God came over the Lake of Lucerne

… and Universal God came over the Lake of Lucerne

A majestic view like a thunderstruck: Before our eyes, very deep down below, the glittering of the Lake of Lucerne, towards the north the hills and lakes of the Zurich-area, losing themselves into the misty wideness of Germany, plat land without end… westwards the mountain-row of the Jura - and far beyond you can guess metropolis like Paris, London, New York, San Francisco… down to the south, Central Swiss Alps with famous Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau, further south the peak of the Matterhorn, we can literally feel Piedmont, Toscana, Sicily and then Africa with its unknown and indefinite space, a drama of human poverty, artificially created by men and their systems… in the East, uncountable mountain-lines breaking through towards Austria and then dying away into the Balkans; imagination sees behind the blue line of our globe all the towns and the lost land in Russia and in China - all this goes through my mind when overlooking an area of huge rocky mountains. A giant was here in an undetermined past, billions of years ago, and threw great number of rocks over the land - and times did the rest.

The whole scenery looks like a gigantic aquarium; lights and shadows change from seconds to moment, clouds drift over the sky and throw sliding shadows on cliff faces and abysses, remembrance sees a painting by William Turner with any variation of green and yellow colours looking out of misty air - a day dream surrounding my view-spot, lost in the midst of Central Europe. Deep blue the curved line of our mother Earth against the distant horizon. A scenery missing any sense for reality. Since half an hour, time goes by - printing memories. I am feeling like losing myself in eternity of time, in a space of endlessness, never to be overlooked. Humans come and go: Born out of the belly of uncountable mothers, the males or females will have their indefinite number of days in life, perhaps 3000 or 15687 or 32899 days, who knows? God? Who is it, what does it decide? Why should He-she-it be responsible for my days of a lifetime?

In some distance away, also looking silently in that unreal scenery and cultivating his own kind of thoughts, lies in the splendour of the grass the lost Boy of Zurich-town, who left home as a "Child given away as a Thing" to Alpine peasants.  The dog Leon lies in the grass too, on the edge of a rock falling towards hell any moment; he is living in his own nature, in times of an unknown past, with a rough feeling for a future to come, of which human beings seem to have lost any instinct to what's coming upon us with force. Like all animals, he possesses a sort of feeling for reality which goes far beyond any reasonability of Homo sapiens. The last species in our world have replaced senses for reality by dull capital systems, according to theories of Keynes or Friedman. And in our free time, natural life is replaced by human "culture" of ever lessening value.

Suddenly, a terrible voice sounds over the Lake of Lucerne. The Boy gets a shudder, keeping his sheep in a way not to let them run down the steep rocks into an early death - and starts to listen:

"Listen, poor child. I arranged you a fantastic life with your sheep up here. Lock around you, all these views on lakes, alps, mountains, woods, these horizons losing themselves in the wideness of all colours and finally in the darkness of the Universe. You are THE ONE to save humanity..."

"Great, let's start! How to do this? After all, it's all great: People have money, freedom, demo-crazy of dictatorship of dull majorities, monster industry, monster cars, monster planes, planet full of streets and airports, holy-taken USA, their systems of dead-rights, easy life ideology, much of finest dead-animal food, fish out of empty oceans, clearest pearling water in Chinese rivers...."

"Stop it. Stop it. There is not only USA and Bill-Hillary-Obama. I can see that I must talk to you like to a 10 years old child. Jesus, you being the chosen one to "save" humanity? Mohammed. There is also Communism, Marxism, Maoism, Putinism, Bushism, Allah Spam de Greenhorn, other faith in odd Beliefs and some good lines of Nature Gods...."

"Mohammed and Jesus Christ, my dear God, are you a goddamn Capitalist? Is THIS the intellectual level of God Almighty? Shame on you! Well thinking in normal terms, I can tell you news: YOU are responsible for - Creation of the Universe, the Big Bang that has never taken place, for WW I and WW II, Vietnam and Chile and Chechnya and Rwanda, African Slavery, Slaughtering in New World, for torturing of millions of people by Blood Dictators assisted by CIA and Popes, making disappear their own youth and intelligentsia, burning "Witches" alive on wood piles by rules of infallible stupidity, slaughtering natural folks who alone understood that only an adaptation to the rules of this planet can make survive the Species HOMO NON-SAPIENS, you made all animals, all plants, created air and water, billions of galaxies with trillions of suns out of explosion of a Nothing, with their planets, you have created the Universities of Chicago and Berkeley with their BIG HEADS, like Ronald Reagan, Ronald Greenspan, Ronald Friedman and Ronald Videla and Margaret Putin-Medvedev. Dear God: Something is wrong with your logics and with your brain. Admit: You are not the One-and-Only God of Reality - you are the ONLY-GOD of Ratzinger when HE being worshipped by masses of fools...."

"Dear Child: Be careful. Whatever you talk now, are the thoughts of mine. How could you know about Ratzinger, Greenspan and Reagan, inclusive Hu and Wen and Singh and Koizumi and the rest of criminals, around 1950, if I would not be the true God of Universe, the real One and Only? We have to calm down and become more decent and toned lower. You must know: Humans will create, under the spell of Greed, Hypocrisy, Vanity, Play Instincts of Las Vegas, Idiocies of Growth, Stock Exchanges scrap creating zero Shareholder Values etc., a system that will by the end make collapse: The systems of world wide crazy-gone Economics - simultaneously will break in pieces the whole building of Ecology due to a technological disaster that with billions of tons of fuel and petrol and other junk brought the geo-sphere of planet EARTH out of its balance. At the same time, world Media will creep in the arse of any stupid politician, scientist, economic junk, Hollywood star, false philosophers and thinkers, run always in the idiotic direction of eternal growth of population, animals, atom power for the highest intellectual CROOKS on this globe, technological gadgets, destructing the rest reason, rest of energy and resources and nature, and oceans, and clear water in the grounds, and clear air in the towns.... Somebody has to take care of the matter, a human being, and it's YOU, Delavy, to will make this job..."

"God, you are crazy, completely nuts. You see here a boy, around 1950, surrounded by Blairing sheep and you tell such nonsense. Never ever one single human was able to tell to indoctrinated humanity to stop wars, stop torture, stop greed, stop stupidity, stop Worldbank and IMF and WEF and NGOs, stop the Roman Church, stop the woman despising Eastern male scrap, the children and animals despising Chinese and Indian junk in politics, you cannot stop the derivative craze in all Stock exchanges, driven by greedy CEO of Banks, Industry, Consulting Business, Stock Anal-Losts, you cannot stop the average of IQ of 45,989 in the Brains of Chief-Editors like Berlusconi and Murdoch-TV for Foxes, Radio of the 3 Whores, Media and Press junk of indoctrination like Washington Post in Devil Town, NYT in crushing New York City, SUN of Boulevard-Merde in London, Zur Unzeit in Hamburg, La Strada to Nowhere of Rome, Pravda's lying Truth of Moscow, Stop the Internet of Beijing, Ass-creep of Bollywood in Mumbai, Neurotischer Zunder des Zynismus of Zurich, Le Monde of little Diplomacie in Paris, The only murdering Bull of Pais in Madrid and Cape Town Economy to privileged Whites and other Miseries of Black folks in Mega-town Slums...."

"Boy, you are missing some respect of Media, your language is rotten, your brain risks not being on the heights of what I intend to do.... My God, for saving the human world, you must, before the point of no return is reached, before the year 1975, write new philosophical texts that would make clear, that the way of a criminal Money-Casino would end up for all times with this mad-gone species. You should say that the using up of all resources and transforming it into deadly poison will after 10 generations kill the future of all children to come. You should say that more than 3 billion of humans, at the highest, cannot be nourished, given clear water, fish out of the Seas, enough fuel for warming in winter for the next 10000 years. You should establish new rules of living, give perspectives of a way how to maintain the PARADISE I created on Earth, god damn it. So show a little bit more of efforts and good will..."

"Listen God, greatest Shower of all times: The criminal acts you committed so far, not only with humans on this globe, but with the basic rule that everybody kills his next, be it under human-like beings, animals, plants, then continents pumping in each other, galaxies bumping in each other and creating new deadly chaos in masses, under these circumstances, I recommend to make Ratzinger, Bush, Putin, Thatcher, Pinochet, Greenspan or Einstein with his Atom Bomb your aim of Mercy. Just go away, don't try "mich in Versuchung zu fuehren", Idiot, and get lost. You know perfectly well that THIS GODDAMN HUMANS have always been admiring the worst Bush asses and other Hitler, Stalin or Mao of their times and they always killed the ones that wanted to tell or write natural and commonsense philosophies - or diffuse the truth of normality. Since I am talking through my GOD, this is what is going to happen: After my death, I will become all-mighty and infallible. And then I will decide if the whole gigantesque and inhuman universe will be wiped out and away, for all times of eternity since there will never be a better species than Homo non-sapiens, never a world without terrible pain and lost reality, governed and created by a God who did not know, what he was doing. So leave me alone and await my decision, after my future passing away..."

"Goddamn it, Rene, stop with your eternal day-dreaming and come home with your sheep. God damn it, we can shout and shout and call you for dinner and you are dreaming the whole day long. Never ever will come something of value out of you, Rene Delavy, get lost and get a kick in the ass. And if this happens again, our shouting in vain, you know what will happen, we have our methods and rules of torture by waterboarding here...."

And now, Delavy is still waiting on a future with a better God, in best quality of life, knowing now that the peasant's family was completely nuts (this is a literary lie, they were at those times real sugars). Later on, I became universal knowing, intelligent to the extreme, wrote some books and Editors Letters, had a marvellous job, kicking in any ass of any great politician or CEO and Board of Directors of Banks, Insurances, Industry and finally even World Media - and soon my death is coming and just assume, what I will decide - short after my passing away...?  All I can promise: Take profit of limited time of a still easy side in your blinded lives, dear Readers. These lives risk becoming soon very, very short... -

Let's accelerate the matter of blowing in the wind the light of universal existence: WHERE IS MY REVOLVER, God of Humanity?"