Principles of Nihilism

God's and Humans "Principles of Nihilism"

Where can there be a "Principle of Nihilism" in a world, where everybody is "Don't worry, be happy"? Something must be wrong with my power of consciousness. Isn't it the other way round? Are we not living in a world governed by a principle of God to be called "Principle of eternal hope and happiness"?

Something must have been wrong with my brain from the start. When I was very young, I was already wondering about adult being having no capability of understanding "universalism". They did, in my opinion, never understand what reality is, they would give of all laurel wreaths, all possible prizes like the Nobelprizes, to "Quasi-Idiots", with lowest-level consciousness in science, culture, economics and all the rest.

When studying a little bit later all the important writings of philosophers since Plato of the last 2500 years and the theorists of economics since Adam Smith, I wondered about the simplified views about reality. It was not more than human behaviourism that these people have written down - and that today is regarded as highest kind of power in reflection.

But there are wonders, nobody really understands: Who is making work the whole universe? Who knows what eternity, endlessness, time, space, God, beginning and end could be? Who knows how a simple sperm could develop into a human being with a functioning brain? Who can explain why a special Homo sapiens can be developed by nature who becomes just us intelligent to wipe himself out by own blind capacity?

We must have a name for this. And I decided to give it the name of "God", having no other expression to give to the unknown, to a nameless energy in the Universe, to an incredibly high and never understood wisdom, to an endlessness in knowledge and gigantic encyclopedia, to all sorts of unknown "Some-things" which apparently make run our universe.

When I grow older, I understood more and more the following principles:

- Humans will never grasp what reality and what God is.

- They will worship some human made Gods, who are just good enough to be put forward by some religious idiots in all colours of United Benbishop, killing "in his name" female humans, animals of any sorts, the whole nature of our isolated globe, changing its face to hell, with their unethical and childish "Principles of Nihilism" in favour of powerful hypocrites.

- Homo sapiens uses his goddamned force of consciousness, only to create a money- and technology-world that will end-up in self-destruction, due to the imminent ending of energy, resources, due to wipe out a sound nature, without ethics for air, water, climate and thus for human future generations as well.

- There may be other human-like animals somewhere in the universe, but I will never know - and perhaps even God does not know. We can only hope that they would not apply "nihilism", as Homo non-sapiens did it, for the last 200 years.

There is a secret about the human nature which always seems to see first the "don't worry happy-things" only, but never will seize what true "reality" could be. And so, all philosophers seemed to restrict their intelligence to wish that some day, eternal life for Homo sapiens could be possible, as some kind of highest arts of happiness. What a proof of lowest possible intellectual power, most likely lowest ever seen throughout our Universe!

This way of looking down on reality ignores almost everything. It ignores the principle of helplessness, of illness, of poverty, of senselessness, of torturing people and animals, of making wars all the time and having killed billions of folks in atrocious ways, by it by principles of religion, of esoterics, of economics, of politics or of sheer stupidity.

Why, however, the most evident principle of all, is not seen? The whole universe of God functions for reason, no one will ever know, according to one stable principle: "Everyone kills everyone, everything kills everything. The fittest kills the less fit, be it species, people, animals or plants. What an atrocious idea: Who could live for eternity, would see all sorts of torture and pain, applied on himself and on all others. And not one easygoing brain of humans could ever imagine, why this is so - and even less prevent it from happening...

We might have billions of planets with human-like beings - but not one of them would not follow the natural path, of one being wiping out the other by natural "Law of Nihilism" – and it is "God" who built up this incredibly senseless principle, throughout eternity and endlessness, for reasons no human brain can ever explain."

Now, these evident facts that I understood already as a little child, are ignored by all scientist, political and economic VIP on Earth. For good reasons so, since some sort of "Happiness" is today individualised by principle, and in fact, most people could say: "I have not to complain. I had so far a good life. I am happy, I am at good health, I have money - and I am not yet dead." I must, for my person, that I had all the luck of a human being that could ever by possible: Good education, good profession, enough money to survive, lot's of free time to have a good time, almost never sick, good relationships of my own choice - and hopefully never tortured and never experiencing a terrible death. And for reasons I will never understand, even my texts are no longer dead-born, but published worldwide in form of Editors Letters. I don't will know what the reasons are for some wise men of women making this possible, but still, it happens. So what reasons to complain?

I do not complain. I do and did through my lifetime try to explain. And knowing about the eternal laws of nihilism, of a God no one will ever know anything, and getting into consciousness that there may be billions of sun-systems, perhaps of universes, and ultimate pain and death, even of the fittest, is the basic law of nature, I wrote some day. "When I will be dead, I will gain "all-mighty knowledge" and this will give me the power of killing God and wiping out our universe, the world as such, all consciousness ever existing - in order to finalize with this eternal law of nihilism that couldn't be exceeded by any thinkable law of eternal happiness, ethics, good feeling or else."

I admit that it is not a good idea of reflecting too much about our world as it is. Perhaps, this may be the reason why so many crooks existed throughout our human times, playing Popes, or Presidents, or Dictators, or scientist of false hopes, in a humanity that will soon see its natural end coming, provoked by own stupidity of a principle of feasibility and vanity that will prove by the end of having been another principle of nihilism.  

Can there be any way out of these impasses in reality and human intellectual conception of understanding a world as it truly functions? Well, the only way would have been to establish at least by force of human intelligence a world with restricted numbers of human beings, living in peace with nature, to say with animals, plants, landscapes, seas, our resources, energy, air, water and all the realities of conception on our planet Earth. We decided otherwise, try with absolutely destructive methods and mechanics to cure a crazy-gone society of Homo non-sapiens. And all of us function with lies eternally repeated to ourselves, to the fictive Gods of religions and even to the true God of the Universe, the one who may know what "Reality" is.

Some readers may believe that this article does not make any sense. He or she are free to believe that there are also "Principles of Hope". I agree. Some sort of a "Paradise on Earth" could have been possible about 200 years ago, according to my book "10 Maxims for continuation of existence". And this should have happened: No explosion of population, no mad money-world, no technology of insane mobility and destruction of resources, killing our Globe. Best feasible Harmony with humans, animals and nature, no wars, no torture, no terrorism, no stupid governments and NGOs. Take care of landscapes, seas, water, air. Health care with minimisation in illness and painful dying. Trying to go against the "Principle of Nihilism" of God and create some sort of paradise solely on one planet, called Earth". Who wished to know more, can buy that book and understand why, today, it is too late by at least 100 years, to correct whatsoever, in order to escape final conclusions on what this letter says.

In the meantime, we still have a fake of a "Principle of hope" which is misused not to be forced to reflect about our reality, built by human power on Earth, and especially not to become aware about the universal Laws and Principles of Nihilism.