Rescue-Program out of CAPITALISM

Since not one person on this globe has the slightest idea what will happen, when in all countries of the world the money-system is breaking down, capitalism goes lost slowly and for all times, something else is to be found, to make humans survive in orderly manner.

The only way this can be done, is a change from a money-system with banks, stock exchanges, insurance, all needs covered by non-valeur CASH - into a "System of Aims" or in German language "Ziel-Gesellschaft".

This seems to be an UTOPIA and REALITY seems to stay capitalism. The contrary is true.

But now, we have to advance in slower steps to make understand the "intellectuals" of this world what will happen:

1. Fundamental BREAKDOWN of Capitalism

What we experience in these days is a constant, slow going, but fundamental breakdown of capitalism. The way it goes is like this:

First break down the finance industry, stock exchanges, banks, credits.

Nations may try to play bank themselves, but the only effect would be to create, according to situation in each land, a huge deflation or a terrible inflation. A nation cannot help if income in taxes and other fees go down to zero. At the start of the Clash of Capitalism, already all nations were over-indebted and in fact near bankrupt. So, increasing the national debts does not help. Nobody in the future, not one single generation, can ever again make good for the losses of their parents. This is a thing of impossibility.

After the crash of Finances follow:  Insurances, re-insurance, old age, investment funds - in fact anything that has to do with intact values of companies shares and bonds, or bonds of nations still valuable. This will no longer be the case.

During the breakdown of banks, already production in cars, planes, machineries and any other sorts of industry will stop to produce and immense crowds, real armies of workers and employees will find themselves back on the street - and now we can see that Nations are at a loss to cure the systems and rescue these people. Something fundamental has to be done.

2. SLOWNESS of our perception

Any person knows the story of the Frog: When a frog jumps into hot water, it will jump out of it as quickly as ever possible. But if the water gets warmer very slowly, the frog will stay and be burnt to death. I don't know if these facts are true. But I know that humans will act exactly in this way, and always did, during the whole history of mankind, when something happens very slowly. Each new day seems to be similar, but in the back-view after some time, we will see that during this time, a World War I and II, the explosion of an economic Bubble, or the destruction of humanity by ecological craziness in behaviourism, would have resulted - and not one single family or country could stay away from disaster. This is what happened too at Wall Street, when some crazy chaps started to handle with fantasy-products, reaching by the end the volume and worthless securities, in the extent of wide over 100 trillions of dollars. And this caused the present collapse of all money systems in all nations in the world.

If however, a very intelligent person can describe what is going to happen, during the time the disaster is going to happen, it will be the responsibility of governments, of scientists, of intellectuals, of organisations, of societies, of nations - to understand the facts of a new reality and immediately act accordingly.

This is now the situation for my RESCUE-PROGRAM for this World in despair and being in fact at a loss, already in the year 2009.

I do not know how long the disaster of the downfall will last. My assumption: By 2015, all will be done, all finance, production and service systems on this globe will have come out of order, completely, not only to some extent. The breakdown of world-society will have come to its final and irrevocable end.

3. Fundamental NECESSITIES

What I have written in 10 books on about 3000 pages, cannot be given here in 3 to 4 pages. But at least, I want that not one person can shout, by 2015: "Nobody could have foreseen these developments. Not one single human was there to say, what is going to happen." This trick was already applied by all governments of the world, when World Finance Crash started from Wall Street, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, all investment Banks, City of London, Zurich Bahnhofstrasse and Geneva with its 50 tax paradises throughout our god-damned Planet.

So don't come another time, dear perpetrators without any brains, and tell to the world you did not know. After the lecture of this article, not ONE person of this lost generation should have the courage of being more stupid than the 99,999 percent of humanity are in fact.

- Fundamental necessities are:

Nourishment, food, water supply, energy supply for heating. electricity, maintaining houses and streets, shelter or housing for all creatures on Earth, further: Hospitals and other needs with regard to health care, taking care of damage after accidents, also a rest of supply and transport capacities to be maintained, as well as security forces, fire brigades etc. All this must be maintained and be left in function,

No needs are: Armies, weapons, useless travels of millions for holidays by cars and planes, luxury and bluff products of zero sense and value, money as such, shares and bonds, representing a tumbling system that had never a future and a deeper sense to be in existence, zero values of all sorts, all the bluff in TV, Radio, Media, useless scrap as casinos, wellness farms, illusions in the functioning of money by banks, adoring false securities by insurance companies and old age pension funds etc.

Here we could mention other things that should be kept by the members of societies, but in the slow developing breakdown of money-world, we will have time to set priorities, if we can see the danger and all risks of a complete fall-down at all.

4. NATIONS of false hopes and ignoring real destinations to come

Here, I could write 1000 pages but I will now resume on three lines:

Best to become independent from the collapse, free to install AUTARKY and AUTONOMY in this world are Nations like:

Russia, Canada, Sweden, all nordish countries, Switzerland and some other.

Other countries will huge populations or rotten systems already today, will have a lot to do in changing their rotten schemes, if marxist or friedmanist systems, not to break in pieces, with millions if not billions of folks that are bound to die before the year 2100 will have come, because the change cannot be done quickly enough - better to say: "No, we cannot, we cannot achieve the impossible at all."

Some of these nations are in Africa, China, India, southern belt suffering for ever larger ecological collapses and those countries that seek rescue in dictatorships of any kind.

That's all I wish to say for this chapter. Who wants to know more, can read my books.

5. CHANGE OF SYSTEMS in view of fundamental needs

It is quite clear that not one person on this globe will believe in this rescue-program. Does not matter: My literature was written for a "Rest-Menschheit" (residual humanity) - after the crash down to perhaps 100 or 300 million folks, surviving on this planet Earth.

But still, just for the records, let's write about Obama-CHANGE

Well, forget about Bush-double Obama, Humanity, in its present downfall should not believe in average brains of U.S. Universities of complete dullness. They are the ones who produced the mess we are in, today.

Better learn this new Lesson: Since people can no longer be paid with valuable cash, they must be told by highest integer men (women just think of consumerism), by the 10 most intelligent persons on this Bubble, called EARTH, to work on for fundamental needs, WITHOUT seeing any salary, bonus or other remuneration. Otherwise, my rescue-plan can be sent down your toilet.

- Agriculture

It is fundamental that peasants and farmers continue with producing food. And all the ones that lost their jobs in banks, hotels or service companies, should join and help them and all without seeing one DIME.

- Shelter and Housing

Each person not able to pay rent or mortgage interest rates, should be allowed to stay, where he and her are living today, be it a flat, a big apartment, a house or even a villa with park. For the time being and in the "TIME OF CHANGE", all people must be sure not lot lose their home and shelter. Naturally, the capitalistic systems will repeat all the errors of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and send all people on the street where they shout for national help. This is crazy. When 90 percent of folks lose their jobs, world-wide, there is no State anymore to give any assistance, being bankrupt himself long time ago----

- Other Basic needs of society

Food, Shelter, Water, Electricity, Repairs, Heating, Health-Care etc. must go on, with or without any remuneration. Specialized folks just have to stay in their jobs and be assisted by those who lost all employment and hope. How to organize, is not my problem. Societies will find ways to replace the very stupid capitalistic system, in each area, by themselves, once they have agreed and understood on the principles, laid out here.

- Other useless matters

Any other needs as useless Armies, Travels, Sun, Fun and Nothing to do must be kept in order and well functioning. We have millions of people, longing for work, for sense in life, for being occupied during the downfall of CAPITALISM - so give them to do what is important and necessary whatever passes your mind.

6. RESULT after the change into a "ZIEL-Gesellschaft" (societies governed by AIMS)

You cannot imagine, what Rene Delavy is writing here. You will shake your wise head, full of wrong ideas about a functioning world, and turn back to you rotten job and back to your lost reality. Good so. My aim was never to rescue a rotten mankind without any senses anymore, without philosophy, real arts, good books - a society that lost all compass to understand that this way of live with wars, torture, rich people killing folks living in exploding poverty areas cannot be followed on - this mankind should under all conditions have been stopped by God or Rene Delavy. But now, this society of APES does the work itself. Thank you, chaps.

However, if my recommendation are put in force and understood, first by intellectuals and later on by ordinary folks, but never by politicians, CEOs and other Shit, in a few years we will have a better world than we had ever under these most stupid theorems ever in existence: Anti-Marx Capitalism with Friedman neo-liberalism and Karl Popper laisser-faire philosophies.

7. Conclusion

Dear Reader: Do you think, I wrote this text for YOU? Error! After having written 10 books on my own cost, shortening my old age cover, having not one German Newspaper or TV Station discuss my work, World-wide Net Press taking my texts - and let fall after 20 letters because of gigantic stupidity, except one media with over-average intellect - after having tried to save all the past time your life, I am not eager to teach you anything.

The only reasonable grounds for this Letter are:

- Never want to hear anymore from pseudo-intellectual VIP, government heads, stupid Dynamite Prize Holders, sentences like: "We could not have known, what was going on. Like with Wall Street and Hedge Funds, ignored by FED, WEF, IMF, WorldBank, other rotten GOs and NGOs - and all Governments of the World, who know nothing of NOTHING, and we are proud to be ignorant and still be elected by "Democrazy = Dictatorship of dull Majorities".

-  It does not make sense helping a rotten human race, the Homo non-sapiens, to come out of wars, torture, violations, hypocrite religions, pragmatistical "philosophies" of lowest intellect ever in all times of human existence.

-  If a residual human society will remark - by far too late - that all the solutions have been written some time ago, this cannot be my problem. It shall be the problem of the ones, in fact of the most mediocre VIP of no value, a rotten-going planet, tumbling around in the endless Universe, ever had.

And now, throw this piece of paper in the next basket, before yourself kicking the bucket for good.

Whoever says, he deserved a better destination of life without understanding the simplest lessons of real facts, is either incredibly dull, insolent and shameless to the max - or simply one of the 99,9999 percent of average brains, depending on the advice of about 1000 persons that lived within the last 3000 years, who shaped our present society without leaving tracks of intelligence - types who either were looked upon as being god-like, mostly the heaviest skunks of Dynamite Prize getters - or Humanity decided to let the most valuable brains be tumbling down the drain forever.

The final results are very evident by now - and yet, Goodbye friends, stay as nice as you ever have been until this very day - after 100 years of splendid times, of no recourse.