All about Scientific Nonsense

Year 2008 - All scientific Nonsense of Homo sapiens

For trying to explain the human stupidities in science, it needed three books. They exist, one of which is titled "CHAOS". In this book, written rather in a literary style, the following matters are discussed that I will break down to the shortest maxims ever.

I know, people of the world are interested in the ass of Paris Hilton, the songs of Madonna, the politics of GW Bush, the huge intelligence of Nobel Prize holders and the scrap of eternal repetition of the same, by all writers of novels and documentary books, where the heroes are Al Bore, Michael Moore, Naomi Klein, Jared Diamond, Harry Potter and some other stars, their light of brightness cannot even enlighten their own shoes.

Are so-called scientists, with or without Nobel Prize, really "Geniuses"? I think that most of scientists are nothing but childish specialists that know some bit about a tiny topic and nothing of the complex chaos of reality, as it is. Same goes for most philosophers, authors, thinkers, cultural "geniuses" who know something about music, literature, painting, arts of all kinds. A real genius would have known in the year zero, by highest commonsense in intellect, where the voyage of humans could go, for the next 2000 years to come, in the year 1000 for the next 1000 years to come, and in the year 2008 for the next 100 years to come - not in detail, but in the greatest streams of thoughts.

But now let's see what happens when we look upon matters everybody knows, with the brains of a being as coming from another universe, understanding immediately where the voyage of the planet "Earth" would go in the next 100 years - and what are the basics for these happenings and developments:

Big Bang

It is a given principle that the world was made by an explosion. Great? It started well. Out of nothing came billions of galaxies with billions of suns. Easy. Logical. Without a shadow of a doubt. Mathematics of small brains have given all the proofs. Fine. Physicians tell us that this is so, and cannot be different. No time, no space, no reality before BIG BANG. Devil! Nothing existed 14 billion years ago, but wise human beings afterwards. Well, Homo non-sapiens IS God. Can it go lower in commonsense?

Well, we seem able to look back on short time after the Big Bang, from the starting base Earth, when we look back "in the past", since the light needed about 13 billions of years to come here.

Let's look at the matter as it is: If and when there was such a "BIG BANG" than the Earth needed still billions of years to be created and to have Homo sapiens to look back. Clear? When the Big Bang was over, time was over too for the big bang. TIME NEVER COMES BACK. Repeat: Time never comes back. So it is absolutely impossible, that someone on a planet can ever look back on a Big Bang or near in that time when the explosion took place some billions of years away.

Further: Is our Galaxy, the Milky Way, in the midst of the universe or at the edge? Somewhere this universe has to be. What ever assumption we take, the whole big bang matter falls in pieces. I cannot explain why, in a few sentences, but read my books and you will know.

As written in my oeuvre, all this brings science in a terrible "Dilemma of Relativity" with regard to Distance/Time in the Universe. And so Homo non-sapiens can recognize its intellectual limits of knowledge in science itself.


Scientists and "normal" people believed in all times in the existence of Extra-Terrestrials. Now, let us study the matter. Only light can travel over distances in light-years. Any other vehicle with human-like beings would be much, much slower. AND: The DISTANCES between all stars and their planets and our planet Earth is to be counted in thousands, millions and billions of LIGHT-YEARS.

Considering the facts that in the Universe may be thousands or millions of planets that could have human-like beings, it still is true that it is highest unlikely that humans were born in our "Second of time" of existence of our planet, just inside the narrowest part of Milky Way, a being would have developed as high to construct a rocket going so fast as almost light-speed. And if they started, they would have had billions of directions all around their Globe, in order to bump right away on our Earth.

Got it? The chance for developing such high intelligence, plus the technology, plus the way of travelling during thousands of years below light-speed and correctly in direction of our planet - THIS CHANCE IS ZERO.

The science-fiction has become in the brains of Homo non-sapiens more important than intellect and intelligence. No wonder. When I look around, I cannot see one single really intelligent man or woman on this planet. There were some, but they are all dead long time ago and they would never have pretended, that any E.T. could have reached our planet.

Formula E = mc2

As I have written several times, the Formula of Einstein E = mc2 is correct, banal and stupid and still wrongly interpreted. Let's make clear: Any child knows the basics of this formula: Energy = mass times normal speed square. Any child that had ever been sitting aside his father in a car. NOW JUST GO TO THE MAX - and you have Einstein: E = mc2 or Energy equal Mass times max speed (light-speed) square.

But now comes the crucial matter: The formula is NOT: E = (m x c) square. The Formula of Einstein is meant to be: E = Mass times Light-speed square or E = m x (c2).

Light-speed square? Devil. Light-speed square? Any mathematician knows. When a very big figure is multiplied by itself we come near to endlessness. Was this the true thing Einstein wanted us to know or did he make a JOKE? Light-speed square is impossible, as Einstein has proven, light-speed is already maximum. But with mathematics, there are - of course - no limits to heaven. But has any Homo non-sapiens anytime calculated what would happen if a mass would truly be come to explosion with the force of light-speed square?

My assumption is: Einstein made a joke and he could be sure that the limits of intellect of Nobel Prize holders would not recognize the error - until some funny guy pops up, without any knowledge and says: Look - the Emperor goes there without any cloths. Something is incorrect here. The formula E = (m x c) 2 could have worked to make an atom bomb explode on Hiroshima. The true formula of Einstein, my God, will never work, it simply is not really interpretable in its day-life consequences. In this sense, Einstein was perhaps only a limited genius, more destructor than saver, not comparable to some old Greeks and Galileo, Rousseau, Descartes, Pascal, Russell - for example.

My writing being of little importance, so far, it is not really relevant if my suspicion about Einstein is founded. He might be right, at what price for humanity, we shall know some day. But still, this sort of science was of little or no use whatsoever for all future generations, I bet. - For proof, look at following idiocies coming from human "geniuses"...

Cars and Planes and World Pollution

We are talking of "Climate-Change" instead of "Unbalancing of our Geo-Sphere" because the fact that the hell machinery of the invention of cars and planes must have lead to an unbalanced situation on a small place like the planet Earth, when billions of tons of oil and gas are polluting the planet and warming it up very slowly.

Naturally, some sort of "climate change" takes place but it makes only ten percent of the problem. The rest is dryness just now and not over 100 years, and water-floods, and super-storms and monster-waves and 100 other effects that count 1000 percent more than a simple "CLIMATE CHANGE". Even in the total disaster of this world, scientists try to calm down our intelligence by inventing things to kill a whole species, in fact killing our complete planet.

Very interesting how it happened: Came in the past our God together with our Devil. Said Devil: "I will prove, dear God, how stupid the Homo species you created is in fact. They will destroy their own basis of living…." Said God: "Dear Devil. You are really stupid. I made the world perfect, especially the planet of paradise "Earth". Just try and you can take over power on this planet. I bet you will not succeed." Devil was very happy: "Bet taken! How much time do you give me, dear God?" - "Well, say some 200 years. You will never succeed…." God answered and went away to another Universe for next 1000 years of times.

Devil studied the subject and then decided: Let's let them explode in numbers. Give them some destruction machineries as gadgets on the grounds, on sea and in the air. Let's invent them cars, ships and planes and let them be using up all material in the grounds of this planet, transform that shit in deadly poison, let that stupid species run around the whole day long with his gadgets, on grounds, on Seas, in Heaven, stinking like pest, going down the drain and after some time we will have - "AN UNBALANCING OF GEO-SPHERE…."

And so it happened. And so it happened. All a question of time…

Shortage of water worldwide

I have to shorten myself. This text here and now. Fine. Topic: Shortage of water. Let's explode the population, use up all clear water, by polluting it with poison from traffic, heating, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, junk of the world in all seas, lakes, rivers, little streams etc. When done this, dig in the ground and take out all water from the underground, to water any stupidity you could think of, useless agriculture, golf sites, swimming pools in all areas, water spoiling world wide, then let dryness come from unbalancing of Geo-Sphere and the catastrophe for human mankind is perfect. Got it?

The Killing of the Oceans with poison

I said it before. Let all the poison and other scrap and junk of the planet go in the Oceans, by tankers, other container or transport ships, over rivers, over the air, in all sorts of killing fields of spirit in empty heads - and even our huge Oceans will come to an end: Fish will no longer be worth to be eaten, full of poison, they may even die before being eaten - and the rest cannot be cured, not with trillions and trillions of Dollars, Euros or Swiss Francs. Got it? No? I knew it.

Food for the world with Genetics and for Bio-Fuel

The Earth can nourish a certain number of people. Perhaps five billion - in the long run of 1000 years. When there are more, Homo non-sapiens should develop a program to cultivate all grounds with the right stuff. That's exactly what did Homo non-sapiens. Grounds got lost, faster and faster, due to reasons mentioned above, and on the rest are cultivated food for animals, we as Homo greedy are eating the whole day long in growing masses, until shortage will take over the command, worldwide - and then pops up some bright politician, like GW Bush, and gossips: "Bio fuel from nourishment is the one solution for our cars, ships, planes….." I am sick and tired, as you can see now, Reader. And Genetics will soon show its deadly effects, exposed to nature, as always, when science is put above the laws of reality.

World-Explosion of Homo sapiens

In my books, there is not a shadow of a doubt. All errors mentioned above can be made without real collapses of systems. Only one is deadly: Let explode the human mass above any reasonable figure. You can make run cars and planes - but not with 7 billion idiotic users. Never! And so the developments of Western destructive style of living, for China and India as well, will prove to have been the greatest crime in ecology ever. And the question is not China and their people. The question is my Formula: Masses of Homos x Using up resources of the planet = self destruction of Earth. Or title of one of my books: "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung". Reader: Make the effort of translating this in your own language, devil.

Financial Systems of self-destruction

The capitalistic system of having all procedures on Earth governed by a Money-Casino, banks, stock exchanges etc. where people must have CASH instead of spirit, must have - considering the huge stupidity of Homo greedy non-sapiens - led to the day when all systems of financing will collapse. Marx saw it, Orwell saw it, Huxley saw it and Delavy sees it. It's simple: An impossible concept of living, based on who has the money and who has not, will lead to the catastrophe, we all can see explode today. And there will never be an ending of this collapse - until its bitter end.

Feasibility of human life by science

There was always a big TRICK about SCIENCE. Only science in the interest of the planet, of animals, of plants, of water and air, short - of Homo sapiens who know nothing, in spite of some odd and stupid Nobel Prizes, makes sense. What we have instead in fact, is not worth the paper, such scientific texts are written on.

It is a question if under the given circumstances, just one single theorem of science of the last 2000 years was worth to be born. I don't think. Even pharmaceuticals can lead to a disaster for human mankind. Genetics, going against normal nature, will lead for sure to consequences, not one single witch-craft idiot, handling with genetics, has an idea today.

In fact, all scientists of these days, and most probably of all days, where nothing but playing children of 5 years of age, having no idea what they were doing. When I see those chaps on TV with their childish look in their eyes, all those scientists, when they explain their doings, I always have the feeling that I should call a Nanny for helping those guys and girls to think in normal terms….

Existence of a God

Ratzinger knows about his God. All the witch-burning Popes knew about the true existence of Jesus Christ, of untouched Mother Maria and of infallible God - and continued to creep in all assholes of the rich Skunks and Dictators, killing the poor, exterminate the most kind and natural species living on other continents, violating like Priests of God some boys and girls - and telling us what ethics, morals and true life would be…

And this game of stupidity with religion was taken over by all beliefs: Christian, Moslem, Buddhism, Maoism, Putinism, Bushism, Marxism and now Delavysm.

My God, I know that you exist, that there is a power, the little-brainy Homos do not know about. But be sure, Reader, that whatever you meant to know about "your God" is childish, of no value to better life on our planet, and only a means to keep happy those who have already all the power in matters of religion. That's why the worst politicians and scientists have always been very religious and creeping in the asses of any Pope on this globe, of any belief you may think of.

Be living without "EXISTENCE OF GOD"? There is no need. But at least, believe in one that does not kill those who believe in another God - Got it? When I have to prove stupidity on Earth, there is one word to be spelled out. No, not pragmatism, not E.T., not science-fiction, not esoterics, not philosophy, not Capitalism, not Marxism, not stock exchanges, not Friedmanism or Popperism, no - one word is good enough to express my feelings about the generalized and indoctrinated sense for reality of Homo non-sapiens: "Religion".

And now think three days about this text - and get lost.

Philosophical scrap killing our Planet

Well, there is a basic rule, just the fundament on all what I have written above. And I have written a whole book about it. The philosophical views and teachings of the last 3000 years can be summarized in one sentence of mine, one single sentence that explains just anything I have ever written:

"Homo non-sapiens being some sort of God - all the rest, the whole planet Earth, shall go in the basket and be damned for all future".

Not having been able to see "REALITY" as it is in its immense chaos, most philosophers were no geniuses but mere teachers of human behaviourism on small scale, not more.

And now, dear Reader, go to dinner and sleep well. There are still some days to come, before the last human being will take his last gulp of air or water. Be dead sure of this.