All Humans are childish

No Adults in the World - All Humans are childish

This is a funny idea and first I thought, it would be wrong to pretend "No adults in the world - all humans are childish".

And then I started to look out for childish adults and found out that all Chiefs of States, all bankers, all CEOs of big enterprises, all authors of important books, all theorists in economics and philosophies - WERE AND ARE CHILDISH.

It must have been the contrary for myself: As child I looked on all those important adults around me, especially the famous VIP - and I thought: "These adults must be geniuses. When I grow adult, I will know a lot of the world, like those very important persons." In fact, I stayed my whole life a child, because as adult I found out that already as a boy, I was in fact adult, surrounded by little boys and girls of any age between 2 to 100 years of age - and this was so until my late days around 2009.

And here come the proofs:

Philosophers and Theorists of economics

Still young, I read some important philosophers and found out: Whatever they propose as reality and real life, does not work under situations, where those theories would be applied under mass-laws, big numbers, without controls, when going towards the edge of feasibilities. Later, after having learnt all about economics of companies and of States, again I read Adam Smith, Schumpeter, von Hayek, John Maynard Keynes, Machiavelli, Milton Friedman and other higher boys and what I saw was terrifying: Not one of those principles can be taken for serious in a money-world, since under extreme situations, Plato, Descartes, Machiavelli, Sartre, Popper, Nietzsche, Kant, Habermas or Keynes and Friedman will prove to be playing childish games with childish theories - in "favour" of 6 to 10 billion folks, never able to grow up, to become adult.

Obama and Putin

It is not easy to prove that both politicians are not less childish than Ronald Reagan, GW Bush, Greenspan, Hitler, Stalin or Mao. Look what these adults do: Instead of changing absolute deadly schemes in today's limits of greed and growth, they produce wars not to be won, in Afghanistan, Iraq or Chechnya. They understand nothing of economics, give trust to criminal oligarchs or Wall Street bankers, their States are tumbling to hell and they still apply Marx or Keynes, without knowing what they do. Same goes for ALL Chief of States, all Presidents, of Ministers, all Members of Parliaments. Nothing what these adult children do, can change the basic downfall of economics, ecology, culture and war industry, with lessening resources going out soon. Nothing! But all do "AS IF" - will say: Adult masters of universe are childish and they tell to childish folks, that they are the saviours of the system of cash and stock exchanges. G-20 Congress being a congress of adults for adults? Forget it! Some adult children try to throw all of us some tons of sand in the eyes.

Money Systems

Recently I saw a Documentary on ARTE about the principles of money. They explained how a Tribe in Africa lived in peace for 40000 years. Then in Namibia, government found access, introduced money and within 10 years, all the social life has gone to hell. And this would prove that money systems don't work. Great! I knew all my life that Systems governed by Cash must Crash by the end. But so-called "Adult bankers" believed in feasibilities of exchange, of trade, of Junk-Papers by packages, of stock exchange, when playing Las Vegas with trillions, when converting real money into virtual money, and believed, it could work. In this documentary, some normal parts of towns in Brazil risked to change into slums and then, bright childish brains found out: All money flows to government, let's have our own currency that stays inside the Slum. And it worked --- until missing State guarantees and trust will get out of such thousands of "Currency Islands" - and those papers, this "money", will be what it was from the start - Paper. Money is an illusion, living from religious belief and trust. Once this House of Cards built by adult children shows the truth, all money systems on Earth will tumble to hell for all times.

Fine characters of VIP, showing us nothing but the truth

Ever heard of Michael Moore, Susan George, the YES-MEN, Borat and some other childish adults? I explain: Michael Moore gets to Detroit, is crying a river about crashing car production. He goes to rifle industry and shows how childish this club treats other humans. Well, he does not understand that nobody could have saved a crazy world of cars and planes destroying all environment - plus the future of our never adult growing children. And with rifles: Who did NOT know that guns and aggressive life-style kill, should not have been born. Susan George of attac wrote a book about "A better world is possible", full of tricks how with very little steps, a gigantic Chaos gone out of control could be reversed. Borat makes some yokes on minorities, on Nazi-chaps in some lands, on normal craziness of "adult" folks, by being more childish than the rest. And the YES-MEN go and make promises of big companies about some positive reactions on the disaster around a factory in Bhopal in India or the results of New Orleans disaster, without changing one little thing. Then, YES-MEN play games with the security industries by promoting "Security Ball-Cloths" to be applied in future danger world, the industrials are interested because they are children without brains - but this is the next point----

Risks and dangers in the World

Risks and dangers are increasing in our world, on accelerated scale, because not one person is adult, all billions are childish. Because by little steps and wrong politics and a money world of greed and growth, the disaster will increase from year to year and by the end of the century to 2100, all will be gone. End of humanity. The way this humanity today is governed, deadly risks and dangers are increasing - and the little measures wanting to bring security and calm in the societies, are nothing but a bluff of adult boys and girls, with money and power, against the poor masses, believing in such fraud and trust. Real danger can only be eliminated by recognizing the sources and long chains of origins and effects, and reversing the trend on a world-wide scale - otherwise we all will go down to hell within shortest period of time.

Terrorism and violence

Instead of increasing violence for example in Afghanistan, real adult Chief of States would sit together, even with Israelis, Palestinians, Taliban, Terrorists and ask, why they handle in a way they do. And they may find out that Terrorism, always in our world, is a reaction, not an action - except terrorism of States in Chile, Argentina by US government, China by Japan government, Tibet by Chinese government, Chechnya by Russian government, Palestine and Lebanon by Israeli government, Russia and Poland by Hitler government, own population and minorities by Stalin and Mao government. When whole states play childish games, nothing of adult nature can result. Everything goes out of control and some years later, we may find out that 9/11 was not a conspiracy, but sheer childish stupidity of USA and their aggressors on September 2001.

Do you know ONE single "Adult" person?

Dear Reader, do you know ONE single adult person? Don't say that YOU are adult. You believe in all the tricks of your banker, selling you trash. You believe and you elect childish idiots to govern your country. You believe in whatever assert your masters of Universe, giving you a job and a monthly salary. You believe that your savings are sure for all times. You believe, a normal world must have billionaires and starving folks in Slums. You believe, your daily life is a result of normal behaviour, controlled by adult VIP. You believe that our planet can survive with 7 billion folks and ending resources and energy. You believe in Dollars, Euros and Swiss Francs, until they tumble under rescue packages and all is gone by Obama inflation.

YOU - are adult? YOU - are not childish?

Look at our literary trash world and your film industry

Some authors of books or some directors of films, sometimes, come down to the real world. They touch our souls because they look on life around this planet, as if they looked down on us from a very distant star. But in all childish normality, in 99 percent of cases, they produce fun, sex, crime, a rotation of feelings, ever the same destinies of humans, doing as if adult children would be very normal and would recognize reality as it is. But the gossip in TV stations, on radio, in all media of press or online, produce of chaos of non-sense - and not one human stops the CRAZE. Valuable literature of Dynamite prize holders, just because they show some human destinies, in eternal childish history writing? Hollywood may be a catastrophe and a craze in view of intellect - but it can be exceeded - in Bollywood.

We are living in a crazy world of childish behaviourism by philosophers, theorists of economics, chiefs of state, stupid and powerful orthodox bankers on Wall Street and in the City of London, who can do, in favour of the richest children, whatever they want, to the detriment of childish middle class and poor - and not ONE person worldwide, can see the stupidity of those, who govern us in politics, economy, ecology, culture, philosophy and all the rest.

And during this time, all systems go towards their individual disasters, of an ending game that was always played by children - who pretended to be adult.