World vanishes South - World of Money

World of Money - The World vanishes in the South (Part TWO)

Where shall we begin about the World of Money, considering the most important matter of humanity - is Cash? Money was important in all times in history. Perhaps, long time ago, money was some sort an exchange of goods against goods, or merchandise against services. We do not talk in vain of the "oldest business" on the globe, when mentioning expressions like prostitution, orders to kill, robbery of land, agriculture of drugs and dopes and kidnapping. Mafia has always existed, in all times, just as well as State Crimes.

So, it started well with Humanity - about the theorem "To have" would be more of relevance as the ideal of "To be", some famous philosophers pretended. Those genial or rather murderous theorems would have hit the Earth at latest in the 20th Century, when all sorts of high idealism was shovelled away and replaced by Materialism - and only naked Greed for "ever more and more" remained in the brains of humans since 1960.

The 20th Century was not so much the century of science, of technology and of "progress" - it was the Century of self-destruction of a species by itself - and through the theory of Money.

I just came back from England and my ability in speaking was rather on low fire and my writing not better. This was also the opinion of Manpower, when they sent me in an American branch of a U.S. conglomerate, very near to Geneva. I was welcomed and ordered to do some "reconciliation". On the question asked by the CEO, who made the honour of inviting me personally, if I knew what would be the word "reconciliation" and I said "No", I witnessed one of the greatest outbreak of anger of an American.  But fortunately, there was also the Chief of Accounting, and he explained, the whole thing would be to compare thousands of items between the accounts of the mother in the USA, because those current-accounts would have gone completely out of control. I was interested on the spot and promised to resolve the problem - and the Chief of company kicked us out of his huge office with view on the Lac Leman.

Now then, I was sitting for over two months in a very little room and compared different dates and figures and attributed numbers. It meant, the numbered item of Debit and Credit were cleared and the rest unclear yet. I must have filled in books and linen sheets with analysed figures, and took profit simultaneously to eat like a king in one of the best restaurants of Geneva nearby. So, already as a very young bureau-chap, I got accustomed to highest style of living, as found in the great, but in fact not so wide world. Because at the same occasion, I realized the nature of levelling intellect by the starting Globalisation: to be more precise - the extension of dullness by the richest Junk, to the charge of middle class and the poor.

One day, I had enough of numbering figures, out of Geneva and New York books. The open amounts of some million Dollars, might have come down to about 100 items, out of ten of thousands checked through. On that basis, I succeeded to get them down on 50 items, and the difference made the overall difference of the two current-accounts finally, of the mother and her daughter company. This was the Proof and so we went, the Chief of Accounting and I, right away to the CEO and I let drop the pile with some POP on his table and waited. The chap got pale, sitting somehow broken on his big leather chair - how should he be able understanding my "reconciliation" and how explain the disaster to his Board of Directors in New York?

One of the next days, there was Christmas party and I was invited as some guest of honour. The CEO presented me to some members of the Board as a coming genius in accounting and pronounced, they couldn't be enough thankful to God, for my valuable work.

But this experience with money items could in the course of my life easily be exceeded: I had enough of Manpower and looked out for a firm job. Very late in an evening around 1963, I was invited to the Rue de Lausanne. I never had before heard about a Jew with name Bernie Cornfeld, of IOS, Fund of Funds or some other idiocy handling with billions of Dollars. At those times, the company was still far away from billions, because business with the biggest Investment Fund of those times has just started and they were looking for a capable book-keeper. The "human resources" Chief hardly had time for a talk with me: "Dear Mister. Glad to see you so late at night. Your salary will be extraordinary. But we want to see you working with full engagement, day and night and at weekends too. Our firm is exploding and we need each new day some 20 new employees, in order to keep the heaps of money under control in our Funds."

I promised to think about it, but decided in favour of an accounting firm, promising the best introduction in the most complex business and challenge of the world - and it was truth. In the meantime, IOS exploded on 10000 of employees and they worked finally in a new built resort-town outside Geneva, and all of a sudden, some idiotic bankers in this investment fund created a mass-grave of billions with the money of greedy folks, living all over in Europe. Until it became evident, that Bernie Cornfeld had invested to many billions in oil fields, where there was no oil, and by coincidence, this was the moment many investors wanted their money back - and so the gigantic Empire IOS was in bankruptcy within months - and I knew now for the rest of my life, how banking, the finance world as such, would function in their inner circles.

By coincidence, in the meantime I continued my career with Arthur Andersen, the most sophisticated Accounting firm of the World, a company going into bankruptcy itself during the later Enron-affair. And it was Arthur Andersen that got the job in the 60-ties to clean out International Overseas and sent me with a team to this resort-town. I was living at those times like in a dream, some horror was around me the whole long days, because I got a suspicion that one time in future, this situation would be the fate of all-over financing industry on the globe - the whole hedge fund world would have become one big IOS.

But I had to wait until the year 2006 has come, until my state-of-dreams of a presentiment would be realized, the huge Crash on Wall Street, tearing down in misery the whole of a finance and real economy world of rotten capitalism.

Very relevant: Already at those times around 1960, there was a thing I called later on "Remembrance into the future" - it was for me with regard to money and finances about the same as for ECOLOGY, the situation of the Earth, suffering more and more under a terrible stupidity of mass-folks, instructed in their deadly dreaming over Media and Science of the planet. But somehow, the mechanics of finance seemed to me, could easily be explained to common folks.

The more I grew older, the more I had the chance of examining on all levels of my career as auditor and consultant, the biggest conglomerates, banks, insurance companies and so on. And in a short period of time, contrary to my colleagues, I got the logics of the whole Chaos:

There had in all times existed some sort of "Parallel-World" for powerful and rich scrap.

Yes - there was a world for the workers, for the employees and for the farmers - and their was a world for the elite, who made in fact what they wanted to do, they bought at all times all politicians and other VIPs, to find rules, laws and cash-flows, letting get the rich junk always richer, on cost of the rest, first middle class and 10 percent of poor - but in the 21st Century the poor will mount up to 90 percent.

Well, what did they do - the small brainy Elites? Very simple: They arranged with their mechanics of conglomerates over finance vehicles in the bank paradise Switzerland and other 100 tax paradises, to get the profits past any tax authority and - according to the rules made by Milton Friedman - profits could not flow to ordinary share- and stake-holders, but would reach the major owners of companies and their almighty managers and other Mafia.
The richest persons on this world had their lawyers, accounting firms, consultants in taxation, investment bankers, who in all of their Universities were educated in a way to see a parallel-world, with thousands of some kinds of tax evasion devices, on income, fortune, capital gains, securities and other scrap - with the aim that State charges would not be covered by them - the richest VIP in all countries.

It went as far that even their upper slaves, the bonus-bankers, got millions of cash during the destruction of money, cash belonging to others, again the workers and employees of pension funds, old age insurance, investment funds and so on - again for their managers in form of tax-free options, bonuses and capital gains. Of course, it was the duty of my accounting firm, and the governments and parliaments, to protect this parallel-world of richness against middle class and poor.

Institutions like WEF in Davos, SEC, White House, IMF, Worldbank and all other banks, including some NGOs only served, to keep alive this world-wide House of cards - and only a very little number of average folks knew about this state of affairs. It would have needed intelligence in order to understand this sort of a Chaos in injustice - and so it can be proclaimed:

Not even the politicians, the service councils and the bankers knew in fact, what they were doing.

It was fundamentally so that the World of Money lived on a natural impulse of human spirit, and increased its effects more and more, in favour of the rich and powerful Elite in the USA and Europe, until whole continents could be blooded out, a theorem of which nice guys like Camus, Sartre, Huntington, Fukuyama, Habermas and all of the Pragmatists in the Anglo-Saxon area had no idea.

Same can be said of almost any philosophers, writer, journalists of the world in the 20th Century. They decided to be dull and arrogant, because they wanted be able protecting a simplified reality - by the end becoming only valid through a world-wide Crash, basics of a completely destructive reality on this globe.

Some high brains had to vomit when recognizing these wonderful ideals of respected Dynamite Prize Holders, when they got how one-eyed the whole circus of economics must have been in all times, with their media servants around right-wing Tycoons, in order to suppress all of these facts and developments from the crowds.

The misery must have been started in principle with schooling the spirits in the house of the parents, followed by ground and high school, universities, a superficial media influence, high-feeling scrap in literature, also given by the mentioned VIPs.

Therefore, the true reality behind a virtual World of Money could never be true as presented by low brains, as well as "trickle down" effects preached by Karl Popper. Lying to the simple "Man of Main Street" was program. This working and decent class would lose - under this sort of Money Chicago dreams and odd Craze towards a lost future - by the end of history, around the year 2025 and later on all real chances to survive in decency.

I therefore had to learn in early days, that I would either be disappointed to death - or look at the world as it would be some fine game in a Casino, telling to myself, all would be a very "interesting" trial and error play. It seemed it had been predicted by some God or destiny of humanity, all those theories and real facts around wars, torture and never ending dullness - would implode one day, like a house of cards without recourse.

And it was proven: This presentiment never was wrong or would have disappointed my expectations, when at the same time I could accompany history by writing books and later on some editors' letters. But all this could happen in fact, because the great brains of editing and cultural folks in journalism never understood my writing, and now, we all can see the proof of logic thinking, just take the one, presented to you just now.