Human Monster

Human Monster

What - the human species should be a Monster?

What a shit - a human is simply a human - and nothing else. Who wishes to do so, may pretend that humans are the most developed mammals in our Universe. But then we come to the end with our Latin. Humans are the highest step of evolution created by this funny God or Allah or Buddha, what these guys ever made in heaven. All the rest - to say the animals, the oceans, the original forests, diamonds and all the gold of the planet, and the sun and the stars - all this is pure SHIT, in comparison to the performances of this human, above all if we look into this incredibly wise and complex brain.

It is like with Day and Night or even more complex: Summer and Winter. All know in principle, that the Earth is turning once within 24 hours around itself and makes a circle in slanting manner around the Sun in 365 days, thus producing the 4 seasons. But still 99 percent of our species believe the whole days long that in the morning the sun would rise and go down in the evening, they understand nothing about day and night and about the seasons, they don't even think of it. During all this time, I can see the real world of the universe as it is, any second a day permanently, as totally normal consciousness.

They all agree, all of these fine scientists of higher Dynamite Prizing, all this is "known" by the excellent researchers of brains, of ecology, of animals, of technology. Even higher the philosophers and theorists in matters of letting grow the fine machineries of Cash Systems and maximation of profits, in favour of the one percent of rich folks, and to the charge of the exploding poor, within a humanity that developed into a monster, by accident out of 10 trillion of possibilities of evolution, and it was given by terrible cretins the name of EARTH, ERDE or LA TERRE or simple mud, when talking of our Paradise.

Yes, it is a fact, our Paradise is not of a nature, the most criminal organisation on Earth, to say the religions, are pretending, make stupids believe in a paradise up our heads in God's heaven. But friends of the Earth, learn some lesson: Up there is only cold, endless eternity and lots of dirt and no God at all - and above all certainly not a God, that would wish to host this human monster in his saloon and give him 72 unfucked ladies for better sex, those who in fact are not innocent kissing girls, but the famous witches of Ratzinger, given at free use to the incredibly idiotic Macho-terrorists out of Islam in the Far Orient.

What - THIS Human should be a Monster?

Well, we should look a little bit closer:

All that fine poetry in all the poems ever written, since thousands of years, the romance in novels, the documentary books of highest stupidity, the fine philosophies bringing us "good humaness" of the finest, theories of feasibilities of economy-cretins, telling how the planet can be governed with profits, banks misusing Main Street savings, killing turnover in masses and consumerism in masses and exhaustion of all resources and transformation into poison of energy within only 200 years exterminating all structures of a planet long before its natural end of time - so the beautiful race of humanity with its fine multi-culti fantasies can at last kick the bucket in due time. We are on the way right now -- or what?

And we have still this great "political correctness", this language of Apes, where the dullest heads of all of us are declared to be the brightest - and the common folks is given into its free will of self-cretinism, because the Elites and their Media alone can make tax-free games of correctness, in a fine language of endless arrogance, the well known "Bad English", some Manager Slang out of America, not one normal Swine would ever understand.

What did we experience during our World History in total - my God?

Musike of the finest, paintings of geniuses, goods of culture in all multi-culti kind of lovable and great humans on the continents shifting around and having other forms from time to time, oh dear, think of all those marvels, the Red Cross, the Red Half Moon, the Red Gulags, the fine rockets to the Moon in Hollywood and Bollywood, films for the superficial brains of female junk and their stupidity, to fly around the world for shopping, airplanes full of monsters believing in any given God, the pilgrimages of rotten brains to Rome to see Ratzinger. Worse, if political with a nothing in their intellect sure lowest human material on the way, travelling to Washington, to visit low IQ Bush and then get on to the Lobbies on Wall Street. Then all these beautiful Mega-Towns full of nice dead buildings high up to 300 Meters, with consumers temples full of wellness for brainless ladies, who never learnt abstract thinking, but shopping, abstract shopping, for a Bag of idiotic new Modes to fly some 10000 miles, these pussy-females can do, anytime, in particular if they have killed before some few poor folks for goods sent into the toilet one later day - but having married a rich Skunk for getting his Cash.

Jesus and Buddha and other legends of self-made Gods, taught at useless university scrap in complete emptiness of intellect, are our monsters, then the Capitol, the pillars of the pillar hollies, the 4 super US presidents out of rock, Las Vegas and other abzocking in gaming from middle class, the statues of zero art and the temples of devil for final goals, for our great luckely dead past monsters, all those queens, kings, presidents, heroes of wars, searchers for gas in Auschwitz, Gandhi of false theories, Napoleon and Cesar and Ronald, Jesus and Buddha, Mohammed and God, Allah and Stock Exchanges and all the rotten White Houses there are.

You cannot close your big mouth and close your blind eyes, being in Versailles or Prague or Vienna or Shanghai inclusive Beijing and Tokyo and Berlin and Interlaken. What a marvellous world, with all these lakes, mountains, snow, ice streams, forests, little villages and ugly mega-towns and slums, then the peak of the Iceberg, to say some fine cruiser ships with 5000 low IQ travellers, full of hungry bellies, intelligence never disturbed by what be called - a functioning brain.

What - Humans being Monsters?

Look here, another fine human, a bonus-banker or politician out of USA - and sooo caring with a little child. He has bought it for nothing. Now, the Monster tears the young live behind in a rented house. And here he has all his pleasure of the world with that little boy or girl, fucking in the mouth down as much as possible, go into her vagina and end with the assholes of both, the penis dropping like hell from greed and fine feelings, then taking some knives or burners, and a broken bottle will do to go into all holes of a little human - and it takes hours until this starting life will be burnt alive, cut into pieces, put in all single parts of the body, leaving after  5 hours only some sort of a lumpy corps, down on the floor, in favour of the Junk-Financier of all the fine politicians of all fine Lobbies in Florida, San Francisco and Bronx. And this man masturbates a final time, got all on films to be reviewed at home again when fucking his blondy wife - and gets the Pulitzer Price as fine Human. Where is the monster - asks Bush-traps falling Laden Obama?

- and so this fine Gentlemen enters the White House, plays First Lady or First U.S. President, having treated of the sort some 3 Millions of Vietnamese and Argentinians, or he is the Chief of FED, or WEF in Davos, or of Goldman Sachs - and he gets accustomed to having leaked his Penis by all who want his favours - or as Manager Whore, she can present a pussy to be leaked - who cares - and finally, this person is endlessly important and does certainly not end in a mass-grave like his victims.

The apotheosis is given when all this dirt goes all the way through the Shredder Machinery, the Media as the real arse creepers of the Allah-damned Establishment, with all those dull making Infotainment on all TV Channels, the real Clubs of Crimes, some better known as Internet, Facebook, and the Twitter rubbish to be found in Wikipedia, the "Knowledge of the Earth". And WikiLeaks is just doing as if they would correct the errors and crimes of the mighty ones, when all is pure bluff, in order that truth, and nothing but the truth can further be hidden until the end of Times. All is big Bluff - nothing is real - all is Monster.

But all this, all the goddamned WIX, is still nothing in view of a true Monster - to say the human being as such:

The Block, or better to say, the 10000 Block-girls, who ever had power on this globe, let simply pump into each other some millions of soldiers, very normal citizens out of nations, during First World War, they shoot, they cut, they stab, they mutilate and they get to bottom by the fine flavour of gas of Murdoch. Very intelligently discovered by fine Dynamite Prize holders with their Peace Prizes of higher idiocy - and all serves a splendid national or global purpose for blind Mice.

Then comes the Second World War and apart from the civilization of 30 nations, burnt alive, they gassed some 6 million Jews like Sheep, killed not in better methods some hungry 6 billion of fairy humans today in all lands, and the SS of Hitler - protected by U.S. Army - made a criminal end with some debile children, Roma, queers and lesbian folks, unfortunately not the SS geniuses, because it was so marvellous to be German, or Japanese arranging death in over- und under-pressure chambers in China, the Chinese could explode or shrimp in little experiments of humans, just as it was the wish of Tenno.

But then, the monsters on both sides made PEACE, the SS torturers could now build the atom bombs and rockets for the USA and Russia for later slaughtering, they build up the laboratories for going into the Space with Braun and Weizsaecker - and they became again the Chiefs of State in BRD and DDR, they lead gigantic Banks in New York, London, Frankfurt, Paris, Geneva - and industrials complexes, first directed into a shiny profit zone and then, after the bankruptcy - there was fine feelings all around PEACE in a fine human monster World.

After the war, there was already another war. These Allah-damned anti-capitalists, to say the communists and socialists should be eliminated by the West. Therefore, the brightest heads out of White House around SS Kissinger, together with Pentagon: "We go and roast for a start some fine 3 million of Vietnamese and Cambodians, so they may come back to reasonable thinking, and for guarantying that such a civilisations stays intact, we let drop some hundred thousands of tons of Agent Orange drop on agriculture for fine late effects on Asian Babies---" - very clever and very effective, my friends - against over-population.

But, why the hell, these dirty dogs of Socialists did not let the Empire USA their free markets, this fine fore-thinker in matters of neo-conservative Liberalism, not wanting some easy killing by CIA. And therefore, US skunks have in reserve some Shock Doctrine of some dozens of Pinochet, Videla, Stroessner and other bloody geniuses, naming Castro as the one fucking terrorists instead of Capitol, so to let torture to death some fine youth and teachers and journalists, as a result of a fine education by Friedman, learning the heavy way with most terrible torturing methods applied over days and weeks in 100 Mechanic Schools, how to get from life into death, very slowly - and the new born babies should be given to the masters of CIA.

But his form of After-Education just had to be, after all, Stalin and Mao made an example, how the own population can be driven to hell by millions - and now the method must be transformed, because by the end, terror must be for good reasons applied by Israelis on Palestinians, by Saddam on the Shiits and Curds, by the Russians on Chechnya folks and on Afghans by USA, after Iraq, and the Pentagon goes to Taliban and arranges 9/11 and the crashing Towers to Manhattan, the memorial for fast capitalism on this Globe must be achieved to bottom as a final FANAL based on U.S. breakdown started with Subprime - and the rest of the world's nations can fall afterwards down to zero - And perhaps, Iran should be laid into pieces soon. And this was even before they had the planned holocaust on Wall Street, a theatre play written by Karl Popper and Milton Friedman, a doctrine meant to kill all systems of Cash on Earth, to start with hedge finances - even before the final game with ecologic Earth destruction shows up -all instrumented not only with IMF and Worldbank in Africa and Asia - above all bubbling China and India short before imploding - but by G 20 advisers of lowest intellect ever seen in our Universe.

What - Humans shall be some Monsters?

What a rubbish - we had Bach and Mozart, we had van Gogh and Picasso, some Shakespeare and the memories of GW Bush, we had millions of cultural memories in the fast kicking the bucket capitalism, not to be refinanced with deficits of a giant, to given life back to Main Street, just as to the rotten U.S. infrastructures, because of all tumbling banks "too big to fail" and the stupid Nations "too little not to fail", and all this cannot be saved, not even with all savings of Middle Class and future generations of the Poor. I guess this Junk-Humanity can never more be saved, since stupidity is not of a material to be saved by Cash, not even if quadrillions would still be there.

When after a While all got through, when the greatest society of fools of the dullest animal that was ever spotted in the wide universe wandering towards high evolution, when by 2099 the monster will finally have kicked the bucket for good, inclusive some nice beauties, all assumed goods of culture, oceans, forests, landscapes, animals and even our dear dogs and cats, who during all this time were the only decent humans on Earth - yes, then our beloved Gods and their children fucking preachers should not let one tear over this completely criminal and unethical Heap of Junk.

It's like this: If there were a God, dear bluffers of no mercy, then HE would have sent humans down the Orcus even some 2000 years ago, all this god-damned Good Humaness, coming from the birth of "HIS Son", this negro in representing some fine catholic human behaviourism, killing all, what a given religion would not recognize as its OWN. I cannot imagine a GOD, having  the wisdom we assume and looking down any longer than required on such human dirt, such as Ratzinger and other Popes, on Mecca and Mumbai or Sao Paulo or the White House to Washington, with all those Hitlers, this dirt in brains, the mass of folks believe to be VIPs of the finest and applauding to their own butchers.

Very important: GOD should have known IT before, because HE was in responsibility for the creation of humans, of the future and therefore it was HIS responsibility that HIS churches burnt to death, alive, some innocent women, animals, going to rotten out some indigenous folks, by all these Popes in all Religions and sects and esoteric Shit in brains of a Monster world, made out of Mud.

What - the human should be a Monster?

Where do you think be looking into a glass of shame - pure asshole? There are donations in billions of Dollars from billionaires, who with their criminal deeds and modern slavery, crookeries with banks, lawyers, accounting firms and derivatives and human despising oil industry, became rich beyond any imagination. There are the grand politicians who always tried, at WEF in Davos, with G 2 to G 200 and the UNO inclusive IMF and Worldbank, to bring humanity into the nicest Paradise of all in the wide Universe. Didn't we all believe to be on a voyage to the "Best of all Worlds" - damn it? Read Orwell and Huxley - and you have it now.

What should be so monster-like and monstrous - should be asked now with decency and best rights?

It cannot be that the humans in 200 nations are worth less than nothing at all, only good enough to be thrown away. Monsters being fucking in all holes with the aim of producing some 10 billions of hollow heads, thrown into a JAMMERTAL (valley of misery) - and thus producing the fast exploding poverty, not only in view of mass population, widened from second to second, but in all other areas as well.

NO, this cannot have been ALL, pretend the adversaries of condoms and abortion, the lovely Ratzingers and his US Evangelicans. Remember God, who undertook the fine game of setting into power the religious vomit, spitting on Mecca, Washington, Moscow, Beijing und Mumbai and Bangladesh - and extend it like you wished to happen --- down to the fine End of the Game just happening NOW.

99 percent of the total cretins vomit, surrounded by useless tails and holes in this world, during the time they are just exploding themselves - and never ever they would get like we ruin our brains by thinking useless thoughts about useless theories and philosophies, some of which you could consume by this dirty text - given here for waking you up for the first time in a monster life.

Life is beautiful, because already tomorrow you will be spit out of your flat or house, then go and fuck your newest love story and make a stupid child more, then go and lose your job, then will come the Masters of Universe around Greenspan und Goldman and other Jewish bankers, and all of you may ruin your savings, through all the bonus-bankers on Wall Street, City of London and Zurich, helped by American Nonsense Boys of Cash and Greed, without interest if they are dull Democrats or Republicans - and then the total heap of junk of funny "Good Humanism", the whole load of a rotten Species, can go down the Drain - hopefully taking with them all the PROOFS about their own monstrosity - until the lost political, economic, scientist, and cultural Asshole will have made his last breath before the year 2099 has come.

But until such time has come, it will last and last and last - and the monsters take all their time, time, time, time, to commit those not yet fulfilled crimes of their greatest, they think already today, what can be done in this direction, and perhaps in due time will fall a huge Atom Bomb on USA and make an end to the worst Rogue State, our fine "fore-thinkers" and best of them all - before they become "after-thinkers".

However, here I am proceeding again, in total idiocy and against better knowledge, towards the human play called "Principle Hope" - well knowing, this world shall never get anything else but a final theatre called "Principle of Nihilism". To believe that this humanity would be given another or a second Chance, was science-fiction of the finest from the start - and the true basis of a principle of Hope.

Still some questions - Monster? Fine - I am glad - there must be in your house or flat somewhere a MIRROR? Go there and look into it, Asshole, and look more closely into the face of a Monster, the one you know best----

You are either a perpetrator of the finest, or the stupid victim of perpetrators, or just plain average, be it in the fields of politics, economics, ecology, culture - or make your own choice.
It's the human as such - the being as human - what is the most monstrous thing in this World as such.

There went something wrong about our Species, especially with its brains, my GOD - and there was not ONE philosopher in 3000 years to recognize this truth - until I came into Play.

To say more, would be luxury of Females, to be consumed in any cheap Bazaar in London.

Written on December 1, 2010