TAKVA and Piety

TAKVA - Fear of God - Piety

It is sometimes of highest interest, consuming a Film made not in Hollywood, Hong Kong or Rome - but in Turkey. You learn not only what's all behind Islam and a strange culture in another world than the Western or the Chinese one, but you get what's all about with religion.


In this film is shown how a simple man has to take over the charge of collecting or cashing the money based on the fortune the church possesses in real estates. It is shown the Wisdom of the leaders, the fanaticism in churches, the double faces of the ones who are rich and powerful. And we learn that the human touch is in any culture all around this Globe.

But we learn as well, that poverty is made even within this church. The poor men believes very much in God, when asking for money, he wants sex by all means but does not dear touching women and making sex - and by the end, he gets broke and crazy, lying in his bed and not knowing what happened with him, based on his Fear of God.

In the meanwhile, bribes go through all hands of his superiors, the Cash got from companies, big modern shops and garages are the most important matter for this Church like for any other church. And when a family gets out of stuff due to sickness and unemployment, the big masters of Islam throw the families on the streets of Istanbul, where they have to live like animals and can die now.

Well, this pattern is all over the world the same:


The Jews have for God certainly the one they pretend. But aside we can see the Wall Street crash, we have the settlements business in Israel, the misery in the West Banks and Gaza and we can see, what Jews can do, if some nice people want to give release to the tortured population in Gaza and elsewhere. And a war against Lebanon, Iran or Iraq can be made anytime, under the protection of GW Bush, Obama, the US Congress and the similar believers, the US Evangelicans.


I wonder what sort of God a religion can have, when they burnt women, perhaps 100000, as witches alive to death on funeral piles, much to the pleasure of Piety, during centuries, and by the end telling, that they and God did not know about the very archaic belief, when equally the folks in South America and Asia should rather be slaughtered than not letting them their style of living with the most valuable Religions on Earth, the one of best functioning of Nature on this dying Planet.


Certainly the Chinese have a belief. They had for some time the one of Maoism and Marxism and it went quite well except of millions going to starve. Then the Chinese discovered the God of Cash and Stock exchanges, bought US bonds in trillions - and financed the Craze of USA and today, they try to become the most successful nation of all times - when in fact sitting on the hugest Bubble of economy, ever seen in human history - exploding any moment and tearing the rest down to hell.


There is some Buddhism and Hinduism there and convinced some Western believers, when no longer believing in GW Bush or the Roman Pope, to get easily over to this sort of Gods. Why not? But think: Whereas by natural recognition, in Europe the idiocy of an explosion of pollution - according to my "ORAKEL 2099" the top danger on the planet, conditioning the lower 9 steps of danger for the breakdown of systems and the planet under mass-laws and hybrid thinking - has gone low. But in India, there is no program to stop the coming disaster and their Gods all around Buddhism and Hinduism did never think of the chance that mass can be a deadly LAW. So the most respected Religions have the least of solutions to the world saving programs, except preaching well-feeling like in any consumerism temple in Las Vegas.

It is funny to "see" all the truth about Islam and the rest, about the Fear of God, in a World that has lost any compass and therefore is going down the river just now.

And World Media under influence of Cash, the same as for religions, don't see it and are very proud to be blind, racist, insensitive and worse.

Did I forget any religion or media or politics or economics or fright from God? Take any other sort of belief in God or Cash - and the concept and result are the same.

Something has to change in the brains of Humanity.