World vanishes South - The World as it was

The World as it was - The World vanishes in the South (Part NINE and last)

The World as it was - truly will have been (lost), before the year 2100 is being reached.

Who ever in fact believes, the world as we have it today, will go on for ever, with mass-debts in mass-countries, nations in bankruptcy, craze of money, all being one big Casino, destruction of environment, not reversible potentials in the exponential destroying of our Geo-sphere and an incredible Loss of culture without precedence in history of a humanity without measure - simply is blind and does not reflect real and fundamental facts.

You can ask for many things in life, but never ask, superficial thinking in overall spirits shall win over the intellect of geniuses.

I think - and therefore I am? I think, whatever is written in this book, could and should have been written by others already some Centuries ago. Why was it not done so?

Because the world was exactly - what this world ever was.

When I was still a child, my major question was all the time: Something must be wrong with THIS world. What could it be? At those times, I just heard about World War II, of Auschwitz, of "over-humans" free according to Nietzsche - and never saw anything what looked like, not even in small details anybody who would deserve some fine "over" in any respects.

Just the contrary was true: Even being a child, I thought - all these grown up adults are nothing but tall and unknowing children - worse: They don't know it.

When I was old enough to get knowledge, my amazement was great: The most stupid persons of the Globe were, at the same time, the most powerful and richest VIP. I recognized their presumption without interest of any measure in matters of the philosophers, of theorists in economics, of bankers and scientists.

The loud gossip in all newspapers, radio and later on with TV reflected the lowness of intellect of average folks, in general, and of the Elite in particular - never corrected by media.

And during my life-time came: Vietnam, Chile, atom bomb, mass tourism and mass traffic, mad mass-media, Rwanda, Ex-Yugoslavia, Breakdown of communism, Crash of a multitude of bubbles every 5 years anew, Running after happiness of money, materiality, Dreaming of the American Dream of highest cash amounts on any Swiss bank account or finance company in Caribbean tax paradises.

At the same time, the most beautiful places in Switzerland and other lands in the world become emptied from humans, peasants, of idiots running like hell into Slums, some others for sex and shopping to New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Dubai, London, Paris, Las Vegas, Rio de Janeiro, Caribbean Islands, Bali, Bangkok and other always more terrible growing mass-resorts with low spirit.

The science of Lemmings for idiots, living in a primitiveness of the finest - and not one genius would yell: "Look there, the Kings and Queens of this world are all naked. They don't even have cash for normal cloths, all they have is junk dictated by JFK, Murdoch, Berlusconi, Bush, Obama and other "Light-Figures", being in view of real world even below the average of "Democrazy = Dictatorship of dull Majorities".

Now then, they drop up again, the ape-like and right-wing brains and tell us: All this here is overdone, without any measure, it cannot be in brought in harmony with our real life, our fine reality of Best of all Worlds.

Well, they are right, these Greenhorns - and therefore, they will be hunted by the big masses without any pity very soon. They were arguing in direction of their own self-destruction, basing on their miserable systems in economics, they brought over all of us - and there was no way out of this one-way highway.

And when speaking of Ecology, I simply find no right word for their sort of stupidity.

Some social brains will pop up now and pretend that the gigantic indebtedness of Nations are not at all too great to be mastered. They say, employment of workers and bankers can still be financed on cost of all future generations. They say, old age insurances are safe for all times in spite of crashing stock exchanges. They pretend: Just change according to "attac" some percents of fundamental errors, change the attitudes on this planet - and we get a planet that any time can be saved - and all will be fine again.

The most stupid heads in this game call themselves "Green", they pretend to be the new savers of our Planet. But they still wait, since 50 years, on the scientific proofs, that cars, planes, atom stations, walls through rivers, billions of tons of poison blown in this air and in all oceans and other water lines will one day ask for victims, for masses of human lives - but today, no one can see how the big mass of folks is already in free fall, sinking down very slowly in their own and final Orcus.

Such power-heads you can find in all NGOS of this world. They seem to be the most unmoral, immodest people of them all: They offered to the powerful scrap in politics, be they Democrats or Republicans, the god-damned excuse, "something" being done, at least by alibi-organisations, "something" being done what should have been the charge of our Elite, for environment, for the poor, for the sick folks in Africa, for nature, for tortured Mechanic School victims, "something" for clean water and breathable air, against self-produced illnesses, pandemics and wars, against terror and torturers, and they loved their kind of "sentence" by human right wish-wash of monsters that killed millions, openly shown on all TV-Stations.

These fine and good humans excused the biggest human Shit of all times, before and after Hitler, if they were in charge of power and richness - assisted by blinding "Human-rights" tribunals, not only in Den Haag, in favour of torturers and mass-killers, going on living in luxury-villas, after having had their fun with killing and murdering masses in Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Rwanda, Chile, Argentina, Ex-Yugoslavia, all countries in South America and Africa and any other fine area - until this very day.

The End of such a "human" mankind is a "MUST" - in the history of our Universe.

It is only some months ago, I offered an English Letter saying that the worst theory of all in our World, since Adam and Eve, was the one, many know under the term of "PRAGMATISM", above all the Anglo-American sort, being the new religion of U.S. America:

Yes, this way of life and of thinking, the pretention that the existing models under capitalism, just because they are generally accepted, these deadly concepts, would have been the best in our Huxley and Orwell world, simply the best for USA, Europe, Russia, China and India - my God, this was on the contrary the final nail to the coffin for humanity - towards the end of all principles of existence -----

Somewhere, out in the empty space of the Universe, this book has been written, by a thing, some stupids may well name "God" - if you wish.

What is meant here: This reality is in existence, this history-book exists, the presented Being of life as it is, exists and this world as written exists - and all of mentioned facts in this book, again, already is fact. What we can see, IS the book of life and of history.

Very sad we had no other writers as our given philosophers and other queer thinkers. It would have been far too nice, if in the endlessness of space and eternity of time, at least ONE Species would have existed, writing predictions and solutions for a human Existence, which would and could have been worth-wile long time ago.

Well, it turned out differently - and therefore, we should not feel sad.

Facts - are facts. We got accustomed to them. And most probably, we shall never know who made it, how it was planned, however, humanity should have got another world as the one, we made us ourselves as a terrible gift and present.

Camus is losing himself in the south -

His Arcadia: Summer, wind, desert, sun, the sea, simple being, the longing, science, society, friendship - and - humans.

Yes, humans - THEY were important for Camus.

Now, here the subject is not Camus and by no way, it will just turn around humans - Here, the question is ---Truth.

What is life? Is it the longing for places and landscapes? Is it Greece, Venice, Cote d'Azur, Florence in the Toscana, Sicilia, Algeria of Camus - simply named "The South"?