Highest human Maxim

Principle of Adaptation - Highest Human Maxim

Intro to the Problem

The whole world, from the start, since Adam and Eve, functioned for Humans on the basis of the

Principle of Adaptation

- Human adapt to the facts, as they have put into the world and don't know any other.

- Now, when these facts lead to a World as a Paradise, we have it - the Paradise.

- If the facts lead to Hell, the Humanity has it now - Our real World as a Hell.

This in fact is the principle of adaptation, of pragmatism, of false ideologies, of philosophies and religions and theories in economics and the way 99,999 percent of humans think, when destructing their own platform of living, the paradise Earth - in fact in a period of 2000 years from the Birth of Jesus down to the year 2000, ending by automatisms the game of destruction of a planet, down to HELL from 2001 to 2099 - for good.

There is no need for proofs, it is a FACT. Whoever studied my books has no need for further proofs and explanations. The facts were given, the grounds, the details, the solutions, about rotten principles of pragmatism, self-destruction, growth, greed - short: Making all to let tumble to hell all human functions on Earth.

Since 99,999 percent of humans have shit in the heads instead of a functioning brain, let's start this report by just ONE EXAMPLE, the ONE of 9/11:

One Example - basing on 9/11

One day, some funny guy with name - so says the legend - of Osama or Obama bin Laden had a devilish plan: Al Qaeda should find some Arab heads to capture some civil planes and pump into the 2 Towers of the World Trade Building and some other fine achievements of highest civilisation. And so it happened. 3000 American folks were burnt alive in the fire of the planes and the tumbling sky-scrapers or were squeezed in between the stones or survived heavily injured or without any wound inside the building and drowned or starved. Not one person on the total globe of cretins, an idiocy they called "Earth", understood one percent of the reasons, of the effects, of the backgrounds, of origins and effects, of the matters that happened.
But all fully understood when a completely crazy President ordered a War against Iraq and Afghanistan, to punish the folks responsible, when in reality wanting to get all oil of the Middle East and talking of democracy, to hide the high crimes of the J-Bankers in Israel, being one part of the reasons for the flights into the WTC. The 1500 million of Islamists hated the Jews and Americans for reasons to be justified, following the colonisation of the British, Spanish, Russish, Americanish, Hispanics, Swiss and other financial managers, declaring for good reasons, that Cash and Milton Friedman maximation of profits is all of humans' "Raison d'Etre", but the enemies religions nothing, since there is NO GOD - in no place ever on Earth and in the Universe after the Big Bang. During all of these happenings around 9/11, the Bankers of no mercy, that are very normal folks like all Americans, were allowed by the neoliberal systems to develop a CLUB of some 50 trillions Dollars in Junk-Papers and such produce a final collapse of the overall finance systems of the Globe, get tumbling stock exchanges, banks too big to fail and nations and brains. Not one VIP with Dynamite Prizing understood the reasons, he could have read in my "CHAOS" 30 years ahead of his times. They all wondered when the fine period of deadly greed, growth and insanity ended on a very restricted area, by a bubble, exploding in USA, Europe, Greece, Ireland, Argentina, Mexico, all Slums in the world and specially in China and India, an overpopulated area without any possibility of recall. During all these times, Obama bin Laden followed the shit-in-brain GW Bush and folks having same IQ - and followed Milton Friedman with insane medicine of John Maynard Keynes and Machiavelli and made a mess in America, Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan and the economics of G2 to G200, whereas the UNO and WEF were looking out for help and only found Allah in Heaven. During all this time, some soldiers killed some Taliban and were killed by Taliban of Osama, because the ones believed in Obama and Ratzinger Pope of criminals in Rome and justice for the richest Skunks and democracy and human rights for the Elites -- and all the others believed into Allah's laws, Arab justice, rules of women stoning under Burkas, taking revenge for Auschwitz, Vietnam, WW II, Hitler, Stalin, JFK, CIA, WEF, Friedman and Popper and the incredibly stupid Elite on a planet, that started well with some animals and ended with the fierce species, known as Homo non-sapiens. During this time the Israelis built some settlements into Palestine, believing to get the territory as a whole under control - with the assent of U.S. Presidents, U.S. Congress, U.S. Lobbies, believing the 1500 million of Arabs and other folks would not throw the ones not behaving into the Mediterranean Sea as soon as USA would have collapsed as the last Empire of the World, when simultaneously the Bubbles of China, India and Brazil will have imploded or exploded and Russia understood to keep all oil and gas and other resources in autonomy and autarky for themselves. During the total collapse of ecology of a total globe, the economic systems of a total globe, the culture and the finances of a total globe, the not-existent intellect of a total globe and the Elite and masses of a total globe, planning a total new world without one single DIME - headed slowly into Hell, fully understood by Shit-in-Brains dictating the Media Shredder Circus with name of Murdoch or Berlusconi, dictating to New York Times, WorldNews, The Sun, Fox-TV,. Washington Post, Le Monde, Die Zeit, El Pais, La Stampa, in short all media of the world in TV, Radio, Press and Online Shit - how to interpret a "What-IS?" stupidity of facts - without explaining one single chain of origins and effects given on this rottening Bubble. But Obama is followed by Sarah Palin with higher IQ than GW Bush and the already irreversible downfall of USA can now go over to a plumpsy TGV and the whole world follows behind - and it becomes evident, that China was nothing but one big Japan before complete self-destruction, because profits, turnovers and pragmatism are not gold and even less of rice or wheat that cannot be eaten to make 10 billion of blind mice without any intellect survive. And so the story of 9/11 followed its course without one single University, meant to be the top of brains of a rotten Globe, would understand one single percent of the procedures, basing on the "Principles of Adaptation" as the highest human Maxim that ever was in existence on a terrifying BUBBLE, Jesus, Mohammed, Tao, Confucius, Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Obama inclusive bin Laden gave the name of "EARTH".

The heart beats in the child in the belly of a woman - and humans know nothing of Life, of Death, of the Universe and of God. Humans simply know NOTHING.

The Basics of the Principles of Adaptation

It is impossible to name all of the Basics of the Principles of Adaptation. Make a trial to mention some of them:

1. The Humans always believed into the intellectual forces of the most stupid heads they had at disposal: The Egyptians building Pyramids, the Romans around Cesar, the French shit-in-brains around Napoleon, the British Skunks around some Colonialists of Africa, the German Philosophers around Einstein, Hitler, Oppenheimer, the Russian Oligarchs around Stalin, Putin and Rasputin, the Chinese dreamers producing some economic bubble in an exhausted world in China around Mao, Hu and Wen, the overpopulated and such crunched stupids in India governed by Singh and the Brazil Crooks looking out for the last Oil 3000 Miles under the Sea.

2. The most stupid maximators of profits and cash and might and power and stupidity believed into rotten philosophies of Plato, Kant, Nietzsche, Popper, Habermas, Rorty, Fukuyama, GW Bush, Hitler and Obama. Then they believed into programs of self-destruction in economics of Adam Smith, Karl Marx, von Hayek, Keynes, Friedman, Greenspan, Paulson, Summers, Goldman, Sachs, Moodys and again Negro Obama.

3. The principle of pragmatism was one reason to make believe 7 billion of complete dreamers to live in the "Best of all Worlds", at times the slowness of facts did hide that the "Point of No Return" had passed long time ago and the systems of climate and weather have gone into a state of "Energetic Load", irrevocably out of human control, making that air, water, nourishment and the rest would not maintain these idiocies of human blindness, but let them travel without any recall down to hell within 50 years from now.

4. The principles of believing in technology, of science, of control on brains, genes, animals, plants, insects, water, oceans, original forests and stock exchanges with an IQ of average folks very much below 50, has become an impossible game, long before Kant has written his shit about human common sense and self-control of a species, that with such a brain never had one single chance of survival on a very limited globe, of which we should need today some 10 of them.

5. The Religions made that humans believed into a God, or some Gods, an Allah, a Buddha and some other legends like Jesus, Mohammed and other fine disciples when in fact they believed in Cash, in the Ratzinger Popes of Rome burning normal women as witches are stoning them as whores, believing in Hitler and Bush and Obama, Narkozy, Berlusconi, Merkel, Blair, the 7 Dwarfs of Berne guaranteeing to the rich Skunks of the Globe full Tax-Freedom and all the rest of rotten Pulitzer Shit, Dynamite and WEF shit of a literature to be thrown into the basket - since humanity is bound to kick the Bucket.

6. The whole mess of the masses was always depending on the belief that a given Elite, having gone to school or worse, rotten Universities, would know what they are doing. Now - according to my "8 Steps of Thoughts", today there is just ONE or 10 heads on Earth, understanding the total systems of breaking down humanity. In the whole history of humans there were perhaps 100 persons and not one of them was heard during lifetime and pushed to be the ELITE of a very stupid Species without any brains.

7. From the Start, since Adam and Eve, the streams of intellect headed forward to a total destruction of the platform of living, the Earth, without one single head, except Step ONE of my principle of thoughts, could have analyzed the ending point, being around 2099. This humanity has not one percent of a chance to survive. We have them now, the cars, the planes, the slums, the rotten oceans, Wall Street and Israel and we had Auschwitz, Rwanda, Vietnam and again Wall Street and GW Bush.

A world governed by the meanest Junk of Brains as the so-called Elite, has been damned by God and Allah and Buddha, because those geniuses were never in existence, and if they were, they could never have cared less about the craziness of the most low IQ Species ever found in the depth of an endless Universe in Space and during a Nano-second of time in the Eternity of Times.

I think any further word is in vain, but since I like writing, and it's still 5 o'clock in the morning, why not continuing?

The Effects of this Highest Human MAXIM

The late effects of such a Program of Pragmatism or Principles of Adaptation could have seen, if humanity would have had some intellectual heads in earlier times.

The sciences and the knowledge are exploding today?

What a shit: It's all computerized quark of zero value, as long as not one single human is here to let the evidences explode, with interneted (network) thinking in total of systems, of origins and effects, of reasons and end-results, of errors made in philosophies, religions, esoterics and economic idiocies of the finest.

This world is governed thy heads of Power, of Cash, of Greed, of Stupidity, based on the principle that the masses are even much more stupid than the Elite.

The Scientists, like Chess Players, are only interested in one per Mille of the whole, are very proud not understanding one percent of the rest and therefore crept in the assholes of Netanyahu, the Wall Street Boys, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, JFK, CIA, WEF, Bush, Greenspan, Bernanke, Strauss-Kahn, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Habermas, Foucault, Summers, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Putin, Oligarchs, Hu and Wen and Lula and Singh and the rest of Junk-in-Brains.

I pay a billion to any person who can prove that these humans are able to think. They do not even know how their own SHIT stinks. They have power due to "Democracy = Dictatorship of dull Majorities" and rotten human rights in favour alone of Blood Dictators like Pinochet, Videla, Milosevic, Sharon, Bush and Obama - and forget that you would understand one word of what is written here. Who does not get the smell of his own Shit can never pretend to be able understanding highest philosophies.

Seeing facts has nothing to do with politics, with religion, with economics, with science, with 5 trillion of words in the rotten Internet. Facts have to do with truth, ethics, morals, view on the whole of systems and procedures, the beginning point and the ending point, of logics, of human principles or the highest principles of them all:

"The Principles dictated by the Planet Earth"


Who goes against the Principle of Earth can forget for all times to have a future of humanity beyond 2099.

And I pray to my God that he stop the craze with money, wars, torture, rights for the richest skunks in disfavour of the exploding masses of poverty, from now on to the end of Humanity.

Now, let's make clear that the rest relating to the reasons for the final breakdown of all human systems, can be read in the 10 books I have written so far.

Since there is no point of writing for 7 billion shit-in-brains having no notion of REALITY, I wonder why I wrote this text and the 10 books before.

Let's turn it like that: A man has to live, to think and only to die. And before he "yes we can", to say, well be investing some time in explaining, why his rotten Brothers and Sisters are falling into their own trap of a wanted stupidity of a Species, this genius is entitled to live his life, rather than expect the folks to wake up out of a stupid dream. Such a dream is like believing that Sisyphus would stop his rolling Stones.

It's not the fault of God or of Philosophers - Fact is: All greedy people of the world in all Times, to say all humans of all religions on this globe, never believed in anything else but destructive science, cash, richness, influence, power, being the greatest. And the female part is incapable of thinking in abstractedness and women only were interested in men, in their bodies, in influence over the other sex, in reproducing some of the same, in always lower quality and were happy to read, that the contrary would be the Case-----

Look - without Humour not one person with Brains of the "First Step of Intellect" would have survived in this World-Theatre of highest Stupidity. Believe me, to be able for fine reflections kills, if not taken the easy way.

And now follow your course to Hell and believe in the fine VIPs that are even more shit-in-brains than the average masses.

It is a shame that the great masses of soon 10 billion do not see that the ones in "responsibility" are dull to the max, the ones having forced us towards a complete breakdown of all systems: In ecology, economy, politics, science, culture, wars and religion.

These Skunks can be thrown in the Oceans any time, without any God levying his little finger----

A Final Principle

The Principle of HOPE has been the greatest idiocy of humans, because it hided all other and better principles.

The Principle of GROWTH AND GREED, if restored by present idiocy of Elite, would be a TGV down to Hell for Humanity within the shortest period of times.

The Principle of GOALS in view of MODERATION, SLOWNESS - of BACK TO THE ROOTS could have saved Humanity if applied around 1975.

Not even Quadrillions of Dollars, if the wealth were there instead of trillions in debts, could help to save our Planet Earth - NOW.

The Principle of ADAPTATION AND PRAGMATISM, as humanity has chosen by the end, leads now within some years down to HELL and has become irrevocable.

The Earth as PARADISE can be forgotten for all times. Therefore the ELITE responsible for this SHAME should be eliminated - there is no "Raison d'Etre" for brainless SKUNKS.

Good bye - and have a nice Day.

written 8 January 2011