Taxation - Worldwide Injustice

We should for all times explain what JUSTICE could be in taxation, because our systems of taxation are made alone in favour of the richest persons, companies, banks and governments of this Globe.

Just and fair Taxation worldwide

Justice in taxation on a worldwide basis could be done:

1. Worldwide the same Progressive Tariffs: The higher the income or profits or fortune, the higher must be the percentage of taxation.

2. No Privileges to the richest persons, banks and companies of the world.

3. No Tax Freedom for capital gains and other tricks to give advantage to the richest

3. No Tax Paradises alone in favour of the richest and powerful folks

4. No Swiss or other banks, allowing rich folks not to pay taxes and leaving all charges to Middle Class and the Poor.

5. No Tax Competition in places and communes and towns and nations, allowing the richest folks on earth to minimize taxes by choosing the place to live.

6. Let's name the perpetrators, responsible for a injustice, that will wipe away the VIPs from the face of the planet, sooner or later.

Get through these items:

1. Progressive Tariffs

There are some proposals of very cunning persons in parliament, universities and think tanks:

Flat Rate Tax

This is an idiocy and a crime: 30 percent of taxes for the one with a salary of 30000 Euro per year and 30 percent for  the one with 3000000 Euro bank bonus paid by the saving of Middle Class? This means, the poor chap can just die and the rich banker looks for ways, not do declare his income.

Taxation in any other forms:

Take VAT (Value added Taxes on goods and services) and some other general State duties and charges. This only means that the rich does not pay in relation to his fortune, whereas the Poor forced down on their little daily consumerism are stolen by the little funds, too little to survive and too little to die. This shows to what extent the whole Society has become a bunch of idiots, concentrating on the good lives of the VIPs of Elite, and those are spitting on the little persons.

2. Privileges and Tax Freedom

For the powerful and the rich Elite, there are all the advantages of the World.

- Best sites for their villas, plenty of loop-holes for their taxes, best cars, best girls, best of hotels, best restaurants, best press, best influence on US Presidents and parliament, instructing bankers to minimize their tax charges and maximize their Shareholder Values and dividends, looking for advice from Accounting firms, tax consultants, lawyers, officials of State, dirty bankers with Swiss bank secrecy laws and still in October 2010 a black box to 99 percent of fortunes and income thereon, lying this very day in tax accounts in: Zurich, Geneva, Lugano, Vaduz, Luxembourg, Monaco, Jersey, Delaware, Caribbean Islands, Singapore, Hong Kong and White House and CIA in Washington.

Lots of taxations in trillion amount taken together, are evaded by not charging those who have all Cash and Fortune, the richest VIPs, by following tricks: Capital gains not taxed, income shifted in tax free areas, no tax on heritage, special arrangements with very rich VIP on taxation scheme in countries and towns, planning how to pay incentives not taxed, shifting amounts around with help of foundations, funds, Anstalten, Finance companies of banks and their lawyers, as seen in Zurich in thousands of cases - and huge and complex tax planning in favour of all great companies by Accounting Firms and local lawyers.

This is the world, Middle Class and Poor are living in, loosing and being stolen by their savings and pension funds and jobs and apartments by rotten bankers and still electing those Palin Republicans, being at the source of a world-wide Bush disaster in neo-conservative Liberalism.

3. Tax Paradises

We have 100 tax paradises in these rotten societies, all around the world. In my profession, I had a booklet of my company for each paradise, let's say Arthur Andersen, explaining in detail how to get advantages for the richest and most powerful Crooks on Earth for EACH of about 80 Lands, in order not letting pay their charges in favour of nations' infrastructure and bloody Armies.

Any very big Accounting Firm and international Lawyer possessed such Books for Taxation.

So the tax paradises are instructed by all governments and parliaments in the world to do whatever they can do, to take the money away from the poor and run. And Middle Class and Poor are blinded by daily scrap in Media, saying that justice is done, that Obama and some other European Crooks of influence would control bankers, pretending and lying that tax paradises, law systems and banks would no longer allow the richest and most powerful, not to pay taxes in thousands of ways.

No taxes on heritage, no taxes of capital gains, no taxes if given through a Caribbean construction, no taxes if gone over a Swiss bank and no Taxes if done with foundations, funds, financing companies and number or fantasy accounts with US and any other banks. 

4. Banks for the Richest only

Banks are here, to allow rich folks to buy all with credits financed in principle by
Main Street

- Fusions in billions of Dollars with huge companies, making profits with Hedge funds for fools, casino life of using all the funds given by Middle Class and Poor for immense turnovers with currencies, zero interest State money, speculation in Greece, England, Ireland, German Landesbanken etc. and the stupid victims of UBS Switzerland and 100 of other mafia organisations, and showing how to minimize the savings of Main Street, inclusive the cash in pension funds, investment funds, insurance company's portfolios and all the Rest.

Normal folks are stolen the whole year long by trillions in Dollars, and the bankers with bonuses, the rich Shareholders and some other Crooks make trillions in profits and do not pay taxes thereon.

5. Tax "Competition"

In Switzerland, it is said that Tax Competition would be great: It forces the cantons and the communes and the regions to lower their taxes to the benefit of all members of a Society - what an immense Lie!

Because THIS are the dirty tricks: The rich chap gets all the money in Zurich or Geneva and he uses the infrastructure there, his sons and daughters go there to school or are in the scene of dopes to the charge of the big towns. But the bonuses of the bankers, of CEOs, of NGOs, of handlers with commissions and weapons and State Papers etc. are not taxed at all, nor the capital gains on Derivatives - and on Top, the normal salary income is taxed in a nice low-Tax commune at the Lake of Zurich, of Zug, of Geneva, of Lugano and any other tax privileged area world-wide.

This means that Middle Class, totally controlled by State with their incomes and fortunes, have elected their own tax butchers, bet themselves they are playing millions of milk calves - all year long (only the most stupid calves elect their own butchers). And what goes for taxes, goes for rents, goes for salaries, goes for ecology, goes for culture, goes for killing some areas in Vietnam, Wall Street, Israel, Chile, Iraq, Afghanistan and some other nice Places around China.

6. The Perpetrators in this criminal System

Bush, Obama, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Merkel, Blair, Putin, Hu and Wen, Lula, Mandela, the 7 Dwarfs of Berne and all the officials in tax paradises are responsible. All CEOs and bonus getters in banks are responsible. All Members of the Board of rich Companies are responsible. All Members of Parliaments are responsible. All Accounting firms are responsible. All Judges, tribunals and lawyers in the World are responsible. In short: All richest Junk in this world in favour of power is responsible.

Some ugly Truth: All are responsible, including Middle Class and Poor, electing as slow thinkers their greatest butches and leaving them the power to dismiss them from the jobs, destroy their savings and the planet, getting for them alone all the tax-free advantages, for which any normal person would go to jail, allowing simultaneously investment bankers to destroy all Savings of Main Street.

This is fact, in a totally unjust system, not only with taxation - and during all the time the crooks are living their privileges, the great masses are sleeping and dreaming some Hollywood Dreams.