World vanishes South - World of Capitalism

World of Capitalism - The World vanishes in the South (Part FIVE)

You wish to know how a world would look like - without our Capitalism?

Or vice-versa: Some sort of Socialism could do it as well, but there are no major differences, as we shall see later on.

But first a crucial question: Do you think that Humanity will realize one day, how a foundation of existence, based on capital and money, would bring this Species to the end of all feasibilities? Greed and Growth, dictated in natural ways by Capitalism, has never been a good philosophy.

Just take for granted, Dauphins or Dogs would have developed, up in another world of feasibility, but with highest intellect beyond human arts. Would Because: Would THEY have invented a world, where Cash and Money be the most important matter in life? Certainly not - the chance was one to one million. On the idea for such a stupidity, a species had to decide by craze, because any philosopher should have seen it: This concept will lead to total breakdown of all systems, in most natural ways.

Why? - There are several reasons:

1. With capital, there always and without any exception, you will see a scissor to open, a spread between "TO HAVE" and "NOT TO HAVE". This concept also leads to a few rich skunks on one side and poverty of masses on the other. This is mathematics.

2. Capital would under all circumstances, lead to GREED and losing any measures, although for exuberance of conditions in life. Further: There always will be created BUBBLES, based on growth-minded, greedy, religious and money-oriented ELITE, who want to be sure, the masses would never get any lessons of disasters, because the privileged ones wish to see the profit of the next bubble.

3. With the false promise of getting some capital in the future, always the poor can be kept quiet. They are told, they would bet he next rich guys or call-girls. And thus, the abstract men and the concrete women accept any time the dictatorship of dull Majorities, to say "Democrazy", governed in the interest of the richest and most powerful skunks - and this was true for all times in the past and will be in the future.

4. Capital needs a free market, some stock exchanges, some banks, some insurance companies, funds, foundations, old age forced savings and other bluff, simulating non-existent security, taking bets and believing in overall-laws of money, some lies never explained in Press and TV.

And therefore, the total loss of all capitals was always the end of the Las Vegas game, and it was so in all times, without one single exception - when studied on a long term scale.

5. In short term, it could be possible to find some illusionary solutions to problems. In the long term however, always some plans and craziness will be financed, what by the end will lead to gigantic over-indebtedness of States, banks, individuals and whatever you name. In addition, investments will always lead to some sort of bankruptcy - just name me one company this principle would not be true in the past and for our future.

6. None of the past societies could survive with capital for a long time. Perhaps some coal mines, oil reserves and other things of natural resources may not immediately end with PLEITE. But in the long run, such cases of battle for a fair distribution within mass-humanity, will shoot in the air any lies about "justice".

7. There will be huge eruptions of revolutions of the "not-have-it" against the Las Vegas types, who were lucky enough to have seen thrown all oil, gold, natural resources or other values directly in front of their feet.

8. There is no truth about pretended gains about work or being responsible of own richness. By the end, all was a game in favour of a lucky Elite, declaring to losers who will be owner. And be sure, they know how to protect whatever they gained or took away from poor or future generations, by army force of their servants, all governments in all nations, in spite of "Democracy".

9. Capital, although it’s only a virtual value, paper or figures in computers, always had to be protected from "Foreigners". And so, values could in fact be distributable, but will never be distributed, not in USA, not in Ex-Soviet-Union or present Russia Friedmanism of Oligarchies, not in 3000-Congress China, non in untouchable social-classes India, not with blood-dictators of Africa with their Swiss bank number accounts.

10. The Oligarchs and their governments, kept happy and  financed by them, would always dictate the rules of Capitalism. Who would be against it, in most areas on this globe is already nearly dead. We had it in Chile and Argentina, in all other nations in South America, but even in the USA, Russia or China - just name it, the great exception, before we realize how odd were all pronouncements, full of false ideals about ethics and justice.

Naturally, the skunks around Obama and Limbaugh will now ask such questions, like:

"What system could have been better than U.S. Capitalism?"

Reply: Any other System in the long run would have been better, because the Bubbles, Growth and Greed kill - and take from the Planet whatever is there of life-quality for a decent life style, at length.

Why this? Because you have don't reflect properly - that's why.

Now, don't cry me a river. Already any coming question is an insult to my intellect. This reminds me of the world-wide idiotic talk-shows you can see on all Channels of this Berlusconi TV-World, where they gossip around naked females on lowest possible intellect, in favour of generalized amazement about  empty-headed talk-masters and there listeners, completely gone out of mind.

Spirit and Ethics would come into the word in complete silence and stillness. The greater the noisy Congresses of Fools, like the WEF in Davos, about the G-20 idiots, other scrap about IPCC in Copenhagen or any other social forum, economy, science or politic-tribunal or forum, the more the craze will increase, as will dullness and a self-destructing "Result-findings". Stupidity grows with the number of participants. Learn: One genius brain weighs out some 7 billion of empty heads.

We had it in the past and will have it in future: One single genius of universal knowledge is more valuable to listen to, than all average "Scientist experts" on this lost Globe.

The real world, in which we all live, is in principle the result of major 100 intellectuals of the past.

Humans only needed a few things of importance - such as fire, the wheel, water craft, the Otto engine, electric power principles, laws of leverage, some physics, some chemistry, some biology, some genetics, the impossible junk of no value around Einstein, the fine theories on atomic destruction - and by the end, as a Crown, some capitalistic market rules.

Now, the whole could be poured over with platitudes of the finest - and up we went in a modernized world of progress - it can be shorted, name it "Self-destruction".

You still shout for more capital, after these comments? It is not easy to get the ointment about the whole modern life of techniques, of industry, of craze in feasibilities and growth to fill with life, some sort of full employment on cost of all coming generations - whereas we live in a world of horse-copers, if naming all idiots around U.S. pragmatism like Karl Popper, Milton Friedman, Alan Greenspan, GW Bush, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher - and as you know, the rest is Pinochet.

I ask myself since I learnt to think: Who has invented that rubbish of capitalism and neo-liberalism?

Who could be so emptied from any brains to jump on the express-train, running in accelerating ways into the wall at the end of the valley? We could hear that speed of sound, the thunder towards a final stage. What devil has been riding Middle Class and Poor, to give all power to Crooks of Cash and Money? Was it in fact Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Lenin or even Karl Marx?

Herewith, we have come to the crucial point: It were the theorists of all theories on Economics ever found in history - and you could have read about their errors already in the book "Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction", showing what quark these ideals were writing.

Nothing of what came from Machiavelli, Adam Smith, Schumpeter, von Hayek, Marx, Keynes, Friedman and other calves was true, what they invented the easy way were inadequate Mass-laws, not considering 1000 exceptional situations of "Black Swans". All was foreseeable by humans without greedy ideals - and it would have been the most natural thing on Earth.

When the true measure of all things was: Capital, profit, disease for growth, until the bitter end would come, destruction of a planet, of all humans, of animals, plants, oceans and landscapes, this sort of life behaviourism must have been invented by fools - and the end was perceivable, in fact already some Centuries ago.

Would I have lived at times of Kant or Nietzsche or even Plato or Socrates, I believe I would have set the Maxim or Principle of survival of life on a small planet, over any philosophy of blind mice - I repeat here - over anything else, because it was possible to guess the end-result of origins and effects, yes, in fact all this was predictable already at times of the Old Greeks.

Each child could know, contrary to dull adults, that we were and still are running against a Wall, even by running on foot - but we were taking bikes, then cars and finally huge airplanes and rockets. Only the capital-greedy philosophers, paid by the rich skunks and their governments, did never see the real scheme.

Why? - Yes, my God, this exactly is the crucial question. This exactly is the question I ask myself since I can think. Why, never, the fundamentals never became a topic of philosophy and politics? Why always greed and ideals of growths were in top of fantasies of the "having more and more for ever" in all media, in all scripts, in all minds of humans?

Well, knowing the Evangelicans of Texas today, I am sure that GOD himself has planned it since Adam and Eve, to say exactly 6013 years ago. God himself -excuse him - was just as idiotic as his Homo non-sapiens. You can see it when looking down in the depth of the Universe: The general principle was in all times "Each one eats and kills each one". Religions and philosophies were just there, to hide facts.

So Humans should have taken over the command, the role of God, but a little bit with more intelligence, as God applied, when he was good enough to create his Super-Species.

Get a basic principle - What should have governed reality: Moderation and modesty - for only a small number of humans - absolute Respect for nature and co-creatures - without any money -----  well, this and some other 100 matters explained in my scripts, would have been the right key.

Now, we can take help in some relativity of being, when measuring the errors, during our downfall, based on "10 Maxims for continuation of existence".

Comes a little bit late - too late - this fine theory on Capitalism - but still, at least we know towards the end of Humanity, why this beautiful World has NOT gone towards my Arcadia.