Pro and Contra - 1968

PRO and ANTI Movements regarding "1968 students Revolution"

Time has come to justify anew all the intellectual theories about the "1968 youth movements" in USA, France, Germany and else - 40 years after the happenings.

But not one brain on Earth seems to realize the real problems we had in 1968 and still have now in the year 2008.

Let's explain in shortest ways what is meant by errors and stupidities of PRO- and ANTI movements regarding "students revolt of 1968" - today and when it happened:


The anti-movements are the same that accepted Hitler and other wars, U.S. Vietnam, Stalin massacres. They were always on the side of wealth of the richest and the most powerful people on Earth. Their morals and ethics were slow motion or not existent at all. The formula in my book "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung" (power times stupidity equal Self destruction) confirms this state of affairs and explains all the mechanics.

For the people in power, be they LEFT, social, Marxist, moralist, "demo-crazist" and "ethical" - or be they RIGHT, pro-economy, anti-State, pro-Friedmanism, pro-privatisation, pro-globalisation, pro-deregulation…. what is the fundamental difference? Most people, say 99 percent of indoctrinated brains, from left or right wing, only think in superficial and short-term ways in intellect. They believe we could have a better world, without effort, without total changes in mind, without reshaping spiritual and intellectual junk, coming from a past that goes like this:

"Humans are Gods, they can do in technical and scientific matters whatever they wish. Humans count all and alone, on this planet. Nature, animals, seas, air and biology are nothing but junk to be used in favour of Homo non-sapiens. We have the money (in fact only about one per mille have it) to create any realities what so ever we could wish and we are able to govern reality with our banks, stock exchanges, financial scrap of any sort, cheating ourselves being the great masses - and we achieve easily the goal to have most people living in a world where we could have, if only we would believe in it, eternal peace and welfare."

The truth is that these people who have the power, are just interested in ONE thing: To see increased their richness of VIP outside normal life-streams - and they are convinced not to lower the welfare of the rest by their greed. And this "Rest of humans" becomes larger and larger now, from year to year - and by 2050, it will have reached over 90 percent at least of world population.

The situation was basically not different in 1968: All "big shots" could decide about wars all around the globe, in Dictatorships against socialism, in Vietnam against the yellow danger, in other places against pro-western ideas like in China, or anti-western ideologies like in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela - in largest parts of Central and South America. And in Africa, the western power of IMF and Worldbank shattered all natural born infrastructure and agriculture - and replaced them by a destructing money-casino of the power-clans of black fat idiots, those blood-dictators and their surrounding got all, just as the whites under Apartheid in South Africa, and the mass of indigenous folks saw themselves confronted with increasing poverty, on any continent you may think of.

Torture of youth and intelligentsia were the measures of the right-wing western idiots. And in Eastern socialist countries, the state-capitalism did not really bring much advantage to the masses, those who had not the privileges of the national party.

And still today, nothing has changed in view of the fundamental sources of thinking in East and West, although Marxism lies in pieces in Russia, New Europe, China, India and Far East. All have taken over the craziness of Shock capitalism of Popper and Friedman, as was taught by Reagan, Thatcher, Bush, Greenspan, Schwab and Bernanke - an awful bunch of money-idiots, who did never know what they are doing.

This is to say about the ANTI-1968-movements, although the PRO 1968 would not have proposed better solutions in economy, ecology, politics, culture and all the rest, in order to cure our terrible situation on Earth. We are going down the drain right now, due to the theories of ANTI-progressive movements since 1968. But what can be said about the others, the "bright" PRO-Movements?


The ideologies of the 1968 people were or at least seemed high above, in morals and ethics, above the right-wing scrap. So, left-wing illusions seemed to be reflecting another reality than the one having been developing on this planet since 1800. No doubt, the students meant to be almighty in spirit and they were sure, the ideas of the youth at western universities would have been of highest urgency.

But: what would have changed, if the ideas of the youth and their philosophers in 1968 could have reached all the power in all nations, when thinking of the formula: Power times stupidity = Self destruction - in all areas on Earth?

I tell you: Nothing at all! Their ideas were naïve, unpractical and not allowing any real changes to the general consensus of "living conditions" for people they wanted to achieve. This naivety of revolting youth around 1968 could in fact not be surpassed by any other utopia, in history of human mankind. And why?

No wars anymore? No torture? No richness and poverty anymore, nowhere? Equality and civil-rights all around the planet for all folks? Human rights for any colours and any minorities?

Hell: And then? Just going on with destruction of our planet, with this Money casino? We all know by now: The best 1968 heads became later on the best CEO and NGOs Leaders with zero intellect and feeling for the masses of poor on this world. This is a fact and shows the value of people who had the big gossip around the years of revolution in Western universities.

A change of society without higher philosophy, in the interest of all future generations, is absolutely impossible and an illusion. And to ban wars and torture in all nations and continents on this Globe is the greatest intellectual scrap ever seen: Without changing from the grounds all mechanics going against the weak and the poor, the powerless, the nature, the animals, the planet as a whole and the interests of future generations, is not worth the paper written on.

But when we listen today to what said "philosophers and thinkers" like Sartre, Horkheimer, Derrida, Marcuse, Fischer, Cohn-Bendit, Dutschke and other pseudo-intellectuals of those times around 1968, nine out of ten PRO-1968 would say with conviction: "Great - these people could have changed the world for better - if only they would have got a chance." And only one out of a million would write, still valid today: "Wait a minute. What did they REALLY mean? An alternative stupid idea of reality? With this mass world with egoistic greed on side of most humans? Well, seen in bright light, there could not have been really useful changes at all."

We see today: A lot of gossip and childish crying around - and no substance, no fundamental changes, nothing in favour of our platform of living, the Earth, crunched slowly then, already in the year 1968, and afterwards, the silent disaster went on - in ever accelerating terms.

Yes, dear friends of the year 1968, of youth riots in Washington, Paris, London, Berlin, Zurich etc.: Stop thinking in low IQ-schemes, start to come on a higher level of intellect and stop worshiping a PRO-movement, that was only by inches better than the ANTI-movement - the Friedman-Thatcher Junk, a philosophical thinking of zero value.

C. Power x Stupidity = Self destruction

Yes, dear friends. Here we talk of the title of one of my books. What does it mean, this title? It means that the powerful on the Earth, the greedy ones with all the world's of cash and fortune, have taken over the dictate in power, with an indoctrinating idiocy of economic schemes, political craziness and ecological disaster acceptance, without comparable measures in times before.

And the higher the stupidity of those rich and powerful people became, about one per mille of world population, the faster will drive in self destruction all the societies of all nations in this mass-humanity.

Wrong? Wait a minute. I bet all of my fortune that not one of you have ever thought about the philosophical grounds, outlined above. On lowest intellectual step, perhaps, yes, but never on higher reflecting schemes, as the one per mille out of a hundreds of millions of people wrote. And populations, in the meantime, were brought to the wells for drinking lowest food of spirit, in the interest of those politicians and CEO and shareholders who want to stay in power, as well as also be enriched on the account of the great and now fast vanishing middle-classes and the exploding poor masses.

The best way of burying new philosophies about areas covering the survival of Homo sapiens has always been to bring them in disregard and discredit by calling them a new "Sect of Stupids", organisation which want only make money and become famous by doing so.

Well, that’s exactly why I will never accept any slimy Idiots, applauding me and seeing at the same time that my writing of books had no effects at all so far, but did cost me a fortune out of my private means - and for the time being did not add to my fortune just one single dime. And learn for all times: I am not seeking richness, but reality and truth.

I am not complaining but a reasonable man should never accept the so-called "intellectuals" who fill in all the world's alternative Murdoch boulevard, in fact all newspapers, TV- and Radio-stations and the whole internet with useless and stupid junk, when there exists a literature that would explain to the last detail past developments, their resulting in the present misery and analysing the future collapses in politics, wars, ecology, food supply, deadly water and air quality, priceless resources and energy - and a humanity that had never been more blind and stupid in the past - than it has become by now, in the year 2008 and all the years afterwards.