World vanishes South - World of Logics

World of Logics - The World vanishes in the South (Part EIGHT)

When ordinary people speak of Logics, most think simultaneously of Ethics, Morals, Commonsense, Reasonableness and Sense of life.

Well, there may also be a Logic of Pragmatism and in the meantime, we all know what is meant by pragmatic philosophy:

"Adaptation to the sprit of powerful 'geniuses' and fighting for the maintenance of existing systems - how false ever these logics may have been"

In addition, some bright men know: There is a logic for Socialism and Communism: No, we are not talking here of blood-dictators in South America with names like Videla, Pinochet etc, under spell of CIA and U.S. Congress, with aim of torturing to death innumerable youth. It means to defend the ideas of Karl Marx, the ideal of holding for a very long times all the wealth and richness of Nations, in order to distribute the profits and the fortunes over the mass of citizens, who in fact are the owners - and not some happy Few.

There is the difference to high logics for Capitalism: Take the Money and run to the stupid ones and those will become rich - and run into all Casinos and lose your money within one week. Give it to the poor and they will purchase the products of the rich, until they have nothing because the wealth of the states, under capitalism, belongs to the powerful and rich scrap. So give money to the rich and powerful and they will buy industries, service companies, marketing halls, stock exchanges, banks and airports and multiply the coal (money) of the poor - until this pragmatic craze falls down in piece, once again around 2009, because of false ideals, governed by Greed and Growth.

We understand now why there should have been a World of Logics, that could have attributed to luck, happiness, well-being, normal progress, preservation of a possible paradise on Earth - And certainly the force to prevent all wars, having no torture, no terror, no holocaust of animals and nature and some more higher "Commonsense" in the heads of the Elites, in favour of masses of 7 billions.

However, in order to achieve this Goal, some matters should have existed before:

1.  Renunciation on money and capital, and abandon casinos, stock exchanges, Las Vegas

2.  Renunciation on greed and growth and "ever more of any rubbish"

3.  Limitation of consumerism Junkies, on a number of about 500 million worldwide

4.  Care about long-lasting environment, for plants, oceans, lands and animals and air and water

5.  No God who thinks for us with Ratzinger spirit - but a natural Council for human wisdom

6.  No nations with State egoism, but a real globalized world without crazy and globalized tricks

7.  Long chains of origins and effects to be thought through, before doing anything of harm

8.  Get rid of deadly industries and motors, destroying our film of atmosphere since 100 years

9.  Feeling of real care, also for the poor and not so bright ones, instead a Oligarchy of rich VIPs

10. Moderation in all respects and reduction in growth, when it ends with self-extermination

11. A culture of real values - instead of modes and design for ape-like spirits and freaks

12. Highest principle: Preservation of a given Paradise - our Earth

13. Therefore: No destruction of limited resources and energy stuffs within only 100 years

14. No masses, not in traffic and not at all, before cleanness of air and water granted

15. Instead of philosophies of "Behaviourism" - simple commonsense in view of all facts

16. No applied sciences - we needed higher knowledge to guarantee a future for our Kids

17. No arms and weapons, no media stupidity, no atom, no rockets, no moon-landing

18. Equality in richness - and all would got a life in a natural park, in a villa, have what required

19. The natural weak persons are protected by the clever chaps - and not vice-versa like today

20. There should have been some principles for equal values, equal rights, equal chances - under all aspects and in view of all species.

Humanity simply forgot: We live in an endless universe, and are flowing through an eternity in times.

In comparison, all the little emergencies on this daily-order World, can now vanish in the South.

Yes, yes - some other principles could have been stated in order to have an orderly reality, never to taken away, if on the spot we had a World-Government of the wisest few persons, instead of rotten ideals of the existing Elite with low understanding in major affairs:

Just keep quiet for all times about the Use and Sense of UNO, G-20, Worldbank, IMF, WEF of Davos, all the bankers on Wall Street and City of London, the crazy heads around Obama, Putin, Hu and Wen, Singh, Lula, Brown, Merkel, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, 7 Dwarfs of Berne and other useless Types who have no idea of politics, economy, ecology, culture, money and mass-laws about big figures. And this is the very reason, why such empty heads got in past their Dynamite Prizes.

Just name me one single Chief of State, one CEO, banker, philosopher, theorist in economics or any other scientists or another Star or Pig, of which you firmly believe, you should have the honour of being proud of, in this totally corrupt and rotten world of humans - and I pay you on the spot one million Dollars.

What do I hear? Did you not read my report "Qualifying and Disqualifying the historical VIPs"? So you go and mention - who: Gandhi? Mandela? Obama, the yes we can? Habermas? Hockey-Mum Palin and Mother Theresa? Ramsai the great Pig? Napoleon the political Murderer? Or Cesar the Warrior?--

Or perhaps some Hitler, Nietzsche, Marx, Kant, Plato, Rousseau, Balzac, Shakespeare, Ratzinger, Saddam Hussein, Pinochet, Greenspan, Friedman, Keynes, Popper, GW Bush, Reagan, Thatcher, Dalai, Mao, Castro, Lula, Einstein, Newton, Machiavelli, Camus, Sartre, Krugman, Huntington, Fukuyama, Chomsky, Descartes, Pascal, Karl the Nude, Karl the Great, Queen Victoria, Friedrich the Dull, JKF of Vietnam, Proust, the Wise guys of Zion around Sharon, and of India, Buddha and Singh, and of China, Lao Tzu, Hu and Wen, down the ladder: Mussolini, Stalin, Franco, Milosevic - up again to Mozart, Bach, de Vinci, Michelangelo, Darwin and Bin Laden?

Well, let's make it clear: Some of them had Merits in their particular field, they were real geniuses. And some of them were even favourites in ETHICS and just wanted the best of their times. They gave us marvellous gifts - certainly true for most of the geniuses in Painting, Music, Arts - and even in Literature. Philosophy however was a failure as exposed in "World of Philosophy".

But when you thing, all of them, without one exception, have accepted the STATUS QUO of their times: The murdering and torturing by all churches, by governments, by high priests of all States, in fact of the existing world. They were sure of the highest value for humans, of Homo non-sapiens, and simultaneously of the lowness of animals and nature taken as a whole - these men full of dullness turned like hell on the Wheel of self-destruction, leading right away to atomic bombs and the destruction of our geo-sphere of these days, no longer correctable with quadrillions of Dollars.

I have written at other places, in other Books and Editors Letters too: Geniuses are either one-sided, specialized, just concentrating on ONE topic, some were primitive, dull - and all of them committed errors, made us and themselves blind about the long-term consequences of their findings.

In addition they were real arse-creepers of the powerful, of God-inventors and the rich and powerful Elites, who cared to become humans always deeper in mud. They invented maxims and techniques given to mass-folks of soon 10 billions - and this made possible and disposable the junk we all are living in, at the end of all times, to speak of - NOW - of present matters that will break the neck of human mankind, during the next 100 years.

A World of Logics would have, at all times, only made sense, if it had served in view of preservation of the present given goods by God, to say our paradise Earth - but having been, finally, in favour for all generations to come, during an evolution that went on and on over millions of years. And this should have been valid for ALL species.

Sure, even in the Best of all Worlds, even under best conditions, some natural "Climate-Change" (instead of the real Climate-Collapse) could have occurred - over the thousands of years.

But in no way, humanity would have seen those catastrophes and collapses of these days around 2010, with Climate, Weather, Environment, Finance business, stock exchanges, States and of life as such going completely out of any Control and Balance.

And it happens just NOW - and will do so exponentially, with always higher effects, since the change of Centuries, since the year 2000 passed by.