Do" in culture in favour of the famous 99 Percent without any Brains.

Doing "AS IF" to cure a complete Collapse of Systems

In Kyoto, in Durban - our governments, our NGOs, our scientists, our measurers of the Craze with name "Club of Rome", Greenpeace or IPCC, do as if they would be worried about the self-destruction of a Planet, when in fact they are only worried about the crazy PARTY that could not get on eternally.

Now all nations under LEAD of USA, Japan, China, Russia, Brazil, Canada and other Crooks still don't get the point. This is very good so - because the point of no return was about 1975. Whatever is decided today - cannot prevent the complete collapse of Climate and Weather Machinery.

The tendency of Susan George of ATTAC to do little steps and to wait for alternative energy or 10 percent of lower destruction of the climate, is even more stupid than the politics of Obama, GW Bush, Blair, Merkel, Berlusconi, Murdoch, Palin, Putin, Narkozy, Hu and Wen and Singh and Lula and the rest of criminal Junk.

And the Popes of all Religions couldn't care less about this little Side-Problem. For them, only God or Allah or Buddha or the Wall Street Banks are important. The rest can go down the Drain to their Hells.

Craze of the rotten Weather Machinery

As I said before in all my books, the climate never was a problem --- To see some oceans mounting a little is no problem. The Islands in the Pacific can get lost and the idiots living at shores of oceans shall go inside the lands.

The problem is the CRAZE of a Weather Machinery gone totally out of any controls. And worse:

The effects of a criminal LIFE STYLE in the WEST makes it, that we have tomorrow the effects of the behaviourism of past 100 years, in poisoning air, water, lands, rivers, oceans and all the rest, that will get on in accelerated manner. This means that - what we have today - is only a BREEZE. What we shall get to 2050 is mentioned below - a complete SUPER STORM of our weather machinery in all respects - and nothing can be done against these deadly developments.

The Solutions

In 1975 and in the books that appeared until 2003, as well as in all my Editors Letters, I explained and predicted not only the terrible END of CAPITALISM and NEOLIBERALISM, but always said, that the craze in the brains of the Elite and their masses will find a collapse in

- Finances, Industry, Resources, Cultures, Water and Nourishment - but worst of all shall be towards the End of Craze, the collapse of the Climate, better to say: Catastrophe around our Weather Machinery.

The solutions were given in my books and they said:

- If not around 1975 the explosion of pops would be turned down to go backwards in human figures, the Growth of Finance and Industry reduced, having a world council of Wisdom to govern the planet without nations, banks, cash and other deadly shit, there is no hope for any future for Human Mankind.

In very much detail, I showed how in politics, finances, industry, protection of the nature and  the animals and the lands and oceans of the planet, all given brain streams of self-destruction should be reversed to save both - the Planet and Humanity.

But all my books were reversed instead and not one simple journal or TV station was intellectual enough, to read my books and understand that "5 to 12" was long time past and that we go after midnight since 1975, point of No Return - down on a Road to Hell.

The Real World about Climate Collapse

What we have NOW - in the year 2011 - is a real world of self-destruction. Following matters won't work anymore:

- Replacing oil and gas industry by alternatives is an illusion

- Electricity Craze with cars and all the rest, without resources - equal

- The idea that we still have seldom Earth and other quark to replace our Craze by any alternative solutions of survival

- The idea that with bankrupt USA, Europe, China and other lands, anything is left in Capitalism to refinance the rotten infrastructure of a dying Planet.

And now come the real Things:


The most dangerous matter in the world is not the collapse of the Finance Industry, of Climate and of the quality of Water in the grounds.

The greatest danger of the Globe, are actually some DROUGHTS to come, of a dimension never seen before. One of such droughts over China or India - and we can forget any help or rescue out of a starving by 100 of millions. And more is: Whenever such a drought happens, that land can never again stand up afterwards. What is possible with finances, never is possible with rotten lands and a damage going into the trillions of Dollars cannot be cured, when useless Cash never can cure any Climate or fundamental Weather Craze.


Water-Floods like recently in Pakistan shall come on an annual basis and always much higher in effect over all Lands. At least water, in any quantity coming from heaven, at least is what shall be missing most in the future. It will kill millions of folks, but in effect, if fills out for moments part of the Ground Water reserves. But more cannot be expected of the fine Rain coming like a Deluge over all areas of a rotten Planet.


Naturally, the Storms, to say Typhoons, Hurricanes, Tornados and other fine sorts of Super Storms shall get higher and higher in Energy and destroy wide areas of land. But this shall only cost some lives and some trillions of Dollars without any value left, but humanity could stand it, those endless rows of fine storms - self-made under the lead of forerunner USA.

Monster Waves

This is one of the funny points to be put forward: When the first big Ocean Crusade Ship shall get lost under a gigantic Monster Wave followed by some Oil Tankers, the whole of long transportation from China and else can get forgotten for all times. Humans as usual shall find some systems of alert, but super storms far away shall multiply its efforts and the result is just great Fun.

The End of the CRAZE

When we look at the Craze and collapses with Finances, Industry, End of Resources, the Climate to get worse any year, the Weather Machinery more and more out of control and the future brains of humans even more rotten than they are today - the End of the Planet will come near.

By 2099, the Game is over.

There is no future without oil, gas, resources, nourishment, poisoned ground water, climate out of control and each year higher droughts, water-floods etc. - and all this governed by totally crazy Elite Idiots and their dependent Masses without commonsense - with the lovely VIPs being already responsible for the bankruptcy of USA and Europe - the implosion of China and India - and of the terrible effects just mentioned in this fine Report.

Still questions - Friends? Just get lost.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 28, 2011