Comparing Atheism

Atheism or Religion?

Or: Interpreting Nature of Religion

What is religion? Do you know? Does the Pope in Rome know or any Popes of all religions that ever existed? 

Definition of God

In normal times, we just have ONE GOD per religion. Not one person who ever lived on this Globe would have known:

WHO or what God could be. It could be the Universe, it could be eternity and endlessness, it could be Nature and Evolution, it could be something not one Human, and be it the most intellectual one, ever would understand.

So GOD is simply - THE UNKNOWN

Definition of Religion

Religion is believing - and thus, Religion is faith. Therefore, Faith is pure Esoterics - and Esoterics is what people want to believe, in order to have some control and easiness in their brains and in their lives.

The nourishment of religion is for the Elite the feeling for Power. These idiots know nothing of reality, but they pretend to know all.

The nourishment of religion is for the Poor their Poverty, Uncertainty, Fright, Dullness, knowing nothing about the true mechanics of reality.

In fact, in this sense, all religions are some sort of Scientology or Sects.

What religion did in past History

Some religions crept in the ass of Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet, Videla, GW Bush, Napoleon and the worst guys of power and richness on this Globe.

Some other religions crept in the ass of Japanese Generals, some Emperors of China or Prophets of India or Mecca.

It's easy, all religions and their leaders have in all times served the perpetrators and never helped the victims. Why should they?

They were the ones who massacred all folks who did not believe in the unknown God of those who said, HE would not be unknown.

They burnt and tortured Witches to death, the stoned women for nothing, the burnt the weaker sex alive if the husband had enough from them. It would need a list of 1000 pages to demonstrate all the crimes done by God, sorry, by the disciples of these Gods, to show how religions killed, tortured, sent in the desert any people or worse, when the  elite in ornamental Cloths and huge Temples would decide to get rid of their friends or enemies.

The higher representatives of religion steal the money from the believers, they violate children with sex and other methods, they kill and spit on women, they cover them under cloths and Burkas and other idiocies, they kill whatever they please and they enter in deals with the class of politics of wars, economic destruction of other folks and they despise any person who does not accept their terribly narrow view of their relativity of Facts.

I wonder, why religions still exist.

I think the only explanation is dullness, poverty and helplessness of those who are put under slavery by their religious and politics "Elite".

So the question is justified:

What was ever the value of Religion?

The ones who have the Power in politics, banks, financing and in religion say:

With religion we can keep the greet masses of poverty and middle class under control, even if the elite makes Wars, letting happen destruction all of savings by their rotten system of communism or capitalism, on the way of destroying a whole planet with Greed, Growth, Stupidity and the Will, to keep power and money within their rows.

Even I have my own personal GOD

It may be funny that a person who is against religion and God, has his own personal God.

Yes, yes - but I must explain:

For me God is all I don't understand:

--- Nature, Life, Brains, Humans, Animals and Plants, Intellect, the Universe, Endlessness in Space and Eternity in Times - all logics of a higher form than the small human brain could ever seize.

The creation of a universe for which an end of SPACE is unconceivable - just as the end in form of a wall or nothing, is just as well unconceivable.

Just as well, end of TIMES is not to be seized by human brains, this theory oversteps any limit of imaginative conception. Same goes for any sort of stop in times: It is absolutely impossible that times could end. And still we know that our Universe will, some time in future, collapse or implode like hell, including the God who was in there----

Therefore, I say that "SOMETHING" is OVER me - and all the rest of humanity - just has to be. What I know cannot be God. And the unknown could be titled as "God" - but there is no necessity or proof.

But how such a God would make a difference to the killing God of the Popes of Rome, of Beijing, Mecca, Moscow, Delhi, Tokyo - et j'en passe….. Such a God is a Monster, and nothing else....


God is God and Religions with their multitude of gods should be wiped out by this one and unique God, because there can't be two or more Gods - absolutely impossible.

And for a Devil, don't look twice. Devil has a name - It's "Humanity". The awful crimes, humans have done in the names of their Gods and without their idiotic Gods, are more terrifying than any reflecting brain of low IQ humans would ever get.