Degenerated Rich VIP devour the POOR

Want to hear the greatest lie on Earth? It is the assertion from International Organisations being worried about the fact that rich people become richer - and poor people become poorer.

The contrary is true: Degenerated rich VIP devour the other more than 90 percent of world population - the POOR - as I will prove here. United Nations, NGOs, governments, parliaments, companies and any other pressure group can be named who don't undertake the slightest thing to minimize poverty.

Here are the real concepts of rich VIP, governing all these Organisations, to the detriment of all others - the world's poverty:

A.  How rich VIP became richer every year

As I have written in many letters, accounting and tax swindles are at the source of the major reason to direct cash of the world from the poor into the pockets of the richest VIP:

- due to tax systems like degressive tariffs, flat rate taxes, mixed-companies and tax heavens in Switzerland, Monaco, Jersey, Caribbean Islands, Macau, Liechtenstein and many other places,

- due to ways for getting wealth in tax free schemes with banks, or choosing the place with lowest taxes, or not indicating true fortune and income, or ways of abzocking by accounting modes, or using measures to prevent salaries and getting instead options, rights, expense-coverage with planes, cars, ships, low-interest mortgages and 1000 other means,

- due to channelling wealth through special financial holdings and other models, where the real profits are generated tax-free and deviated from normal flows in stock exchanges and national income/expense controls,

- due to information of Swiss and other Banks to the richest Clientele, with lowest fees, about matters going to happen in firms, at stock exchange, going public and thousand of other matters, normal 90 percent will never see in the media of Murdoch, Berlusconi and all other Skunks in economic media-business,

- due to evade parts of income and fortune in areas where they are black and absolutely unknown and never declared in tax declarations or any other official papers in any country,

- due to free advantages, only given to rich VIP at any place in the world, where "normal" people pay heavily to get those services, consulting or any other sort of consumerism.

And these arguments are only about 50 percent of all the favours, rich VIP can count on, in their daily lives.

B. How poor idiots, say 90 percent of World population, became poorer since 50 years

It is well known that World Bank and IMF have done everything to make poor peasants in Africa and any other workers there, even poorer than after the end of colonisation.

It is well known that governments lower taxes for the rich, let infrastructure, health care, old age insurance drop to zero, when financing huge armies and wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Tibet, Chechnya and giving billions to Israel for arms and other atom missiles.

It is well known that Europe and USA protect their agriculture with billions of subsidies and therefore make any profitable export out of Africa and parts in Asia impossible.

It is well known that parliaments do everything to get needed cash over taxes and any fees and duties etc. you name, from Middle class and the poor folks in their lands, protecting interests only of the rich VIP. This is a constancy in all nations of the World, even Switzerland, Sweden and Japan.

It is well known that all the billions given to NGOs and Negroes Dictators in Africa went right back on Swiss and U.S. bank accounts and never dropped through to the poorest in their own lands.

It is well known that indigenous like Maori, Aborigines, Red Indians, Maya, Lowest-class folks in India and any other country in Asia, South Africa and Europe were heavily put aside. Same goes for non-oligarchs in Russia and China which are marginalized to the maximum. Not one rich VIP would lower his true state of affairs by giving one billion out of his 60 billions, he earned at stock exchange without one hour of real work.

C.  Who is responsible for these facts and why

As stated at the beginning: The greatest crooks are the richest chaps themselves and their International Organisations. Who are these organisations? Read and start to think:

First be named the government and congress of the USA. Since Ronald Reagan and his neo-liberal shit dictated by Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Henry Kissinger and all useless think tanks like CIA and other Rove-Cheney-Rice cliques, we see lowering the taxes for the richest Skunks in 50 States, neglecting infrastructure, exploding army costs, financing wars, terror and right-wing dictatorships in Africa, South America and Asia. This land is corrupt and bankrupt - during the time the rich have become very rich and the middle class went poor and the poor became miserable. Tomorrow it will be even much worse.

What is valid for USA can be extended to all other countries on Earth: Since we have neo-liberal capitalism in Russia, China, India and many other places, about one percent in those nations produce oligarchism, whereas peasants leave their lands and go working for nothing in factories and in the construction sector. When this bonanza comes to an end, they will have lost all - their past and their future - also due to collapse of huge debt towers.

World record in unmoral behaviourism are the UN organisations World Bank and IMF. They have transformed Africa in a house of misery, by giving credits with highest interest rates for decenniums, only lowered by the end, by dictating house-rules that are designed to destruct local infrastructure, agriculture and ancient commerce rules. This is the greatest criminal deed of an organisation ever seen on this planet.

A house of cards is the real story about indigenous folks. Their poverty has been created artificially by making collapse all their systems of culture, religion, stealing land, destructing their commerce and all habits they had. The "Christian Science" of Rome is one of those cynicisms of "higher" religions that are still put forward by Pope Ratzinger when pretending that the Catholics have the only valid God - comparable to the craziness of anti-abortion new-born Idiots in southern USA, who have brought to power the greatest Polit-idiot after Hitler for 8 years to Washington.

NGOs and their abzocking illusions: Gigantesk destructing power in ecology, economics and culture of the VIP-systems are perhaps corrected by NGOs to one percent only. This is less than nothing and therefore, all NGOs are used by governments and the rich skunks of the world as ALIBI - for "Something" being done for environment, against diseases, against poverty and for ethics and morals. Be honest: These NGOs do only something for their bank accounts and for producing good feelings in their black souls. We can't be so primitive not to see the true game they play.

The real shit of the world is the financing business with other houses of cards, called hedge funds, derivative stupidities, stock exchange swindles and other models stealing all savings from the poor and making richer the powerful and rich VIP, who live after my slogan "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction", first of the poor, then the middle class and finally of themselves - in USA, China, Russia, India and all the rest - at the end even the Abzockers of the World are finalized, also in Switzerland.

D.  Killing the ones who kill us

Now we come to the funny part of this letter. How should we kill rich skunks which are responsible of all these terrible crimes? Here some good ideas that you can extend to whatever flows through your mind:

- Rich Americans should be sent to Marine School in Buenos Aires.
- Rich Swiss Bankers shut into some safes at Zurich Bahnhofstrasse.
- Rich Chinese brought by helicopter on Peak of Mount Everest near Tibet.
- Rich Russians been filled with Vodka until they fall dead in Chechnya.
- Rich Israelis in a settlement without money, water and mobile phones.
- Rich Indians being degraded to become one of the 160 million untouchables.
- Rich South Americans get name "Pinochet" and put in death camp in Guantanamo.
- Rich French be put in one of their Cote d'Azur sailing boats near Arctic without petrol.
- Rich Spanish guys put instead of death-tortured bulls in Arenas in Madrid and Barcelona.
- Rich Australians be forced to live like Aborigines or Maoris or Murdochs.
- Rich Italians be brain-amputated to be as dull and ignorant as Silvio Berlusdoggy.
- Rich Arabs be forced to make a search for Bin Laden and stay with him in a hole.
- Rich Paris Hilt-Junk to earn her life in the same way as Indian Temple-whores.
- Rich Bill Gates to work for Google and read all the shit that is spread over the world.
- Rich Gorbachev and other Hilarious and Suck Clintons to stop speeches of vanity.
- Rich Dalai Lama to get back home and make search for Chinese VIP in Himalaya.
- Rich Pope Ratzinger to give money back stolen from flaming "Witches" over Centuries.

I first wanted to write that all these Skunks should be burnt on funeral piles for sheep in England or like "devilish" virgins on
Saint Peters Square
at Rome, clapped and yelled by Ratzinger's female fans. But I got to the conclusion that these criminals in destroying our planet should not have such nice Hollywood / Bollywood endings.

So it's up to you, dear Reader, to find better ways to get rid of the greatest Cash-Skunks ever seen, on this lost Globe in an endless Universe.