Value of Cultures

Value and Meaning of CULTURES

Reading recently an article about the arguments of a writer called Terry Eagleton, how Cultures in the world changed its importance and face during the last centuries.

Although there is not much to be put forward about his superficial views on the value of cultural life, I guess he missed all important points, as normally intellectuals do when talking of high matters, like politics, economics, civilisation, religion, philosophy or in this case of "Culture".

Now - THIS is my view on the history of culture, as seen by the western world

Was it in former times something for intellectuals who liked high music of Bach or Beethoven, or literature of Shakespeare and Dante, or read works of Plato and Kant, or tried to find relief in higher spirits, this meaning of culture started to change fundamentally during the last 200 years, and more and more in funny directions during the last 100 years, when Marx communism and Hitler conservatism came into play.

Socialists and Communists around Karl Marx

For intellectuals of the left, culture became more and more an argument to justify a higher value of human rights, freedom for the masses, equal justice of all, the fortune of state should belong to each one and not the an elite of richest conservative forces having all the power on armies, on companies, on banks, on stock exchanges and all the rest.

For left intelligentsia, culture should become an international script to better humanity under the principles of Marx or other socialistic arguing folks.

As a wrote in some other report, the social doctrine of Marx and some other left-arguing philosophers may have had more principles of ethics and justice as the capitalistic doctrine of the U.S. world, but in fact the difference was, as we can see later on in this script, much lower than normal folks may guess.

U.S. Conservatives and European Neo-liberals around Leo Strauss

Although Leo Strauss was a Jew and chased as such out of NAZI-Germany, he developed an ideology of deadly consequences, finalizing with globalisation, capitalism and money-greed. To some extent, Hitler, Mussolini and some other western dictators established some culture of nationalized high principle on this basis and pretended, such theories should be holy and to be introduced as a 3rd Reich throughout our planet, first by Germany and then by USA.

And therefore, this idea was taken up by neo-conservative humans around Milton Friedman, Karl Popper and put in force in politics, mainly by types like Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Greenspan, GW Bush and to some extent by neo-liberal Barack Obama (based on crimes of GW Bush Republicans), but not by Arabs, Buddhists and Dalai Lama.

THIS is the blind doctrine of a "superior" culture of the Western world - over all others.

CAPITALISM should reign throughout the world. Western ideas about Shareholder values and handling with derivative Junk, coming from Wall Street, City of London and Zurich Bahnhofstrasse and other freedom paradises, should dictate the financial force of economy on globalised basis.

PRIVATISATION of all important wealth should, in Africa, Asia, South America, get away from State influence and get into the hands, meaning total influence by a privileged elite of Cash worshippers.

DEREGULATION was designed to smash all controls and minimize the influence of nations.

DEMOCRACY of dull Majorities, under control of the VIP, should represent the "right", say right-wing policy - and finally dictate the western human life style throughout all countries on the Globe.

This WESTERN DOCTRINE seemed very successful, even more when nice old Communism or Socialism had collapsed in Ex Soviet-Union and to some extend replaced in China. This funny and destructive idea of Shareholder Value first, risked to be spread all over the planet - and in fact did so.

Other cultures tried to defend themselves - against the western cultural style

The more the disastrous effects of capitalism of the kind of Greenspan, Reagan and GW Bush showed its true face, the less other cultures wanted to take it over.

On the contrary: It was like with the ancient cultures with Mayas, Incas and Palestinians. Especially the Islam and Arab countries strengthened their own view on the meaning of culture and insisted on rights and legal views of their own. Those were not better than western idiocies: Women were hided under towels or Burka, contrary to western world, were the nakedness of women, sex and crime became from year to year more evident in films, public relations, advertisement and publicity. "Normal appearance" on streets in the west, some porno behaviourism has become, due on a sexualized life-style of greed and growth - under the lie of a magic idea of freedom and democracy, throughout all countries in America and Europe.

During the deterioration of appearance of normality and women in the West (almost naked) and in the East falling back in ancient times (women under towels and Burka and then stoned), all nations started to push its own "importance", in fact a bluff, of a given, traditional view of what culture, the true ones, should be. However, NAZI-Culture in all lands on all continents could not be a programme of highest human values.

Deterioration of nationalized "cultures" throughout the planet of Apes

Not only Nazi-Culture, communist-culture, neo-conservative culture and Islam-culture become always more abstruse and criminal, developing more and more a world without any ethical and moral values.

Those values were replaced by cash-values in: Economy, politics, religion, philosophy, literature, arts, ethics and morals deteriorating Homo non-sapiens all over the planet within 5 generations, and not one government saw the disaster coming, saw the holocaust of animals and nature and the collapses to come. When true values of ethics are replaced by positive ideas of money, false importance, sex, lies and videotapes, the end of the human game has come and the days of this Species can be counted towards its deteriorating finals.

All has become a funny play for superficial brains

Instead of clear water for any person, good food for a number of heads not too huge to be nourished, legal justice also for the poor, taxes to be paid also by the richest tax-paradise Scrap, protection of the planet from exhaustion, deterioration, when finishing within generations with all resources and energy stuffs in the ground, over lands, forests and all Oceans.

ALL cultures, absolutely all, became from year to year more bigot and sick

What counted was a positive culture for fine folks, something very easy to be understood, by Catholics under spell of a narrow-minded Ratzinger Pope, by Evangelicans under spell of fanatical Limbaugh FOX-TV lies and governed through Texas GW Bush style, or by Islam folks directed through Al Qaeda type of fanaticism and terror against own folks. Where is the big difference to Hitler, Tenno and JFK Vietnam, down to Putin Chechnya?

Dear brainy folks, just start to look into any land you like - you will find religion would count much more than justice. Equal rights for children and women became an illusion, national resources can never more be in the benefit for all, in an exploding mass-culture and the rich and powerful were stealing all rights and wealth from middle class and poor folks, by replacing universal principles of rightness and justice and equality by some fine ideals of neo-conservative VIP who never had any valuable thought in their brains.

Today we have Pinochet, we have Greenspan, we have the Orthodox at Wall Street and we have children armies killing, violating and torturing to death anything that moves - and Obama keeps a lot of fine speeches on culture, justice and better understanding! My God, why do you allow such an human world, governed by hypocrites and criminals?

The world money goes into Armies, positive investment banks, destructing industries and services, to protect non-tax-paying trash of rich and powerful minorities - protected in a parallel-world by all Parliaments and NGOs of Davos on this Globe---

Communism a crime? - For sure, but please have a closer look on Capitalism!

All higher values of a just World got smashed under an avalanche of a useless "war of cultures" or even worse, the idea of Huntington about a coming "war between civilisations".

Here we had the final proof that even the most intelligent VIP on this folks have become crazy and without any real value and authority, with regard to a culture of profound and honest reflections.

Look at Lies about cultural value of Democracy, Freedom, Human-rights - by GOs and NGOs

There was no fine line of democracy, freedom of thoughts, arguments on what future generations could expect form a planet, driven in its own collapse with priority on money-making with oil, gas, cars, planes, tourism, human bodies, wars, torture, exhaustion of all wealth in the grounds, fishing the huge Oceans to death, producing dryness, water-floods, monster storms and a climate and weather situation, gone out of balance long time ago - on the basis of greed, positive ideas of growth, mass-culture of an exploding population on a very small and innocent Planet.

And all this was accompanied by a war of human Cultures in the West, in the East, in the North and in the South, in all Nations on this dying planet. Had God forgotten about Adam and Eve, he would have been a Genius.

And all Kings and Queens of culture ignored the real problems of the globe, defended their own idiocies about their own brainless cultures, spoke of western high-up civilisation when in fact it was nothing but a big bluff, in favour of the powerful and the richest chaps of Humanity - and this can be said about ALL cultures and religions in the State of affairs, found on the Planet around the year 2000.

Conclusion about the true value of Culture and the talking thereof

We have to come to a fine conclusion: All talking and writing of some given Terry Eagleton about Culture, Civilisation, Democracy and Ethics, is nuts and without any value, as long as the majorities of VIP and the masses they govern, would not understand how we have lost all chances to govern this planet in view of survival, taken as a whole, for all times to come.

Humanity has come to its real, not virtual, end. And the intellectual zero-numbers on this EARTH still believe to be talking of normal and valuable matters.

They should keep quiet for all times, until ALL cultures have destroyed their given area of influence.

There is no difference in the world as to greed, bigotry, idiocies of eternal growth and the value of billions of Dollars, especially when they can be counted in the immense Towers of State indebtedness throughout all nations on this positive Planet.

I think the intellectuals should never more take in their mouth the expression of "Culture" or "Civilisation" - as long as they do know nothing about the real functioning of reality in a Chaos of theories, practice and lies about true human values.

Long chains of origins and effects are out as practice in philosophy and were replaced by real short-term destruction of our own basis of living, our Planet Earth. This has become the generally accepted Doctrine of Humanity, in ALL cultures of blind faith in higher truths.