US and World Wars - Numbers - Consequences

Real and virtual matters about U.S. and World Wars

There are real and virtual wars, plus torture, plus deprivation - in human lives.

Let's first talk of the real consequences of Americans in Wars, followed by the virtual consequences of American life-style War against the World.

A.  Real War consequences for USA

- Civil War - 1861 to 1865 - duration 48 months - 625'000 dead Americans

- Second World War - 1941 to 1945 - duration 44 months - 405'399 dead Americans

- First World War - 1917 to 1918 - duration 19 months - 116'516 dead Americans

- Vietnam War - 1964 to 1973 - 103 months - 56'209 Americans / 3 Mio. Vietnamese

- Korea War - 1950 to 1953 - duration 37 months - 36'940 dead Americans

- War in Iraq - 2003 to today - duration 87 months so far - 4412 deaths so far

- Afghan War - 2001 to today- duration 105 months!! so far - 1119 deaths so far

And here, only the victims of U.S. citizens are given: No Russians, no Germans, no Englishmen, no Frenchmen, no Chinese, no Japanese, no Koreans, Iraqis, Afghans or else. And not mention are the injured or the ones that got crazy or the ones that lost all fortune, money, hope and prospects.

The whole world just accepted these facts - and write them in history books.

Would our human race be normal, long time ago our life-style would have changed fundamentally, but we are governed by the greatest Cretins ever seen on a Planet losing its paradise in 200 years of Craze - and we elect our own butchers still today.

Now we come to the real interesting matter of this report.

B. Virtual War of U.S. Life-style against the World

- Spill Golf of Texas - 1888 dead folks

Most people will say that this disaster will cost 11 lives during the explosion of the platform. I think it is not admissible to think in such low terms. At length, this catastrophe leads to suicides of those who lost existences and further illness, hidden ones, from the oily matter in the sea and in the air, plus other effects, media are far too dull to take into account. Think of the Niger Delta in Nigeria, just as an example, and you may get what is written here.

- Torture Regimes in South and Central America - 675'080 dead

Most folks take and count the one killed and tortured to death civilians in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua - in fact in all torture cellars under spell of CIA, U.S. Congress, Shock Doctrine of Milton Friedman and U.S. interests of neo-liberal shit-in-brains, the official forces in USA,  on about 100'000 folks being killed. This is wrong, the figures are much higher and we must add those who committed suicide or were otherwise touched in following civil wars inside South and Central America. In such matters, the hidden figures are always much, much higher than the official ones.

- Neo-conservative U.S. politics in Africa - 3'390'311 dead

It is easy: Africa could have developed after the colonisation by England, France, Portugal, Germany and other crooks in a way, Africa could have developed own Agriculture and home market. But Africa was forced by the Shock Doctrine of IMF, Worldbank, U.S. Congress, ECB and all other WEF illusionary junk in brains, to let privatisation and deregulation explode in all African countries. So some idiots became immense rich with their Swiss banks and the rest could starve. Same goes for Russia and China. This destructive model and the intellectual bluff around it, even is right for "Hero" Mandela. I am sure that this idiocy had as consequence about 3,4 million of dead Africans alone. The numbers in China and India will be much, much higher - you can take a guess.

-  Crash on Wall Street - 129'932'760 dead

Dead Folks in relation to a simple financial Crash? There are some who lost all savings - yes - especially our banks, insurance companies, old age, pension funds, nations etc. but no people killed. Well, we have here a world-wide depression as consequence of criminal orthodox politics in the USA. We have 7 billion of folks on Earth. The assumption that by hidden effects, some 129 millions worldwide would be killed by such financial catastrophe, is highly normal. But unfortunately, the brains of our Krugmen, the Soros, Gates, Geithner, Summers, Goldman, Blankfein, Ackerman, Fuld, GW Bush, Obama, Greenspan, Merkel, Berlusconi, Sarkozy, Blair etc. are so low IQ State that such a model of thoughts would never enter in the dullest market on Earth - the Media Market.

- Subsidises in Agriculture - 711'009'765 dead

Well, what have subsidies in USA and Europe to do with dead folks? Well, what have the destruction of industry in USA and Europe to do with Cheapness Politics in China and India? What have subsidies to do with the impossibility for African and Asian countries to export their matters and products? ---  It is the utmost easiness of thinking that politics kill more folks by economic craze, than any War mentioned under Chapter A in this report, but it requires intellect to see the point. The figures of dead folks include all errors of the sort of subsidy politics in the western world and goes beyond simple agriculture. The errors in our life-style about explosion of population and the killing of Earth Climate with Cash, are so gigantic, that no normal man or woman can see it.

- Crimes in Ecology - 1'415'438'091 dead

Crimes in Ecology kill? Be dead-sure, the crimes of USA and other idiots in the field of environment and ecology goes far beyond the ones of Economy or Politics. --- Just look on agriculture and bees and other insects killed by fertilizers and pesticides and monoculture idiocy, as written in some other report, and you take guesses, what the lack of clean water, the going out of ground water and killing the productivity of land plus all the rest of human stupidity did to our Earth. Here I have written a great novel about the subject (John Demaster), but the Media rejected it. They do not want to hear the overall Truth.

The numbers here must be considered as a result of my "Model of Thoughts". Just as for the real interesting point, following now:

C. U.S. and capitalistic Life-style - assumption of exhausting Humanity to the year 2099

Let's face it and assume:  - 3'776'032'539 dead folks worldwide

I was writing some times in an article not published that we may have 20 billion of people to die from 2010 to 2099, if it would be true that our model of living destroys our planet and all life-basis of humans until 2099.

I still believe that this will happen on the basis of a multitude of collapses in: Ecology, climate, weather machinery, water and air spoiled, genes gone out of human controls, pandemics, holocaust of animals and nature, rotten Oceans and forests, missing nourishment, energy and other resources exhausted by mass-folks to get to 10 billion, the financial systems collapsing, banks, nations and all the rest going into bankruptcy.

In fact, the whole theory is much worse, but cannot be seen by 99 percent of folks on Earth today, due to dullness, slowness of procedures and missing intellect of illusionary Elite and their masses under influence of the dullest Species, any Planet in the Universe ever could have seen under the eyes of God.

But the optimistic figure up here, just goes in order, if I want to be nice with the low IQ readers in the year 2010----

I could go further with my thoughts - but there is no point where 99 percent of folks are arrogant and dull, as a consequence of our "Elite" having cunningly arranged that exploding populations are interested in Cash, Sports, Fun, Casinos and daily food of media with zero consequences and truth and ethics in them.

Anyway, the losing of savings, of houses, of jobs and of normality is not of a nature to make think about such a report of virtual Thoughts.