World vanishes South - World of high Feelings

World of high Feelings - The World vanishes in the South (Part SEVEN)

Not a very long time ago, I wrote for online papers the story "Emotions - Are they killing our World?"

The Study went around the world. Even better: It is now in the Net and therefore can never more be deleted, for all times - and above all, the text is true:

It makes me laugh how all writers in literature just want to know "the ONE": The power of high feelings, of humans, humans, humans, humans - a never ending story going in circles for ever.

You read just one single Novel - and you have in fact read all novels ever written in history. Who ever has extended over 300 pages on all Facets of live: Beauty, envy, jealousy, hatred, longing for death, search of truth in feelings, greed, sex and relationships, power and influence, has written what all other coming copiers would do. It was like and automatic Spell for all later writers, to do the pattern a second, a third and a millionth time, writing about the same most normal matter - always and ever the same again - by just changing some details, impulses and variations of a rather funny kind.

Under such prospects, I could let grow this book "vanish from the South" from 40 pages up to 10000, without any problem, just by explaining in details on all the high feeling of humans, with lots of protagonists, dialogues without any end, simply some every-day rubbish, written before by thousands of others - since over 2000 years.

It seems, humans never get enough of this stuff, never get fed up of other humans and their own high feelings. The whole landscape of Media is living from this PHENOMENON. All want to know everything about everyone - and this exactly is the reason, why most persons know nothing.

What do they know, the presumptuous Species of the Non-reflecting species in literature of reality, and what do they know apart from human "Feelings", what do they know of the feelings of animals, of nature, of God and our real universe?

I tell you: Nothing - absolutely nothing. No oeuvre was ever created to clarify this question. About the Species Homo non-sapiens, the genial writers of science and literature know all - at least they believe to have the right views.

-  But this false assumption is the very reason, why they know nothing at all.

It's time to clear up, what - about high Feelings - all these general arguments could mean:

- When bloody Dictators, Popes and Presidents shout on TV and then kill a lots of children, let burn or stone or torture to death women in masses, there can be for the smart alecks, the untouched folks, nothing more accidental in news - because they have to run after money and sex and own career.

- When on the other side some pretty little brat comes along who had sex before and tries to take benefit from men's influence as Director in the picture business, there is a uproar of feeling over the whole world, especially from feminine side, even if they never had to judge the matter closely and make comparisons with regard to less hypocrite crimes.

- When the planet is destroyed with all its living creatures: the oceans and forests and landscapes with billions of species of animals and plants out there, as if they were stones with nerves and feelings, the average idiot, the number out of democracy as dictatorship of dull majorities, takes this terrible fact as a simple FIGURE of economic life.

- When scientists of nature and arts have not even got one percent of the total game, in spite of a so-called "explosion of knowledge", so there we can see the wonder, that this self-destruction is prized with Dynamite, although all "achievements", by the end, only led to suicide of human mankind.

- When a billion of cars are circulating as well as some ten thousands of cheap-air- and cruiser-tourists, the whole progress-word takes if for marvellous, it brings turnover and profits, in spite of the fact, those poison-machines spoil the geo-sphere for future generations - an idiotic deed of highest scale. Just speaking of our "Triumph of technologic Ideals". What it is: A triumph of human sickness in mind of never foreseen consequences - and nothing else.

- Of the real Universe, not even the Elites understand anything. They do not even know, how to conclude on "light-years" - They believe it would be a question of time, of 365 days, instead of a space figure that can never be measured in our minds. That's why E = mc2 is completely out of reach for human brains, when making an interpretation about the practice of the formula. Would scientists know more about figures, the words: "Extra-terrestrials" or ET, or God, or eternity in time and endlessness in space, would not be a subject of science, but only a sign of eternal stupidity of the elites, with regards to universal dimensions, great masses, overstating hybrid brains - with or without highest feelings.

And so I could go on and on with this catalogue of vanity over 1000 pages - and not one human would get it, of what this guy in fact is talking about. Average humans have in terms of these matters a rather low IQ - and the excuse can't be that bonus-bankers and media geniuses have an IQ, inferior to average.

Because interpretations in universal knowledge have no good reputation, they are normally considered as to be of highest dullness and superficiality. Humans are oriented on money-measuring, although who ever thinks in those terms, is less intelligent as my dog, although I must present my excuses to him once more, his instincts are intact, when the ones of humans never were.

But here, I thought again of ABSOLUTE intellect, and not of the normal one of humans:

We go down the drain and don't seize it. The big heads of males, full of high feelings presented to us, are of no use. And if taking female minds, it becomes not better. Who only thinks in terms of concreteness, and never in those of abstractedness, could as well be dead, the difference would be marginal. But I must precise, this goes only in matters of absolute and universal spirit - and not for normal daily use of minds.

Some peculiar truth: This goes also for geniuses like Habermas, Sloterdijk, Camus, Sartre and all of the pragmatic geniuses out of Anglo-Saxon USA. Those zero-thinkers in Philosophy, as explained in a former chapter, never understood history of humans correctly, as it should have been done if humans should have a decent future.

You can, if you wish, take higher sense of RELATIVITY - on the texts presented here.

This attitude would not change and not be a worth a fig in relation to our Reality as such. Humans should have listened in all times to the most wisest Few, the ones with predictions and solutions, instead of listening to those power-oriented Machiavelli-types and Presidents, who became slaves of great schizophrenic behaviourism.

Had we done so, we would today be living in some sort of Paradise on Earth, with not more than some other 100 million of humans - and this state of affairs was possible in former times - before philosophers, scientists, politicians and the rest became crazy to highest extent, full of greed and ideas of growth and feasibilities. In fact, only few persons got the clue if it.

As we look now into our world, we seem to stand in front of the Gates of hell - Going back again in a better future in intact fields on Earth, has become an impossibility----

Commonsense and reasonability - against high Feelings?

Let's state now at the end: The last ones - feelings - have triumphed over the first ones - commonsense. - Funny enough: This fact was celebrated as a victory of ethics and morals, because not one human seems to get it that there is no difference if wars, cellars of torture, crashes of stock exchanges and bankruptcies of Banks and States do not differ much - be they made by commonsense or by high feelings. High feelings must be controlled by reasonableness, or we have Hitler, Stalin, GW Bush or Wall Street.

It is utterly incredible that our VIPs never got an idea in 2000 years, when the moment has come to alert all of us in the Craze to come. Fact is: One day around 1975, we had come to the end of the flagstaff, as we say in German - in English "POINT OF NO RETURN".

Each "ever more and more" in feelings must have led to a collapse of feelings and commonsense.

At the same time, commonsense and higher mind in the heads of great number of folks were reduced more and more under a Mass of INFO. This is no miracle, considering we were bombed down in exponential ways, with Tycoons' media of profitability - and other stupidities. Even animals would have got crazy, could they be able to read and understand that junk, as humans do.

When finally the world of literature situated feeling high above any intellect, we have the proof here, how most of the writers never knew, what and why they should be writing at all. Much of our literature should never have seen light on this globe - it was just another nail to the coffin - blinding us completely over the real facts.

Nothing, always remains nothing - even when the pretention is, VIP's intellect would be good "for the masses".

We should have realized long time ago, what was going on with our minds: Unfortunately, VIPs were regarded by folks as being of highest importance. They did not see how these guys and bluffers were responsible for the craze in all Times and still are, even more and more since 1960, because the Elite had itself never real high Feelings, and above all - which is much more of heavy consequence - they most of the time had almost no intellect of the valuable kind. - Children of the future will be presented the bill for this fact.