WEF - World Erotic Fun

World Erotic Fun - 'This is my WEF' famous VIPs said

Once upon a time, an organisation was built in an Alpine Valley under the name of WEF. Many folks wondered what this WEF would mean but it became soon quite clear, from the famous VIPs visiting this Palace: The only translation for that Forum could have been - "World Erotic Fun".

The founder was a real economic Santa-Klaus and because he was a German in Switzerland, folks named him "Schwab".

Klaus Schwab and his WEF had a lot's of friends:

- bonus bankers from Citigroup, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, AIG, Enron, Swissair, UBS, Societe Generale, Rock Ireland, City London Scrap, Berlin Landesbank and Joe's Bank in Frankfurt

- some CEOs like Putin Oil Company, Berlusconi Fun and Sex, Sarkozy Try It Again, Brown saves the England Bank, Hu and Wen Chinese Bubble - and above all Kissinger Mechanic Schools, Hilarious Hillary Funds, Bill Sucker Club, GW Little Tree Farm, Allah Spam de Greenhorn FED and finally Obama Bin, the Dynamite Genius of Peace.

- naturally, Klaus had also some friends of high Society of Media, Internet and Fun Industry,  like Murdoch, Gates, Facebook, Twitter,  and some singers of nice songs like Bono or Al Gore and other geniuses - but this category was not so important.

What have WEF to do with all those persons - to do with Erotics and Fun?

See and judge:

- Kissinger spoke in Davos: "WE got rid of 3 millions of Vietnamese, 3000 Chilean and 30000 Argentine youth of high intelligence - and this was my WEF adventure - it meant a lot to me as best consultant of several stupid U.S. Presidents."

- Allah Spam de Greenhorn and Bernanke expressed their admiration for WEF by the dubious words: "Read my lips, no higher interests, no higher bonuses for criminal bankers - but lower taxes for the richest scrap, if they finance my structured and worthless derivatives named ABS, CDO or CDS."

- Goldman and Blankfein and Geithner interfered immediately, followed by AIG, Fuld and Madoff: "It was WE who found out about worthless and no longer identifiable Securities, sold by Trillions in "Value" and still in all Balance Sheets of all Banks and Hedge Funds in this goddamned WEF, going down to hell now."

- Hilarious Hillary couldn't be stopped in shouting: "My WEF is when settlements into foreign lands are built with orthodox Wall Street money, necessary to finance the campaigns of our U.S. Presidents - in the interest of some atom powers in the Middle East."

- Putin said. "My WEF is Medvedev. He is stupid enough to play Russia President for a while for me, before I can get again in charge as great Master of Oligarchs with their Cash on Swiss Banks."

- Hu and Wen were followers of Mao and Gandhi and behaved alike: "We bring prosperity of Western Capitalism into social China, making one percent very rich and the rest very poor. We preach Gandhism to keep critic souls fine low, before the final explosion of nation comes."

- Came Obama: "How I love my WEF! Jesus, in Davos I can meet all bankers, leave them the bonuses and get tax thereon. Meet Ahmadinejad and hear some inconvenient truth about Israel and U.S. atom power. USA made poor Haiti, like Cuba, with anti-social programs - but love to invest in arm forces in Afghanistan for running out of it. Same for Iraq when not reached Cheney program to get their oil. You see, WE are fine, the kings of Davos."

- Bill, one of the former Presidents, went to old Davos too, full of joy with Hillary - and became famous for just one sentence: "Suck me and I will join WEF, after all, I am the guy who invented the joined bank of investments and normal behaviour, origin of Wall Street crash."

 -The Swiss private bankers said: "WEF should be proud to see us in Davos, because we have 100 WEF of our own, in Zurich, Zug, Geneva, Schwyz, Lugano, for preventing World's rich Junk to pay taxes at home. The difference will be paid by the ones of Middle Class, not having access to our bank secrecy laws."

- New Swiss National Bank Chief Hildebauer said in a conference: "As former Hedge Funds Bonus banker, I earned a huge fortune. But now I am responsible for the "too biggest and too failest" Banks of the World, UBS and CS. Our bank has taken over 60 billion SFR junk to charge and loss of our tax payers to save
Swiss Finance Place
. All I really want, is to be the big Hero in January 2010 in Davos."

- But the best Banker of them all was Joe of Deutsche Frankfurt. He yelled in direction of his best friend Angela: "Our bank will make profits of 100 percent of capital. It's easy: Go down with Net Equity of Deutsche Bank down to One Million, make One Million of Profits - and there you have a Profitableness of 100 percent and German Media will make a Genius out of me. This is my WEF-Day!"


It was just bad luck that 100 percent of Banks in New York, New Orleans, Paris, London, Hong Kong, Singapore and all other Mega-Towns in the world did the same as Joe did - and this was the Start of the Breakdown of World Economy and the beginning of the Finals of WEF.

Naturally, in January 2010, we can see the last Forum of this kind, but if the stupid CEOs and Bonus Bankers and NGOS and their Chiefs of States of the World haven't been killed yet - the future will show some other surprises, with any new World Erotic Fun organisations you may think of.