Tchador and other Errors

Islam - Tchador - Religion- Sexuality - Lies and Errors

I am fed up of the Tchador and Burka discussions in Europe. I am fed up of the "philosophical" thoughts of one Niluefer Goele about the right of women to have towels on their heads. I am fed up of wrong classifications in terms of God, religion, sexuality, male and female behaviour - and its final sign of submission - THE TCHADOR or in German: DAS KOPFTUCH.

But first, let's explain some funny habits in Catholicism, U.S. Evangelican beliefs and other Christian activities:

In Western countries, it is normal that men fuck in the ass of men and women try some sort of sex with other women. Why not? -  It is not known if the same happens in Islam.

It is NOT normal, that Polanski fucks a girl, wanting a job from him, having experience with sex and being sent by her own mother. They make a fuss for 30 years on dirty grounds in hypocrite California, Ireland, England, France, Germany, in short in all lands in the west, and in great measure in the rotten State USA.

Compare to the thousands of Priests, who fuck boys and girls all the time and don't find ever some tribunal to send them into jail. No, the Pope himself can decide, with the help of the anti-Islam God of Rome, that priests just were a little bit unhappy with their sexual habits.

But now, let's explain some other fundamentals.

Religion and God

Each person is free to believe in a God. Nobody knows what God is and how he should be interpreted. But Faith means, not knowing, but believing in God. It seems, there are 20 Gods, one for each religion, but there can be in total only one real God in the Universe, in eternity in Time and endlessness in Space.  And you can be Moslem, Catholic, Protestant, Evangelican, Buddhist and even Communist or else - as long as you let live in peace all others with their understanding of a real existing God.

Religion and Sexuality

It is argued, also about the Tchador, that Islam women are free to have other ideas about sexuality than Europeans and American women. Where is the point? There are just as many whores in China or Iran or Indian towns, as in New York, London, Berlin, Paris, Buenos Aires, Tokyo or Zurich. There is no question in sexuality about religion. All women do it, the sex, as they like: They are whores, they are married, they are in love, they chose to do no sex at all - and they may not like men but women. So, this has nothing to do with religion and Tchador at all.

Religion and Gender

It is a god-damned shame that in all religion, men and male priests, Popes and Koran fanatics dictate to women, how to behave. And so women have Tchador and are stupid enough to believe, it was first the choice and will of females to walk around with towels on their heads, when males refuse to do same idiocy. Original and effects: The eternal Problem of humans. First, male dictators of religion say to women: "Tchador is good to be in God." - And AFTERWARDS, Ladies like Niluefer Goele take that principle of idiots and make of female philosophy out of it.

Religion and male Violence and Supremacy

It seems to be full normality if men make sex with other women, out of there married situation - and nothing happens, or just a little thing. If Women do the same, they may be stoned or fired with petrol or killed otherwise. This has nothing to do with Tchador? It has all to do with Tchador! One is a principle of rotten justice for MEN alone, and the other is Tchador for WOMEN alone.

Supremacy: We only have MALES, world-wide, in Power about Religion - be it the Pope of Rome and his Priests, be it the Heads of Buddhism or Islam or else. FEMALES are nothing but religious material, good for males such as dogs are. We can abbreviate the matter: Dogs have Leash and females have Tchador.

Lies and Errors about Religion

A wonder that intellectual zero-numbers out of America, like Samuel Huntington, make a fuss about wars of civilisations and religions, when in fact - all is the same in religion. Males dictate females how to behave, God is a unknown figure, the Pope in Rome says, only Catholicism is the right faith and for good reasons, Buddhist masters of the Universe and fine Characters out of Islam Universities tell the same idiocies to children of their Faith. All know, who God is, have a personal relationship to him - and all others seem to be stupid humans.

This can't be the logics of philosophy in modern times.

We only have one small World. We only have one kind of human intelligence. We only have one God, if at all any would be prepared, to play God for a Humanity having lots of Wars, Killing, Torture, exclusive religions in the hands of males - and multi-rich VIP and powerless Poors, exploding more and more on an emptied planet. We have a chaos in ecology, politics and economics. We don't need in addition a chaos with Tchador, religion and wrong arguments.


We need no religion with Tchador - making the whole CHAOS still more complex. Just get normal - and all will be logical and ethical in your mind, whatever religion you would prefer to be seen as the right one.