Junk about Sartre and Camus

LIBERATION Junk - Sartre and Camus

"Liberation" is a very intellectual newspaper from Paris. And in view of the fact that Albert Camus died on January 4, 1960, all French Media are full of praise for the literature and philosophy of Albert Camus.

And of course, Camus cannot be judged as the new Hero of intellect of the past 20th Century, without being compared to over-father Jean-Paul Sartre. Let's do it again, the comparing - but first have a close look on other very dull philosophers of the world.

- OLD GREEKS - What is the world?

Plato, Socrates, Aristoteles - The old Greeks were not dull. Considering that not even bicycles were running on the small and dusty paths of the land and no idea of electricity, of canons, rifles, atom work or explosion of mass population, the start in philosophy was just great. The level of thinking by the Old Greeks was high-end and should have been a start for higher investigation of the role of the universe, of nature, of the planet Earth and of humans, in relation to its treasures and co-creatures.

But somehow, the start was already a little bit too arrogant and simplified. It was more question of behaviour of humans than of explanation what humans should do to prevent war, torture and destruction of other species and of nature. But still, as I said, all was there that Philosophy could have a good start and weigh out Religion for all times. The question of God, if there would be any and what kind of God, could have been handled within Philosophy instead of killing all humans that do not believe in an invented idiot of nothing, as a given exclusivity of a nice one-and-only God of Roman Catholics, Allah, Buddha, Evangelican Bush and some other hundred of wise guys, a picture or photo of those Gods could never be presented so far. - Dream on, dear believers, the world goes on turning.


Worst of all philosophies was the one of Anglo-American Pragmatism. What is pragmatism? Let's translate it into: "Acceptance of the rotten situations and systems, as they are given, and to see only the positive side of it and don't worry about any origins and effects of any deadly ways of living by a blinded Species without brains."

That's exactly what happened. No wonder the Theories of Economics came from English and American folks - and often from Jews, who have a materialised view on life. Money being important, just as humans seem to be important.

And so we hade, besides the Atlantic Philosophers, some idiots like Adam Smith, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman and even Karl Popper can be named as pragmatist. They are responsible for the mess in economics we are in - just as well as for the destruction of the planet in questions of Ecology.

Who only looks at ONE system, the money oriented world of Socialism or Capitalism, is not a man of higher mind, but an adult child who plays with little stones, until their towers and sky-scrapers fall in pieces, in 1929, WW I and WW II, some nice bubbles through to 2007, Wall Street, Japan, Argentina, Far East, Mexico, Ireland and England, Dubai and very soon China, Monaco, Switzerland, USA and all the rest.

Pragmatism could never function in a world of stupidity and simplified views on reality.

- GERMAN FANTASTIC HEROES - about Over-humans and 'mastering' problems

The Germans had, in modern times since the Enlightenment, perhaps the best Philosophers. But still: Their Fuss about the importance of humans, of an Elite, of systems that can generate greed and growth, a better world by more and more and more - more consumerism, more techniques, more wars, more weapons, more missiles, more atom power, more cars, more planes, more of books without reasonable contents - all this for Nietzsche's super-human - this could never work.

The Germans made a basic error in thinking, already under Heidegger, Kant, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Hegel and other ever same trash of low humanism in preparation of Hitler:

They ALL never got the basics: The world is NOT governed by humans, but by the limits a small and easy crunching Planet would set. Until this very day, not one idiot out of German philosophy, not Habermas and Sloterdijk or Enzensberger or any other small brains, would wonder about the effects of killing ecology, when the 'point of no return' was already reached about 1975. Since then, the world accelerated self-destruction in a way, no brakes can ever stop final disaster, before the final crash.

What is the value of admiring human nature, when wars show how they kill each other for no reason at all. --- Torture can be applied, mastered by CIA in all cellars of Buenos Aires, Santiago and the rest of South American and African towns, and the perpetrators are handled for heroes and live on in luxury, in spite of lying and useless Tribunals for human rights. Democrazies are nothing but Dictatorships of dull Majorities, wanting to have ALL for own folks, and nothing for the holocaust of climate, weather, animals, and poor folks not living in the western Idiot-world of Greed, Growth, Stock exchanges and Hedge funds.

No idea of Mass destruction by Explosion of Population on this Globe. Abortion being a crime, when parents don't even have the power of nourishing themselves and rely on Nations, that just now go down the drain without any social care, being indebted to an extend, they never can pay for their Treasury Bonds, future pension plans, education and interests on gigantic Burj Towers of Dubai in debts.

Whole humanity has become crazy, is broke, gets down the drain - and not ONE German philosopher ever saw it coming - not more than the breakdown of Berlin Wall or the terrifying matter about Wall Street Crash, with structured packages of Derivatives. Humans are dull to the max - this should have been the only valid Philosophy coming out of Germany.

Now comes finally:

- FRENCH EXISTENTIALISM - of fast-food philosophy of Sartre and Camus

There IS a difference of Sartre and Camus: Sartre loved the socialistic life in Russia and China and was blind for those crimes and had to correct his simple views on existence, called Existentialism, all the time during life. And it was not much better with Descartes, Machiavelli, Pascal, Glucksmann, Levy, Strauss, Kahn and other Christly and Jewish master minds.

More complex than mentioned geniuses is Camus: He wrote such a superficial thing that likewise the leftish folks of Socialism adored him a while, than the Algerian terror despising right wing conservatives around Hitler admirers popped up - a thing, today should be compared to Friedman and Popper admirers of the Chicago Greenspan school. And therefore, none of the two ideologists liked Camus very much - and therefore he got the Dynamite Prize. Not being able to place a guy, is one of the major reasons for attributing this Prize to any thinker not being precise in facts.

Learn one simple fact: French Existentialism as always been humanly bluff about "deep thinking": The apparent perfect existence of humans would be ALL. All matters should turn around human quality of life, his style of living, his feelings, his wisdom, his better being against the rest - nature and co-creatures.

Such a philosophy would deny terror, without thinking twice that against Terror of State out of Hitler Germany, or Napoleon France, Stalin Russia, Cheap products China, copy-terrorism Japan and hegemonial killing USA, spitting on all other lands - there is only one possible strategy: Individual counter-terror. Crying about simple terrorism and accepting huge State terror in the name of God or Democracy of its own measure, is sign of highest hypocrisy ever read in a French Newspaper.

Valid French Philosophy never existed - just as Swiss, or Japanese, or Chinese, or Indonesian or African and Australian Philosophy. For ethical Thinking - in a given world, on a very small Planet with very small film of atmosphere very easy to be destroyed for all times, for thinking right, the Species Homo non-sapiens should always have worried about ONE Thing.

- How should we behave in order to have future chances or survival in a given paradise? In this view, Sartre and Camus were nothing but adult children, having very nice languages and literary styles, as French Culturalists loved it since Napoleon - as proven again in the first edition of LIBERATION of the year 2010. - Reading that quark is a Must - because you will learn - nothing.

- Conclusion

It is easy to say: We do NOT want War, torture, terror, injustice, missing human rights or democracies etc. - without just quoting and explaining for one second the long chain of origins and effects, of actions and reactions, under WHAT CONDITIONS all the above measures of humans would be nice Junk and not helpful at all.

Wars, terror, criminal acts, no rights for the poor etc. could have been established long time ago, of philosophers with effect from the OLD GREEKS would have explained, why they do not make sense. By application of theories of behaviour in kind of economics, politics, ecology, culture and religion, they made a fuss about anything - except the real thing:

How can humans survive on a Planet, where the Mass-laws of explosion of stupidity, of power by the few rich idiots, democracies made for the Elite, nature, animals, water, air, climate and the rest being nothing, but technology, modernism, cash, shares and influence of deadly brains in the heads of a criminal and idiotic Species about all we worshiped through

- French, Anglo-Saxon and German Philosophers without functioning brains..... What could humanity expect better for the 21st Century?

What's the sense of saving 10 billions without a future - if the existing lines of philosophy do nothing else but destroy any basis of living with rotten systems of uncultured folks?