World vanishes South - Intro

'The World vanishes in the South' -  (Part one)

In exclusivity for Worldnews, I translate here in English my last German book "Die Welt verliert sich im Sueden" of about 40 pages, written from December 27, 2009, to January 15, 2010 at Cote d'Azur. There are the following chapters:

Intro / World of Money / World of Women / World of Philosophy / World of Youth / World of Capitalism / World of Journalism / World of High Feelings / World of Logics / The world as it was

Let's publish these 10 Chapters one by one, on the given pages of interest. It represents some sort of "STATE OF WORLD" - at times of the beginning of the 21st Century.

And here we go with the first and longest chapter:

The World vanishes in the South - Intro (Part one)

Camus is losing himself in the south - His Arcadia: Summer, wind, desert, sun, the sea, simple being, the longing, science, society, friendship - and - humans.

Yes, humans - THEY were important for Camus.

Now, here the subject is not Camus and by no way, it will turn around humans - Here, the question is -Truth.

What is life? Is it the longing for places and landscapes? Is it Greece, Venice, Cote d'Azur, Florence in the Toscana, Sicilia, Algeria of Camus - simply named "The South"?

No, not Africa and by no means South America - not now, when reached the year 2010. However, in times of Camus - it was allowed to dream on, you could be so naïve. At those times, they only had some 2 billion of folks on our globe. Today, we are going to exceed 7 billion - this fact alone counts. And THIS is decisive for the picture we are allowed to paint about Humans in the future.

- India, China, Mega-towns, slums, other areas of immense masses - how can we stand it?

How can we live under THESE conditions? We can not. Never. Let's go back to Arcadia.

The one thing, Camus recognized - and others did not - I know it, I knew since my youth near a pre-alpine mountain area of my country, with its endlessness in solitude. Far away over the horizon, I could assume and train my memory for reality. There they were, the huge landscapes of the United States of America, down there in "The West" - and turning around the ones of Russia, India, China, Japan in the Far East. And it still was around the year 1950 only.

- "The South" - as symbol or metaphor for not giving up life, a life of sense and reason, in our times of over-population today, risk getting over in an massacre without measure, still to come before the year 2100 will be reached.

Arcadia - yes, it's possible. Today for the privileged VIPs of Money - tomorrow for rest-humanity, being established on the remains, the broken pieces of civilisation - and we all will later ask the question: How shall we get on?

It was all so clearly defined, perceivable, foreseeable, predictable.

But - Who wants not see, can feel.

But still, we are not yet there, time has not come yet. The ones, living in misery, and they will well make 90 percent of humans in later times, living in poverty, in the windmills or watermills of working, just in any kind of growth, of dreaming within a finance-disaster, walking over lands having been spoiled by humanity, going onto the settlements and towns, got beyond any human measure --- whereto shall they go, where can they live their "Arcadia" in all silence and peace - who being offered his personal and unique experience, a last time?

Let's talk for once of my position. Yes, I can - I arranged my life. No more work - only writing. The silence of the view on the Lake of Arcadia, further in the south my Lago Maggiore and just now looking down on the Mediterranean Sea near Monaco. Not one human has to order me what to do. No one to dictate my happening of the next few minutes, of the coming day, the months and years until my death. At least three quarters of my life past - the one to come will be short and gone. And if I want, I am not forced to see one single human during days.

Above my home in my country, the most beautiful and ecologic very cultured area of a beautiful lake side, with mountains, alps, pastures and high-up lakes, from northern and cold areas down to a south with palm trees in Ticino. Walking from the shore of this lake upwards into the pre-alps, some paths for wanderers, passing by little lakes full of sailing ships. From time to time, meeting another wanderer with his dog.

Another land: Down in the northern part of Italy in the Piedmont, some of the most forsaken communes of Italy, although very near Lago Maggiore. And here, where I am from time to time, not one soul is passing by, except of few peasants, looking out for sweet chestnuts. In summer a handful of walkers and bikers, they say Hello, fugitively, look up to the house and disappear for ever in one of the paths nearby.

All is different at the Coast of Cote d'Azur, full of humans and casinos and traffic. To hide there can be only one direction: Away from this coast of artificial life and casinos, upwards in the heights behind Nice and Monaco - going through these unbelievingly lovely and left mountain villages with their wild rivulets, passes, abandoned peasants houses and restaurants that had seen better times, far away in times, before the ages of flights to New York, Bali, Hong Kong - here must have been high time, also for people with money.

This in fact, was the time of Arcadias, and I have it in Now-time. I can afford it, because I kept myself poor enough, not to love false luxury, but the silence, the beauty of nature, realizing the four seasons, the situation of the sun per hour, wondering what would come behind the next curve of the path and then the fine lassitude in the evenings - down here below always without any TV or radio, only a few CD with best of music and getting all newspapers, as far as they are sold at the tobacco store at Rue de France.

And just now - writing, writing, writing, as fast as it goes. You only live once - so do it, as it would be for the last time. No life will repeat itself. It is a question of "the whole". Life is too expensive to let it go, to fritter it away, wasting it with superficial humans and useless leisure. You can win life only by taking your time, for understanding - if possible- understanding everything.

Just imagine: 10 billion of folks would perceive the world as it is and as I do. Terrible. My fine and distant world would be black of people, coming like lemmings, when today the mass stands on each others feet in all airports, or highways asking for more space, or on cruiser ships trying to pollute to the max our globe, eating junk or luxury food like hell, in all those resorts for masses. They are the temples of our times.

We can see those documentaries on all TV channels out of all lands of the Earth, all presented as one big idyll - what in fact is nothing but craziness of a stupid industry of tourism.

"Arcadia" for the masses? Yes, it can be presented in artificial ways - as a construct of fantasy, in a world, growing faster more and more, rotating, culminating and finally ending out of balance - what in fact happened and grew long time ago.

Is there an obligation to write what people think they know already? No, obligation is not the right word. All goes about recognition: A reflecting human recognizes the limitation of our being, the very short period of time in our existence, the possibility to scoop all of the talents we have.

There is in fact not question of "Saving Humanity". And there are several reasons for this:

- First, humanity today can no longer be corrected or saved.

- Second, it is an illusion - these egoists of simplicity would have waited for a saver. And would HE exist, those humans would never see IT.

- Third, it is simply not a good idea, wanting change societies. Whereto shall we go? Arcadia? We just have learnt that all Arcadias went rotten, and if exposed to masses, the last natural areas would get the same way. And most important: The existing systems of pragmatism have been hammered so deep in the brains of humanity that a simple peasant in the far-away areas of China thinks in the same terms, as a bonus-banker on Wall Street.

There must be better reasons for a life in peace. Wellness? Prosperity? Wealth? -

Certainly not a disadvantage can be: Money! It's needed to a reasonable extent for the masses in a capitalistic world order. Arms? Atom power? Security? Which one? Security from terror or from the craziness of nations? Who ever is hit by force - he or she are hit - there is nothing you can do about it. Sense? Commonsense? Sense of Life? Well, for certain - but which one? Who ever would dare to pretend, he or she would recognize some personal Sense of Life?

We have now 7 billion of folks with 7 billion of different brains. This means that we have 7 billion of imaginations of "Sense of Life". In spite of all political co-ordination over all frontiers: Life experiences are childhood, youth, surrounding, parents, nation, school, co-humans, profession, free time occupation, sex, form of your body, intelligence, areas of interest and so on and some further items - all this makes, that not one human can copy and understand the life and the senses of others. You can kill people, you may torture or be tortured, you may produce soldiers, you can get at Universities all the degenerated minds of sheer robots of finances - but pass a reasonable living, each human must to it like any dog - Just posed on himself.

And times? My brother had his 19 years, my father his 92 years. And you and me? How many years we shall still get taken from this very day? How many years are planned? And what kind of years, what kind of contents, what kind of Sense of Life?

You start to think - I think? It might well be that a very small minority of society is capable to think, but the great rest just vegetates within a smallest frame. Many people because they must, but most of them, because it's their free will.

South - Yes, the south, and the sun and the sight on the Sea - you can assume the Sahara deserts on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea - and this lost Israel with his lost settlements, and the stripe of Gaza, and the Mega-town Cairo, condemned to go some time the way of other mega-towns of this world, within the next 50 years. Who wants to know - The reasons, the origins, the effects, actions and reactions, the mass-laws and the rules of the great figures and the impossibility of rotten politics and economy, to keep this endless chaos under control?

You can see? All is Simplicity - going back in a world of simple facts. Without seeing anything tumbling into pieces, when craziness of Growth, Greed and "progress" is accelerated, without seeing what this reality has been in all times of humanity: The nails to the coffin of civilisation, which for reasons of false faith has been extended by crazy rules of Globalisation, deregulation and stormy liberalism, meaning in fact: "We want all, we want more of it - and we want it fast, we want it now."

Humans are extremely dull, in fact all of them. And full of longing for something, they lost long time ago by free will of a construct called "Freedom". Meant are not dreams and hopes. Meant is the lived life as such.

I really believe that at times of Camus, an illusion still had a chance to become reality, if a collective effort far away from capitalism, socialism, communism and any other kind of "-isms" would have been taken and enforced by the most wise few on this globe. Perhaps some kind of World-Wisdom-Council, or a funny World-government, under direction of a ridiculous World-Philosopher.

But by simple low efforts of IQ, some idiots around Sartre have recognized that such an idea would have nothing to do with lived reality of present humanity. Folks all over were sure that we are progressing on the correct paths, growing with Growth, becoming dull with education, knowledge being science of Google, going faster down than any wind, with help of cars, planes, internet and atom rockets.

Somehow, the brains of the species have failed. Considering some God should have achieved the impossible for us, only some Ratzinger, Gandhi, Mandela, Obama, Bin Laden and some Dalai Lamas were standing in the doorway and their only effort was to hide our sight on the last possible Arcadia.

It is absolutely astonishing that Camus or Sartre and other philosophers did not see it, when they wanted end with all force with naivety within their era - and this was so since Adam and Eve to the year 2010.

And all this has nothing to do with the early death of Camus - on the contrary: Had he got the time to look forward, Camus would have been bought by the given "progress", Camus would have become as common and average of IQ, like Habermas, Huntington, Levy, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Bush and Obama, Hu and Wen, Singh and Lula and all the rest. This terrifying superficial thinking, pragmatism of idiocy to accept given systems and ideals, the elite takes for the happiness of humans - during the times our world was and still is in its free fall for a long period in matters of ecology, economics and geo-politics.

Arcadia - Greece - Italy - South? My God, who today still wants the impossible? I keep it for me, as long as it gets - and hope the dull folks in mind will stay away from the nicest landscapes, this globe still has. But limited this hope will be, anyway, by the developments of the present humans - if not earlier by my own death.

What will be first- only God knows, as well as our destiny, and the undiscovered Wisdom about eternity in times and endlessness in space.

The remainder is silence, eternal keeping silent. Just keep calm. There are no answers anymore. Not even bright questions make any sense in a lost world of false believers.

Nihilism? Come on, forget it! - It's nothing but clearness of thoughts. Who wants to have it, can install his life in the best ways, if he can. And thereafter - the silence of spoken words will last for quite a long time.

But now, let's go to the fundaments of life. Let's draft, in the next chapters, our world, how it was anno 1950 and later on, towards the change of the Century around 2000 and beyond to 2100.

It is time that a writer, at last, drafts the truth about a REALITY, never understood, in a way, as it functions in fact.