Pragmatism kills

Worst Theory 'PRAGMATISM' - will kill finally 20 Billion

What a funny theory: "Worst theory Pragmatism - will kill finally 20 Billion" down to 2100---- Wait and see. By the end of this article, you will be bound to recognize your world with other eyes - at last and far too late for our Times.

Some may say the worst word is "GOD" - because no idea killed more folks than the idea of having the right religion and the right God. This fact may be right, when we think of the past. When we think of the future, "God" will not play any role.

Some may think the worst word was "TERROR". Let's face it: 9/11 and some other terroristic acts killed some thousands, not more, Terror is terrible because it produces fear of the unknown. But it does not kill.

Some may think the worst word would be "STATE TERROR OR WARS". Here we come nearer to truth, because the terror of Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, JFK, Nixon, Putin, Pinochet, Videla, Tenno, all Blood-Dictators in South America, Africa and Asia killed Millions of folks. But what is this, in view of the fact that from 1927 to 2027, Humanity exploded from 2 billions to 8 billions?

Some may think "GREED AND GROWTH" would be the worst theories, taken for granted as best profit producers for Persons, Banks, Companies and States. This is utterly wrong as 1989 and the brake down of Communism and 2006 and the Breakdown of Capitalism proved. Greed and Growth produces Bubbles to explode, like the one on Wall Street, City of London, Dubai, the real estate market of the whole world, export industry in dismay and explosion of unemployment. But it does not kill in masses. It brings, like the coming Bubble in China, the total misery over world Economy - not more.

Some may think "PANDEMICS" will be the worst word in future. This is right, to some extent because science, genetics and biologic idiocies, by the end, will kill masses of folks, but not humanity is such.

However - PRAGMATISM alone will kill Humanity

Some may think that U.S. pragmatism and the philosophies of pragmatists were the best THEORIES ever heard - and it sounds as follows:

"Just accept and adapt yourselves to present feasibilities, by increasing profits, consumerism, production, using up in 100 years all humans reserves of resources and energy stuff, transform the whole shit into poison, destroy the film of atmosphere of our planet - and all will be fine."

This was not what Karl Popper and Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan and GW Bush intended. But it is the result of "Laisser faire" of Pragmatism.

And all theorists in economics including Keynes and Marx - and all Philosophers of pragmatism of the world, preached in fact THIS way of life and Standard for living.

And exactly this way of thinking will kill our world in economy, ecology, politics, science, religion, philosophy and so one - and by the end of 2100, some 20 billion of persons will be killed and dead. How come?

It sounds complicated, but it is not, it is very simple:

First, pragmatism had the advantage of convincing everybody. It sounds reasonable: Do what has to be done to get the most profitable result at present - and nothing can be false.

This is the theory of Obama, of Putin, of Hu and Wen, of Singh, of Berlusconi, of Merkel, of Lula and of the 7 Dwarfs of Berne in Switzerland. It is the theory of all capitalists of the world and all CEOs and all NGOs and all WEF of Davos and of IPCC, Copenhagen Consensus, attac, WWF and Greenspan and Amnesty International and all Tribunals for Human Rights of Present Times - and they all are pragmatic, idiotic, stupid and without brains.

As I wrote under title "Not Concreteness - Abstractedness rules the World"

This said, it is clear that on a given planet with limits of feasibilities in view of the mass destruction by human masses and their production, using up all resources and energy stuffs and transformation into poison by cars, planes, ships, industries, heating etc. into deadly poison, the point of no return can be situation around 1975, based on concreteness and pragmatism.

However, the SLOWNESS of the matter makes 99 percent of humans, as is found in theories of ABSTRACTEDNESS, blind to the deadly and never correctable EFFECTS.

Worse is, that all organisations can play the ECOLOGIC collapse against an ECONOMIC disaster.

This means that ALL Sceptics for "Climate Change" have an easy play by preaching: "Don't invest in ecology. Clime Change does not exist. And the lost trillions invested in Climate will curb the line of Growth in economy and cost billions of jobs and increase POVERTY on our Globe. Invest in measures of modernity and better science and all will be well."

Not one word of this is false, but it will kill 20 billion of people and destroy Humanity up to 2099.

To have production, to have banking, to have insurance, to have security, to have wars, to have jobs, to have money - this seems of overall importance. But of crucial priority is, what this style of "Greed and Growth" under Mass-Laws will cost humanity's existence. And here, ALL VIPs of the world are stupid and blind - you can throw them into the next basket and thus win liberty of thoughts.

Note: You cannot make success on ECONOMICS, by poisoning and destroying to the max your GEO-SPHERE and than talk shit like: "Climate Change does not exist. And if it exists, economy is of far greater importance."

Let's be very clear: Climate change does not exist. The right theory would be, to tell to Earth population, how the theory really is about the complete destruction of the atmosphere of a planet - and THIS would have caused the


Now, all this may now have come a little bit too fast for slow minds - But masses cannot destroy the life platform of a planet without effects - and these effects are:

- Dryness exploding all over the Globe. By 100 of millions, people will starve under always increasing droughts turning all over the planet - hitting China, India, USA, South America - Africa is the example up to the line of Los Angeles, Florida, Paris, Milano, Bucarest, Instanbul, Delhi, to pay the price of heating up our climate.

- Water-floods like in Australia are nuts for the time being. But before 2025, humanity will see Deluges of unknown power, sweeping away what ever you may guess: Agriculture, parts of towns, industry, coasts, whatever is near to streams, rivers or else. Together with the poison lying around, those floods will cause damage in unknown dimensions.

- Tempests of super-storms and Hurricanes or Typhoons will come, in comparison to which New Orleans will prove to have been a little breeze.

- Monster-waves of storms will go over Oceans and forbid at times any ship to be there. It would immediately be drowned with all passengers.

Now - the tricks of blind and arrogant Pragmatists

The Trick of Pragmatists has always been, to explain "normal" things, to say matters that seem normal, are being the proof for the functioning of all existent systems. However, the existing systems are a choice out of millions of better systems - and pragmatists are blind to this fact.

Once the systems turn into misery, the same Pragmatists say: "We were the ones who told you before. Disasters had to come! - It was logical. - Believe in our pragmatism, and we continue like before, not only on Wall Street, and all will be fine with bonuses and richest folks not paying taxes to charge Middle Class and Poor. And the Greatest: The End-disaster will be postponed once more----"

Naturally, nothing will be fine - ALL will be worse. And what will Pragmatists around FED, SEC, WEF, U.S. congress and all Parliaments of the World tell you, idiotic believers in God?

They will tell you: "You see? Nobody could have told you the result of the behaviour, we dictated on you with Pragmatism, learnt under Friedman, Popper, Thatcher, Reagan, Bush and all idiots of pragmatism in science, in economy, in ecology, in politics, in culture and all the rest. But now we know better. And now we must increase Greed and Growth, as well as the belief in God and the importance of religion and Ratzinger and Dalai Lama and Islam and Buddhism, develop another line of pragmatism - and all will be fine again - and none of your jobs or old age insurances will have gone down to hell for ever."

Naturally, the real solutions would be the complete contrary of what these criminals around Obama, Putin, Hu and Wen, Singh and Lula and EU-Junk are telling - but folks are blind, slow, stupid, sick in brains and the Masters of Universe are simply criminal to the max - and their Masses believe them - indoctrinated as they have become by world media-----

And therefore, until 2100 some 20 billions will be dead and humanity gone for ever - and not with quadrillions of Dollars, the errors and crimes committed by pragmatism could ever be cured or corrected any more. --- Still got some questions?