PAX AMERICANA - and the Threat of U.S. Supremacy

Everybody believes, USA could be the nicest State on Earth since Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin. Well this is not so wrong.

Not one nation in the world committed so many crimes and made so gigantic errors as the fine Nation south of Canada and north of Mexico.

And here are the facts.

1. U.S. Crimes of Supremacy

Since 1950, USA was the worst failed State, number one Rogue State, on this Globe. Let's be very short:

- Since 1945 ahead of all nations with atom power, with rockets and other armaments, bringing the world war in the geo-sphere, high up over Europe, Russia, China, India and all the rest.

- Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile, Argentina, Nicaragua, Cuba, all right-wing States in South America, Central America, Asia, Africa, committing terrible State-crimes with torturing own folks to death. Further came later on some Iraq and Afghanistan. Helping Israel in shattering Palestine, Gaza, the Lebanon. Creating Taliban and 9/11. Creating Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and a lots of torture Cellars in New East Europe, Egypt and other Places.

- The crimes of Neo-Liberalism, Shock doctrine by Chicago School under Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Greenspan, Bernanke. Giving up by free will and cunningness all State controls. Creating the Junk Papers in USA, resulting in Crash on Wall Street and City of London with finally 200 trillion of values destroyed. Accepting a parallel-world of Tax paradises and Tax freedom for the richest Crooks on Earth.

- Nation number one for ecological crimes, today pretending with the Republicans, Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and other brainless fools that all scientist seeing the future effects, would be stupid, are criminals and should be brought before court.

- This nations supervises the whole world with CIA, Google, their 'security' laws and industry and dictates to the world, who the terrorists are and who not.

2. U.S. Stupidity and Errors about economic 'Supremacy'

All this is due to the hypocrisy of folks who believe they have a god-own nation, a God who created the world in 7 days some 6013 years ago. They are against abortion, although the explosion of population will kill our planet alone in the near future. They invented the concepts of Growth, killing all future generations due to missing energy, resources and poisoning the atmosphere. They pretend that other committed the crimes, U.S. influence committed in other countries with IMF, Worldbank and other international organisations and NGOs.

Their school of capitalism and neo-conservative scrap not only is responsible for the breakdown of communism, but also of terrible indebtedness of USA and other States. USA has no concept of bringing down on the bottom all states being now in virtual bankruptcy and so in free fall with trillions of Dollars of Junk-Papers still in all Balance sheets of banks, hedge funds and investments devices on this Globe.

3. Breaking deadly U.S. Supremacy and Threat for ever

There are not many possibilities. In fact there is just one option, and it's only in the fields of Military efforts.

USA in virtually bankrupt, mainly due to its 'expertise' and trillions expenses for wars and crimes. If only one tenth would have gone in social causes, we had no problems anymore with poverty, racism, injustice and children starving through hunger and illness on this globe.

Therefore, Europeans, Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Brazil and even Iran should undertake everything to stop a future war, coming form USA on the basis of their blinded idea of supremacy in power and especially in the Space belonging to all folks on Earth.

The only way: Destroy all satellites and other vehicles in space. The debris will make it impossible for any attacks of USA to kill the world in future. It will stop also any future supremacy of China, Russia or Switzerland or Greenland, but at least, humans would be save of the huge and hypocrite American Dream of protecting themselves on cost of their security alone and lessening right of existence for all other Nations.

In addition, USA must withdraw from Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Turkey, Germany and any other basis in Europe, Africa, Asia.

All this is nuts? Friend, the real nuts are you. In view of the foregoing facts, how do you think the 21st Century would look like, if the stupid big-heads from USA are being accepted in future as sole valid Masters of our Universe?

Discuss and think, but don't shout. People who shout got no brains.