Open Letter to UNO

or: UNO - Memorial of World-Crime

Dear Kofi Annan

The UNO is a community, assembly, connexion, fusion, concentration of all States in this world. The name brings it on the point: United Nations Organisation. So far - so bad. Now even my home-country, Switzerland, has become part of this misunderstanding. WHAT? Misunderstanding? Is it not, in fact, the greatest initiative for peace ever experienced on our globe?

Read the following text and start, for the first time, with reasoning on higher grounds:

This organisation consists of states in which, to a great part, the power of the elite is guaranteed by putting in jail, torturing and killing the intellectual part of the own folks, with the full knowledge and consent of all delegates of United Nations. Many nations lead actively wars against other nations, or cannot prevent terrible civil wars. Resolutions of UNO are ignored by principle and so not only by Israel and its protective power USA. Wars are led without acceptance of UNO, environment is destroyed with incredible speed, financial world leads in the ruin of our wealth on the globe, all nations heap up immense deficits and the states indebtedness have arrived at gigantesk dimensions. During the final collapses of debt-towers and stock exchange we all will realize, that the UNO has tolerated and sponsored exactly this sort of politics.

The atom-powers have all rights for veto and do whatever they please, according to their evil-sentiments.  Ahead of them all the axe-of-evil states like the USA and Russia. China has followed the bad example and is on its half way, believing like in a religion in US-capitalism and neo-liberalism, in preparing its future collapses in buying worthless US-Treasury-bonds from the USA, thus financing the crazy life of US-citizens, and at the same time they provoke the ruin of their peasants.

Are there some light-spots in this behaviourism of hypocrites? NO!! Even the brave and nice paradise-nation, Switzerland, has stolen all the money from the Jews during the World War II, sent at their borders directly to Auschwitz, and covered that crime afterwards for 50 years with the Swiss bank-secrecy-law. With this "law" Swiss bankers served the greatest assholes, Chief of States, Mafia, blood-dictators and criminals in economics of the whole world and became rich. Those skunks did not pay any taxes to their home nations on income and fortune, thanks to their bankers at the Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich, and with derivatives and hedge funds and other idiotic instruments of an unknown casino, they just now destruct all fortunes covering our old age security, just before these banks and "insurers" will collapse themselves, very soon.

The UNO will be judged, viewed back to the present around the year 2100, as what this organisation always was: An alibi-exercise of human good-heartedness, exercised by power-humans of crime, their lawyers of the mighty and the rich, servants of the USA, and in former times of Soviet-Union. Then some members of UNO charge others for crimes - as for example Cuba - they commit themselves, keeping down by principle and systems the poorest nations on Earth, as large parts of Africa, they "help" them with mad-gone Friedman-theories of crazy theorists in economics and their vassals, better known as WTO, WHO, World Bank and other useless junk. These organisations plan actively the down-fall of the states with least of power, by palming off credits with highest interest rates, for the last 50 years, which can never be paid back, not in South America or Africa, and thus provoking the collapse of their indigene peasants systems and normal life. All this a result of mechanics of Milton Friedman and crazy advisers from the USA, thus making any export on conditions of normal concurrency impossible and thus smashing down the primeval agriculture in autonomous rooms in all continents. The whole system is corrupt, goes pregnant with greed for profits to the sole advantage of power-nations.

Further a quasi-religious "political correctness" forbids abortion and thus actively increases an explosion of populations that cannot even look for themselves, all guaranteed and supervised by an infallible Pope of the Catholic church and a bigotry imported from the US-doctrine of the only value on Earth being the mass of human beings to the detriment of all the rest of the Earth, animals, plants, air, water, resources, energy - the whole platform of "Living". We believe we can do whatever we please. Human hubris of sheer craziness. We destroy all future prospects of all states on Earth and this will produce an existence of horror in future.

Just imagine: There is Pinochet's death-torturing, Argentines Junta and Milosevic and many, many other skunks, encouraged by hegemonic nations with their own evil-regimes, humans killed by millions - and what would the UNO undertake? That blind cow throws all the money stolen from nations' citizens out of the windows in New York and Geneva, financing absolutely useless human-rights-tribunals, for guaranteeing "Justice" in keeping the murderers happy with utmost care and luxury, the same that killed in atrocious ways students, journalists, editors, teachers - the whole intelligentsia of their countries.  It is so crazy because all people on the world have themselves seen all the crimes committed on all TV-Stations, heard on radio and read in all papers. Instead to put those monsters at the wall, immediately, or to torture the terrifying perpetrators finally to death, UNO and other crazy-gone good-humans invest billions of folks-fortune in insane "investigations and search for proofs!!" Has the whole world, has the UNO and all NGOs gone mad, have they become stupid on the level of sheep - without empathy whatsoever? The day will come, when we all will be declared as become crazy. Swissair was by billions overdebted when searching deep in the sea before Hallifax for dead body-parts for getting the proof, that the plane had crashed and the folks inside were dead….   As with the crunch of the towers of World Trade Center, we no longer believe in our own senses of perception. WTC, UNO, Swissair - its all the same shit. The same deputies of crazy-gone doctrines of nations are in the UNO surrounded by bluffers, preparing the collective collapses of all systems. One should send them all by missiles in their nirvana of false hopes.

The USA worship their own God of evangelicans and play out their power against all other gods of other religions - as if they knew who and what GOD is. With a minimum of intelligence they could recognize that the almightiness in knowledge, on a universal scale, is as we were looking in a hereafter that would exist on the dark side of the moon. But in the name of God of all witch-burning during centuries, even in the year 2004, wars are on fire all over this goddamned planet, torturing of civilians guaranteed, as in Vietnam with three million innocents burnt to death, when in fact the world's terrorism has been created by the USA - pretending doing everything to prevent that curse. This World cannot be saved in material nor in spirit - it has arrived at his natural end. Boulevard on the base of achievements of Murdoch or other Berlusconis, all over the world, has done its effect once for all.

We are standing at the edge of final collapses with regard to ecology, economics and culture. Terrorism, created on the ground of national greed, infringement of the powerful on the most depredated helpless on this Earth, contemptuousness on so-called less-value-folks (minderwertige Völker), active cooperation with land-stealing assholes with bizarre religion-exclusivities, built on the grounds of state-terrorism, creation of terror over strategic assistance to a Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran or the Taliban-fanatics against Russia. Hypocrisy in this world is the major program and the USA and all other mad-gone outriders of a fundamental false-reasoning have created a neo-conservative "Heil-Hitler"-ambiance of the stupidest kind, in the person of George W. Bush and his ever more growing commune of "new-born" religious sisters and brothers. And this man believes until this day that he could rule the world all alone - and without all other states of a useless UNO.

I am utterly convinced that, if a religions-autonomous God would exist, he would have decided long time ago to wipe out the UNO in New York. Why does he not do so? Because he is a philanthropist? No. It's all due to indifference. Who ever accepts torture and wars over thousands of years can still be waiting to see, how the species Homo sapiens has manoeuvred himself at his own edge of existence. When? Now, just now. The lines of destruction go vertically up in all heights - and time stands still.  The dead end is enclosed with brickwork; since we cannot eat all the money, shares, bonds, treasury-bonds etc. and huge dryness will come upon us in shorter intervals and water-floods will not make good for the lost water-reserves under the ground, a collective dying all around that globe is guaranteed.  I have to keep silent on terrorism, created by own stupidity, because the reader of these lines may, when starting with his own power of thinking, break out in tears and finalize his days.

It is quite clear: The UNO is not only just criminal. But here the difference between pretension and reality is the largest on Earth. Therefore, dear God: Where is the red button? Is it up to me to wait for the slow-proceeding self destruction of Homo sapiens during my rest-lifetime? You can't be such cruel, considering that in they name the land is filled up with churches and temples, with their crosses, half moons and new-born Jesuses on towers and in glittering worship-halls? Will you really reserve some space on your right for the powerful without any brains? 

Give us a final sign from heaven, before we idiots will be lost due to own destructive efforts. Thanks for all, dear God. I have appreciated this dialogue quite a lot. It is better than any stupid talking, on the other side of the Jordan, in all slums of megalomanias of this crazy-gone present, in the name of organisations in Geneva or New York, surrounded by tumbled skyscrapers. Memorials for the belief in all feasibilities and growth without end cannot stop our disaster, just before running - sitting and laughing like hell in an express train - in a wall at the end of the valley - called later on: "End of all Vanities".