Concept of deadly Growth

The concept of 'GROWTH' - left a lost and rotten Planet

Once upon a time, about 2025 years after the death of a Legend nailed to a cross, some famous Talk-master asked at some famous TV station some last philosopher the following question: "Why do you think, our Species is condemned to live today on a rotten and lost Planet - full of pollution and contamination and Mount Everest of debts, when at the same time, money and shares became without any value as it seems?"

The famous and old and last philosopher looked into his world, as if a little child would have kicked him in the ass and started some sermon:

"Well, it's very easy to understand ---- At the End of Humanity, the concept of "Growth" gave this humanity the sheer rest. It could not have been otherwise. It was impossible history would have taken another turn.

Imagine: A promised species of rather intelligent folks lived on a planet that at the beginning was a paradise. All was for free: Clear water, best air, nourishment in the Sea, in every lake, on any field and in any woods, on every tree and bush and lots of wealth in resources and energy under the ground - and than a mass humanity of over 5 billion started to shout - and all politicians, all scientists, all literature scrap, all economists, all philosophers and 99,99 percent of folks did so: "We need more GROWTH otherwise we would be lost….."

Talk-master: "Don't understand your remark. Somehow you are not of this world. It was clear that masses of people with always more poverty and needs just MUST rely on Growth, otherwise the whole system would break away and all humans would starve and finally be dying----"

The famous philosopher realized that stupidity in the heads of humanity went so deep that they would never understand the most normal matter. But it was his holly duty, to tell for a last time, why the whole humanity went down the drain and all collapses possible would give that species the rest:

"Dear Talk-master, allow me to say: You are a craze. Systems ARE breaking away and humanity IS dying. But imagine, fine and honoured Talk-master, that almost by the end of all possible developments, some black politician would appear in a Barrack and say to his God's own idiots: "We are lost because we had a complete breakdown of finance systems, our banks are tumbling to hell, but we need more of it, we require GROWTH, we need trillions of tax-cash of those who did not cheat with paying for State charges. And therefore, we must regain another Hype of Craze, with ever more Growth, and we all will be fine again and humanity will be saved----"

Talk-master: "Damn it - what was and still is wrong about all of this? We all know that an exploding mass of humans needs always more - more of water, more of nourishment, more of energy stuffs, more of resources, more of traffic, more of religion, more of lies from scientists, politicians, culture factories and odd philosophers who don't talk of survival but only of behaviour of individuals to guarantee a "Don’t' worry - be happy" life for now 10 billion of blind mice---"

Our philosopher knew now that he was lost and got very angry about his decision to appear in a TV-Show. He should never have forgotten his highest principle - Never talk on TV, never speak on radio, never write an article for a newspaper, only write books and then go up to heaven again.

But still, our Hero of commonsense made his last effort:

"The craziest world, the craziest planet that we could think of, is the following: Until about 1950 years after the cross, all went well: Wars and famine catastrophes decimated the most stupid Species, any planet in the universe had ever seen. Then, after 1950, all Theorists of economics of the last 300 years and all politicians and scientists pretended that only GROWTH would guarantee the survival of the fittest, short before the ultimate end in a paradise.

However, the contrary is true: Any child of 10 years of age could have seen: When mass-laws in number of people on a restricted globe use up all resources, energy stuff, land, oceans, origin forests, follow mass-law for traffic, mobilisation, cash casino of the worst cretins ever seen, transforming whatever they do in junk and waste and rust - and still should get, if reducing heavily all procedures of exhaustion on this planet, a little "Yes, we can chance". But instead, the System pretended: We need more growth, another Hype at Stock exchange, more of tax-money for industry, destruction of land and seas, more of cars, planes, power stations, more of streets and tunnels, more of industrial complexes, more of services, more traffic - this would result in less worry and bring more happiness --- well, well, well - something is not only wrong, but criminal in the philosophical thinking of a whole rotten humanity.

Got it? No? Listen: The concept of GROWTH was just one of other thousands of crazy matters and ideas of a very stupid Species in the universe. Another was the idea that with animals, nature, workers, peasants, students, with water and air, anything can be done. The idea, we have time and space for nothing and can teach any idiocies at schools and universities, such creating a world of "Anything goes" - and never recognize that such a concept could never have worked. The major stupidity of all theorists of economics and philosophers was, at all times, on all planets, in all galaxies of this eternity in Times and endlessness in Space, that mass-laws and misuse of figures, governed by the most mediocre brains chosen by "democracy = dictatorship of dull folks by majorities" could ever have resulted in fine human reality, for masses of individuals without any reasonableness and commonsense.

Where the basics of thinking in all brains of a species got rotten, there was no hope whatsoever from the start. The Legend at the cross and his God should have known it already at times of Adam and Eve - but it seems they were rather interested in good human behaviour instead of survival.

And now we have come to the End of Humanity and you, Talk-master, are still asking me the most stupid questions, ever a Human has directed to a man who seems to be the only one on Earth, having maintained an intact mind in his head----"

The Talk-master is heavily touched by such very strong words and says: "We have to stop now this very funny und useless interview. People were right. They said, never invite this completely crazy philosopher to your valuable Show --- He will talk a lot of nonsense and leave only a gigantic heap of empty thoughts - and no one will ever get why this incredibly stupid individual was allowed to spread theories of nothing all the time----"

After this report, it should be very clear to any reader, why after the year 2025 behind the cross, this Species of lowest power in intellect gets down to hell for good - and some may ask themselves why Humanity was very astonished about their total breakdown when any child or dog would have understood: Further GROWTH after the year 2010, was no longer a liveable concept.

And now, please print this report out on your computer and nail it to your Cross at home.