Theorists of Economics destroy the World

Why Errors of 'Theorists of economics' produced a World Disaster

In 2009, all politicians and experts in economy ask themselves where the Clash of economics after the Wall Streets Crash came from - producing in the following years a huge wave of world-wide unemployment.

These politicians, including their weak "experts", are hypocrites because the answer lies on the table:

In the years 1950 to 1980, Europe had to be rebuilt after the destructions in World War II. And world history went in a direction of technologies, modernisations, new inventions per thousands, and so plenty of new products were invented and developed in masses. Further, the heavy increase in number of consumers and craze in money market were also sources for increase in employment, in production and services process.

These developments must have come to an end at a given time and this end is here since 1990, at began to become a disaster since 2006 with the Wall Street Crash: First, all of a sudden, only about 90 percent of the population could find work. And only about 50 percent to those having work, found decent conditions as existed before 1980, when a man could take care for his family and often his wife drove a car, without one hour of outhouse jobs, as today is required for any Middle Class family, short before falling into the category of New Poverty.

Now, let's start to think what must be changed and where could be the limits for our doings:

Here are the reminders for those who never learnt to think in decent ways:

-           It is absolutely impossible to seek employment by permanent growth because all resources and energy stuffs will get priceless in the near future. And the disaster in the environment by poisoning air, water and soil will go on and cannot be corrected by any means, politicians or economic stupids may think of. We have only ONE Earth!

-           We should not try to bring the whole World, especially China and India, on the level of Switzerland or the USA. Within one year, the whole wealth of the Earth would be gone. On the contrary: The USA and Europe have to move - in direction of going back to structures we had before all numbers exploded with the effect of leaving us no changes whatsoever for future generations, because of the blows of clubs, destructing our platform of living.

-           We cannot eat money and stock exchanges. Therefore stop the program of derivatives of a mad nature with all these funds and other instruments that will soon tumble down the drain - as I proved in my books, particularly in "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstoerung" (Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction").

-           The chances for the majorities must be to get a living without eternal growth, under the dictatorship of neo-liberalism, created by most stupid Milton Friedman. And who guesses today that John Maynard Keynes and his stupid theories may bring relief, is blind and dull and has no idea that bankruptcy of banking cannot be cured by bankruptcy of States. Keynes is like Marx a failed theory.

As proven in "CHAOS", all theories of economics are full of errors, when applied in a scenery of mass-laws and incredible high indebtedness of States, companies, banks and all the rest.

Therefore, there must be question of planning anew a future of all human beings on Earth - Africans, Asians, Americans and Europeans.

We have to start in understanding a little bit of World Economics:

The immense deficits in trade of the USA (since years around half a trillion dollars) is in fact financed mainly by China, but also by Japan, Russia, South-Korea and Europe. They financed with the purchase of US-Treasury Bonds the economic growth of the last 20 years in the USA. But, but, but: The effect of this apparently little effect on a "sucroit" (surplus balance profit) for the USA was of a nature to make collapse first the United States due to its State bankruptcy, long time only guessed to be a quasi-disaster. And USA will be followed by the bankruptcy in China and in almost all other nations.

These nations cannot recover their deposits in "valuable" bonds from the USA (being in fact in its free fall right now), nor will anybody else be willing to pay for those "values". The collapse will be complete and final for USA, China, Japan and the World's stock exchanges and finally for the old age funds, assurance and re-assurance companies.

Quite clear: The total Chaos is much more complex then mentioned here, but for knowing more you could read my oeuvre and learn why all this will happen exactly along the above lines.

However, you can read too some lessons from Juergen Habermas, or other French and U.S. superficial "thinkers" - and learn that Humanity has no problems at all, if resolving some principles of Ethics and Democracy and free discussions of 7 billions heads on this Globe. This is Philosophy in the 21st Century: Knowing nothing of economics and ecology, but restrict the end of history on humanistic behaviourism - and so getting the applause of students, existing in intellect still on the level of Friedman's Shock Doctrine.

You want escape the trap of complete illusions and blindness?

Read my books "CHAOS" and "Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction" and see the ways out of our impasses in the book "10 maxims for continuation of live" that could prevent the holocaust going on today on all continents and leaving no future to our children and to the children of your youth.

Text out of "10 Maxims for continuation of existence" - Maxim 4 - Consciousness of human beings:

"Take as an example the US-government of these days. They only cultivate their own views for the state of affairs in our Word - terrorism, luxury problem Israel, insurmountable economic and ecologic situation all around the Globe and many, many other disasters. USA propagate to their folks a one-sighted, one-dimensional view on mafia-capitalism, a world of share-capital-values first, replace controlled economy by deregulation, neo-liberalism, privatisation of all basis und public needs on Earth alone in favour of the richest Members in society --- in fact, all matters were designed to be good for past times profit in the USA - and forced to be functioning to the detriment of the rest, particularly of the Third and Fourth World."

Text example out of Chapter 8 in "Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction" (total 18 chapters): "If we want to guarantee a decent future for our children, we need, in view of declining resources and energy, regional autarky, short distances for production and transports, no odd globalised market, requiring all goods being transported over thousands of miles by planes, ships and lorries, thus destroying environment of the Earth within 6 generations only, instead of 100'000. Without a new feeling of self-restriction instead of growth and greed, humanity would not be allowed to get new liberties and autonomy. Independence of thoughts and a complete new set of learning would be required, when you soon will face ever increasing disastrous and chaotic systems that started at the beginning of the 21st Century." 

Masters of crime in economics and ecology and democracy

It is a crime to see how mass-laws in economy and ecology, for example in China, India and Africa, land-workers and peasants give their life energy away for nothing at all, in order to make the richer nations see the chance of cheapness in consuming their products. At the same time, this procedure took away from formerly industrialized nations millions of jobs, USA and Europe had before (see for example textile business in Lombardy, or car industry in competition with Japan, Korea and now even Tata-India). This, in fact, is one of the major sources for unemployment, first in poor lands, then in the USA, then Europe and finally in China, India and all the rest as well. The deadly "Principle of cheapness" (see former report of mine), any intelligent brain should have known, would never pay at length. It exhausts the planet, workers, resources, future and ethics - and it lets pay humanity the existence of a sane planet for all future generations.

But your, by "Democracy = Dictatorship of dull majorities", elected and governed stupid politicians, do not dare to tell us the truth. Well, better to say, their horizon of intellect on level of average people does not allow sight on true and chaotic mechanics of world-wide economics - because Obama, GW Bush, Cheney, Bill Clinton, Ronald, Nixon, Greenspan, Bernanke, Geithner, Krugman, Huntington and Hillary - in short all members of governments, U.S. consultants and rating agencies, as well as U.S. congress, wanted always, since Hitler, to show who is "master of the Universe" on this planet, with some other "4th Reich", today particularly with wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, tolerance in Israel and Saudi Arabia, dictates in Iran and Old Europe - and any other place they wished to change into a paradise of Friedman and Popper Shock Doctrines.

Simultaneously, Putin and Medvedev in Ex-Soviet Union accepted that the gas and oil be used up in the shortest time possible to the advantage of some Oligarchs with huge Swiss bank deposits - at the same time other folks and all future generations of Russia could starve. What a silly program, what stupid Chiefs-of-State, indeed!

Simultaneously, Hu and Wen and Singh, lie to their population about the disastrous future of their nations in economy, ecology and chances of living, both in China and India, and they were bluffed about the "value" of U.S. treasury bonds and other U.S. real estate and industry scrap, not worth the printed paper of those certificates and shares, still valued at trillions of amounts.

Who will explain the outcome of Worldwide Disaster?

Who? Put forward some names, please. Funny, you won't find any better men or women in power, nowhere, in place of the nuts we have, because all of them have "learnt" their stupidities at the same Universities. They all, the greedy CEOs, the politicians, the scientists, the economy experts, the Habermas philosophers, are dreaming their simplifying humanistic dreams - and at the same time our Earth goes, slowly first, and all of a sudden with fast increasing acceleration, down the drain for good.

It is a sad fact: Not one of the politicians elected by folks on Earth, has the slightest idea of higher accounting, basis of all figures of company and State economy, of functioning of mechanics in economics, of the real state of affairs with ecology, of the coming disaster with climate and weather, outgoing energy, resources, water, air, not idea about the reasons for the Wall Street Crash, no sight on workable solutions to overcome this world-wide disaster.

Politicians, experts, professors, ordinary average folks, all of them are blind, they decided with their superficial media to stay in stupid state - and so they know nothing of nothing - but they always chose experts who would not have better abilities but just to confirm their low brain idiocies of not understand complex facts in the given world chaos. We have a gained a Culture of superficial beliefs - and can't see yet the assured End of history.

"TIME STANDS STILL - and the catastrophes will explode world-wide", this was written at the beginning of my second book "Linien zum Himmel ziehen" - (in English: Lines - striving  to heaven) - as written around 1995.