World vanishes South - World of Journalism

World of Journalism - The World vanishes in the South (Part SIX)

This part of the World is probably the most interesting one, especially for the media business itself.

Because, don't you think so - what would humanity be without its written and online journals, newspapers, TV and radio stations - and newest - the almighty media power in the Internet?

We have to make distinctions:

- Do we want to have entertainment - or do we want to have truth?

Would humanity have opted for TRUTH, there would be no media at all on this globe. Because, as soon as the masses wanted to be replaced by other masses, the media geniuses, in the service of power in politics, economy, capitalism, money-casinos, culture for shine, science for shine - we can say: The farmer had already brought the dung on his fields.

Entertainment, infotainment, that's all humans want to see. More precisely: Giving a halt in life from the back side, let's help humans stand upright, in the storms of life. Give back to folks their illusions, those they risk losing anew every day, give them all explanations and wrong theories on their views on "Reality", with all the errors lying behind truth, just in favour of higher fun or amusement.

Therefore - media have only been invented - NOT to "inform" the mass of people, but to diffuse wrong equality of rights and beliefs, based on principles for which if proved in a foregoing chapter, how superficial they were, with everlasting repeating and penetrating commonsense lies:

- "Be good to each other - reproduce yourself in masses - don't be full of envy or jealousy - grant to other humans what they want - rich have rights, just as poor, grant them all - don't ever make war but make love, love your neighbour as you do with yourself - just kill the ones you don't like too much - protect your nation - be never there where crimes are committed - creep in the ass of any Hitler or Pinochet you find - follow the directives of nations, governments can't be wrong - especially if governed by types like Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Milosevic, Tenno, Mao, Reagan, GW Bush, Obama or Hu and Wen or Singh or Lula. - Please, go to church and pray in favour of your personal God - and kill all who do not accept him - females are lower in value than males - they have not the right sex - children are good, you can use them as cheap handicraft - they will become wander-workers or peasants of China - they will be the free spirits of capital on Wall Street - become a investment banker and get bonuses from the poor - then become finance consultant of Obama or Putin - after having created the Crash on Wall Street and City of London - go to church and worship Ratzinger - never write what is political incorrect - read the good books of all the "Wunderfrauleins" with highest feelings - believe in yourself and into the Esoterics of the master philosophers - give your money and savings to the right ones, the big-banks with rating offices giving AAA - fly out in the world and increase traffic of mass-tourism - do it for sex, for capital, for sun, fun and nothing to do - don't worry, be happy with "Yes, you can!" - if you really want something, read the best media who emanate all this junk - repeat it, and your soul will hang in 7th heaven - just before, your funny entertainment, the House of cards will break in pieces - and will bury you under all those scripts of lies you where forced to read."

And the World of Media will triumph: "Not one single swine could predict the easy readable collapse. It was impossible, to see the logical consequence of mass-stupidity, also never seen by Dynamite Prize heads - and therefore, the privileged ones will eat the last Caviar, and let rinse it down with most expensive Champagne - and Middle Class will be happy with life, lying under the ruins of their lost illusions of zero feasibilities, in this cynical world of overall being happy-----"

Why I wrote all this? Well, for my entertainment. And because I wrote it in all my books and Editors' Letters since 30 years, without seeing that one soul would have got just one word of it. And so again, it will be with the book written here, if ever it will be printed on my cost - because the insane editing companies have better matters for stupid media to print.

At the same last gasp as this Journaille, the book market has to be mentioned as well. What has been printed in the last years, be it belletristic (belles-lettres, fiction) or factual books or other scrap, was in fact nearly insupportable, for a head with higher wisdom. It is not credible how much all writers adapted their arts to the norms of the masses, of Status quo, of U.S. and western political correctness. All is "WEST", all is USA - or for a change anti-west or anti-USA, what seems to be much better. At least, there would be no fundamental critics on the existing systems.

In the East, the Islamists become always more powerful, go back into the Middle Ages, cover their females with towels or Burka, if not stoning them, and in the gust of Sharia, they don't know how low to get with their intellectual life-style.

Apart from the "only valid" God of Ratzinger in the Vatican, the Jews are coming and ask for their rights to take over whole of Jerusalem and Palestine. And the servants of Mohammed want to get an Empire of their beliefs because they are afraid to be poured over by a dull money-world of the finest and thus losing some old habits. Therefore, in matters of religion and belief, we must have arrived on the lowest step of intellect possible. Just compare official religious maxims to the so-called "primitive folks", who believed in sun, earth, water, air and a future for humans in peace - compared to the major religions, those chaps were modern and eternally guilty to the max.

But carry of the prize, hit the mark does --- the NET, the internet.

Take Facebook, take Twitter, Google, Apple, theft of all spiritual property, look into the Chats on the level of low-grade idiots. The world itself has now established a memorial for its spiritual downfall.

In addition, all these facts and trillions of INFO did not add to an explosion of knowledge, of science, of peace - on the contrary: We have more crimes, porno and sex, misuse of children and credit cards, theft of savings by casino fantasies based on completed greed coming from hackers in Russia and China and other areas.

Wikipedia has gone for beyond any reasonable measure. They dictate the subjects, the topics, the names, the deletion policy - compared to Google, Apple and Wikipedia, your Obama is nothing but a little Osama Bin Laden - the one, your Barack cannot crash, just like the living one - and all Americans, as well as all other followers of U.S. logics in all countries on this Globe. Get rid of the perfect criminals in the NET - or you will get lost and rotten, due to them.

Humanity has got to the dogs. Each one a fortunate's favourite who does not understand anything of computers and access to the marvel-world on all splendour and grandeur - of "Everything Goes" - in as much, it is not yet absolutely emptied from any sense and ethics.

In view of these facts, my kind of literature should be a great hype in media, because it is standing so cross and oblique in this landscape, I am ashamed to be forced to read my name outside of my own literature. How shall I explain, in words and in all required details, what people are reading here, when they seem to know in perfect ways, what is "absolute truth"?

Fact is without any doubt: As much as the world's Elite, their masses have come down in intellect in a degree which is hard to be exceeded, in modern times of "progress" - and I am again here in the famous fields of the so-called "99 percent".

Or are there more, not seeing in what world, not only media, we are living? They can't be much less than 99 percent, otherwise we would have got a reality, in which to live would have offered a better chance for the future - and today, it would be worth-while to live in it.

Am I writing this here with pleasure? Yes, in the sense of: There is not much effort about it and it helps to come over this day. But am I not forced to push aside quite a lot, by free choice of ignorance?

Let's express the matter like this: I have, since 50 years, like a Roger Federer in tennis, trained myself not to take inhibition as a damage, but as a profit in favour of faculty of perception

And it was not easy to recognize the speed of change in the world. But it is possible: You can recognize and describe truth. But you cannot force the horses to drink. You can see "it" - or you cannot.

There are possibilities - and some Dynamite-Prize winners have taken them. All what above this line, was damned to eternal silence. In media, you learn about the easiness of letting out relevant facts, taken as a funny sport. You make the choice of the winners in daily fun, and you could see it, if sitting on a high mountain, to overlook all to come what predicted. Read the right stuff and get reality one-to-one.

This is like SIX correct figures in Lotto: You always win, you get accustomed to it - and it becomes more and more boring - until you die. And what will you be leaving behind - so to say, as your life-heritage?

And for whom would you? Was it worth-while, your life and existence?

They never ask me this question, today, when I just rushed this chapter in around 30 minutes. Just ask me some more matters - when I am a little bit drunk, fairly tired, in good mood, human-friendly to the excess.

Then, readers are risking some fine analysis - not more - dear Media-geniuses of a lost Century, the 21st and last One.