World vanishes South - World of Philosophy

World of Philosophy - The World vanishes in the South (Part FOUR)

The world of the philosophers, I discovered it very early in time. I had about 14 years of life, going every day to the Pestalozzi Library of my home town: The will was there to be capable understanding the world.

And all of them came on the table: Nietzsche, Kant, Schopenhauer, Plato, Hegel, Heidegger - and later on some Rousseau and Russell and Camus and Sartre and Fukuyama and Habermas - always further down in intellect, in view of real background in pragmatism of those writers. It seemed to me as youth, to read many times always a circle of the same, just low opinions of nothing, false questions and no answers, in short: spirit of primitiveness - there was too much, not written of importance.

What was most astonishing: First, I read the books full of admiration. All was new - all was just great! All was science. All seemed logical to the max - only surprising that no women discovered some finer truth in philosophy than males. - It was not yet clear in my mind, why this was so.

But "something" seemed not to match during my lecture - and it was so with ALL of the philosophers, without any exception. "Something" in their theories was simply wrong - some sort of Scientology.

Those wise chaps, the given philosophers, boasted and drew the long bow about "Human Behaviourism", without any end. They were asking questions and looking behind some sort of lower "Being", or some sort of "Having", after "Life", they were interested in sex, they asked questions about the sense of being and gave superficial answers, they maliciously doubted about existence: of God, all Gods of all religions - but they never had clever remarks about economy and industry. Even about politics and all the excrescences in relation with power: They were for or against Capitalism, for or against Marx, Stalin, Mao or JFK, Bush, Nixon and Greenspan.

Sorry for this mistake, it is clear that most of mentioned "Geniuses" did not yet live in the Middle Ages, or during times of Enlightenment or even under the Old Greeks, not yet, but this does not make any difference - types like Bush were given in all times.

It was simply so in history that philosophers never asked the RIGHT QUESTIONS - NEVER!

And their easy ANSWERS were coarse or clumsy and piece-meal nature - and it was so with all of the philosophers. What should it be in view of later developments on this globe, this tittle-tattle about imperfection of life and of human beings, when they were given by nature imperfect, and so we can see the logics of State of affairs as they are today in economy, ecology, politics, wars and crimes.

And all this is basing on the fact, philosophers never asked the fundamental questions and therefore, it was impossible for them to find the correct and best answers in the interest of later Mass-Humanity.

Thousands of pages of Philosophy until this very day - and never, absolutely never, understood:

- The limits of feasibilities on a limited, very small Planet.

- The real and doubtful spirit in science, technique, theories of money, of systems, of reality.

- The mass-laws with regard to great figures, the explosion of population, of destruction in nature, deadly growth with goods, with consumerism, using up all energy, spoiling water and air, poisoning oceans, burning original forests, change landscapes, not in an Arcadia and Greece, not the best preservation of Italy and Cote d'Azur as mentioned in part One of this book - and leaving out here lots and masses of other higher human stupidities.

- Not one word of philosophers about the possibility of a future collapse in climate, coming deserts coming up to a belt near to Paris, Milano, Budapest, Istanbul, Delhi and all areas given in the South: Africa - South America, Australia, great parts of China and India - not mentioning USA and Europe, being at the head of ecologic destruction, by their criminal and environment bluff politics, driven by megalomanic idiots in politics and science.

And therefore, in conjunction with above mentioned blindness, the end of humanity was only a question of time - and a correction of fundamental errors, an illusion.

And all this could happen because of defective maxims and logics of male-minded philosophers.

And the one of female source did not exist at all: Who ever wanted to explain an abstract theory to a women, in the past, at present and in future, will get as answer - always - only answers about concreteness in daily life, because systems and completeness of thought was apparently not made for the construction of female brains - very sorry to say. And this is not necessarily a critic on female prospection of life - they simply prefer concreteness of daily life over complexity, they simply function differently to males.

And so we have two Sexes in a duet who tried to spoil the future in egoistic philosophical ways, in disfavour of their own children, by giving them wrong maxims and priorities on their voyage of life.

It must by all means be said here, that there is not question of guilt: Philosophers and writers and thinkers, if males or females, were always struggling for truth, they really wanted to seize all facts around REALITY - but never succeeded.

Today we have the boundless and very stupid Internet. We have also those huge encyclopaedias, informing about absolutely everything and nothing, they give answers on all what ever is meant to have been said of importance. There are Searching devices in the net, presenting us within one second through Google or Yahoo etc. whatever you want to know. And Wikipedia is the new bible of science for common people - and on a higher scale, we even have some Facebook or Twitter. Human intellectual risks, falling down to lowest level in history.

Yes, there is a gigantic problem of intellect: Not one individual of the whole humanity can put in decent order this sort of "knowledge", they are not able to relate it to lived reality. All is a huge game of TRIAL AND ERROR, basing on fantasies about wrong fundaments regarding sex, greed, craze of growth, Wall Street cash-thinking, unmeasured genetics producing future pandemics, accepting any holocaust of animals without heart and ethics, destruction of nature and producing uncontrollable climaxes in weather and climate - without any truthful and intellectual prediction to be found in this easy-going world.

We have 7 billion minds - none of them has the intellect for understanding the ongoing processes.

The only truthful thing left - is one big laugh: So much of science, of knowledge, of intelligence - all being for the cats and dogs. Not one human, except some very few you know now, had seen coming the great CRASHES on Wall Street and in the City of London. No one, until this day, knows what it means to diffuse billions of tons of poison and other junk into the very small sheet of eco-sphere of this planet - and the great Dynamite Junk not being able to propose good corrections in this mess - and be not mistaken, there is no help, even if we still had some quadrillions of Dollars in FED.

For what - all these philosophies of hollow heads since Plato over Habermas to GW Bush?

Exactly THIS should have been instructed to us in history of philosophy - and if only be it by one single genius of zero mind. Just one chap shall come and explain, how it could be possible, overlooking all the evidences on self-destruction, when at the same time, all the bluffs and non-essential matters of highest complexity became feasible, as for the richness of the tax-free billionaires, to be seen as the Nirvana to be reached by all poor human, the trickle-down Shock Doctrine bluff in favour of the great exploding masses.

Not even Obama and his right-wing low brains, have an idea, of what they are doing.

Wherefore this God has created excellent brains, when they never learnt to think properly? And why should this humanity have any future, when all the famous intellectuals and inventors and discoverers, all those Newton, Einstein, Machiavelli, da Vinci, Galileo and Kepler and all other philosophers, finders, theorists in economy, all scientists and politicians only could produce by the end: Wars, torture, destruction of the future for our children, money in heaps without real value, security bluffs in hedge funds, ideas and ideals without deeper sense, culture of and for masses - and fast food world-wide. Eating, sex, drinking, drugs and funny ways of life being ALL - real understanding of the mechanics in the world however pure waste of time for chaps like me----?

Pessimism? My God, by the end some fine hollow heads try to exceed themselves in finding ways, to hide their own errors, stupidities and arrogance. There always were the damn Pragmatists who dictated to a rotten world their ideals on low fire of overall intellect.

The mountain peak of thinking and of development, in all times of history, the most wise and decent masters in philosophy, within a sane corps of humanity, should have won - over the crazy Masters of Universe in finance and politics, since Adam and Eve to this end of time in the 21st Century.

And so, what a misery, by the end it were the scientists of nature who won the race against the few persons of wisdom in the science of arts.

It became more and more clear in the 20th and very much so in the 21st Century: Always the bankers would have more of esteem than the best and most decent professors, as well as the CEOs of conglomerates over the best writers, the odd and lying politicians over the real savers of the planet, the rich sacks over the people they made poor, the religious bluffers with self-invented gods over critical atheists, the big heads in science over the "common folks", the not-knowing chaps would dictate the world-procedures, those masters who thought to be important would govern over those who seemed not important at all - and finally we can see the triumph of the "clever" skunks over the "stupid" normal folks.

Let's make it very clear: I met hundred of bankers and CEOs - but not one was as clever and decent as any peasant in any agricultural area or worker in a factory, I met on this globe.

All we see today is a CULT OF STARS, over superficial matters, bound to cover up under their long shadow of stupid behaviourism,  some inner value of a very few number of geniuses - but, in fact, this state of affairs was truth in all times and will be so for all eternity, as long as it still gets.

The masses dictate, like in politics with "Democracy = Dictatorship of dull Majorities", the index and good-taste in music, literature, culture, arts and all the rest. It became always more an illusion, to give Life, going down South towards a no longer existing Arcadia, some sort of higher sense.

All become surface of things - nothing could ever go down in depth.

Had humanity found at the right time some more illusionists and fantastic minds of a higher order, this dramatic end of a given species - on a small and very vulnerable planet - could have been avoided.

And above all, we could have sent early enough into the desert, all those absolutely useless philosophers or "thinkers", who in all times had diffused illusions about wrong areas, theories when running forward in rather unimportant directions of reality.