The queer World of HUBBLE

Now, it's not easy to prove the Idiocy of Hubble.

Like before Galileo, all the idiotic laws around human ASTRONOMY is still based on totally EGO-CENTRIC views on reality - regarding the situation of the Earth in the Universe in respect of Time and Space. Theories are dependent on the fact, where in the Universe our Galaxy of the Milky Way could well be…

But I will not extend too much about scripts, written 100 times before. For the time being what follows:


The Theories of Relativities of Einstein are Nuts.

Same goes for the childish   E = mc2

Big Bang

The Theory of a BIG BANG or URKNALL is nothing but a KNALL.

This Big Bang never took place.


The Theory that other millions of Galaxies are in existence - is right.

The Theory of the HUBBLE-LAW is wrong - which says:

- "The further away galaxies are - the faster the speed of going to the edge of Universe"


All theories as written about - are pure IDIOCY.

I shall only restrict the thing about the "Rotlicht-Verschiebung".

It does not measure speed, but the Light Quality in Space.

All is based on my "TIME-SPACE-DILEMMA":

There are 100 explanations. But going on just one to make even New York Times wake up:

One question is: Where is the Planet EARTH?

Answer: Somewhere in the "Galaxy Milky Way" - one of millions of galaxies.

Nobody knows, where the Earth is in the Universe.

BUT - all Theories mentioned above, are only valid - IF the EARTH would be at the exact place of the BIG BANG - apparently 13 billion Years ago….

This is NUTS and typical for the rotten Species of HOMO NON-SAPIENS:

Who is not able to explain the reasons of the World Finance Collapse - is not able to give reasons, why before 13 billion years - nothing existed. The Big Bang is utterly impossible. E = mc2 is right, but no valid theory with real value for humans. And the Hubble-Law is the greatest BLUFF ever seen….

Depending on the place of the EARTH, middle of Universe or edge of Universe, either the theories of TIME are right - or the ones of SPACE - this is the DILEMMA.

But to get the point, it needs a genial Head - and not the shit-in-brains of the other 99 Percent…

Good night - Boys.

written on October 26, 2011