
All about Sects,  'right Religions" - and all about Superstition

The whole world believes in the "Right Religions" - and denies at the same time any "Wrong Beliefs". Very funny approach.

A "right religion" seems to be an established one, like the Christian belief, Islam belief, Buddhist belief, Jewish belief, Hindu Belief and many others.

Wrong beliefs are therefore the ones of indigenous folks, believing in the sun, wind, water and other natural things. Or scientific beliefs of some Craze, pretending there is a human-like being out in space, only concerned about designing humanly gadgets, some new happy matters in favour of just one species, the one called "Earth", a planet out of quadrillions of suns with their planets.

And so, Humans have Esoterics in masses, they have science-fiction, they have Hollywood and Bollywood, they have the belief in Cash, Stock Exchanges and Shareholder Values and they have all sorts of childish brain-storms.

All this - most evidently - has nothing to do with normal thinking and correct philosophy.

Now, let's talk for once about the nice and true "Right Religion", the right belief.

Let's have a profound look on human religious matters, the victims of which we became:

1.  We have to consider that not one person on this globe ever knew what there are: God, eternity in times, endlessness in space, reality, the right way of living, where comes life from, why is any animal thousands of times more complex than atomic missiles and why are we destructing our platform of living, the Earth. Not one right religion or Pope gives the right answers.

2.  Philosophers may try to make us understand what Reality is. For religions and the "Right Belief" this is of no importance. For Masters of religion, the only matter that counts is the aim that great masses of folks, as many as ever possible, believe in the same one and only God. They don't know, the Popes of all religions, what and who God is, but they have some principles. Who does not follow them, was always and will be burnt alive, stoned, exterminated like many indigenous folks in the past.

3.  The principles of Religions and "Right Belief" are simple: Men can do what they want and are heroes. Women are stoned or burnt alive, if the do not behave like men and Popes want them to do. Without realizing what they are doing, women pretend that they "love" to be buried under towels, stuff or Burkas, if only they are left alive and get some security in Life.

4.  What a great truth, that legal principles protect killers like Pinochet, Videla and thousands of right-wing assholes that tortured to death millions of folks, young people and intellectuals, others fought terrible battles and all of them were monsters in the eye of a true God - but they same cripples were protected by Popes of the right belief of any Religion.

5.  Humans have made a mess on the present planet, as I have proven in my letter "Not concreteness - Abstractedness rules the World", and they still believe in Popes, Presidents and Scientists, seeming to know more of truth, facts, God and other Esoterics than any normal being on Earth. This is an error: Normality comes for normal senses - and not from power and cash and VIP dullness.

6.  We had wars, we had torture, we had bubbles, we had breakdowns and we had injustice - and still have it today, more than ever before. The richest Junk has become even richer in comparison to the great masses of folks, exploding now into poverty, from this day until the year 2100, and all Popes, Presidents, Dynamite Prize Freaks and false Philosophers take Pragmatism on low Fire for highest intellect, when telling us lies in matters of science, ecology, economics, culture and religion.

Under these conditions, we can make the Cross on this Planet and forget for all times about a decent future for the generations of children to come.

A World not governed by a reasonable God, telling us about limits in doings, a world governed by stupid Popes, Presidents, politicians, economists, scientific greenhorns that recognize errors in Systems only long after they have exploded, with such a human material, we do not need any higher "right Religions" or "low Esoterics".

All we needed, should have been normal commonsense, no greed but moderation, not exhausting of energy and resources, but spreading them on the next 10000 generations, not poisoning the world by mass-laws of 7 billion blinded folks, of which not one knows, how to survive when the Eco-Sphere gets out of balance, water becomes undrinkable and air unbreathable and brains get duller from year to year.

What can we expect when Universities only teach, how to make cash and to become famous - instead of clearly showing the limits of doings on a very small and incredibly vulnerable Planet.

We have to learn about the word of "Superstition".

Where there are no truth, no real facts, no human rights for all, no justice in matters of rights, fortune, old age and health care and all the rest of illusions, when we see long-term developments for a Globe went out of sight,  with animals, living almost all of them a true holocaust per billions, oceans being empty of fishes, geo-sphere got completely out of control, climate and weather playing crazy, resources exhausted but brains of idiotic humans being full of cash, casino, odd shareholders values, highest profit margins, securities with packages of zero-value fantasies, children killing others on play-stations. Can you see the point?

Even the internet is a lost affair, where criminality will soon make it impossible to use it. Learn: Wars and torture are still exploding, the more masses of folks we have the higher the misery not to be controlled anymore. We see a Humanity, still in any corner of this lost and rotten planet, not knowing whereto the travel will go.

Therefore, we should not speak of Superstition, when ever the phrase of "The right Religion" comes into Play. We are surrounded by bloody Hypocrites.

Tear the mask of the faces of VIP with wrong and false tones, talking to youth as if they had to do with animals or stupids without own thinking-power.

What's left are masses of humans, perhaps 10 billions by the end, understanding finally, in which sort of world they tried to seek for a reasonable existence for men, women, children, animals, nature and all the Rest of a planet coming to its end.