Trash from Wall Street

U.S. Republican Government has become crazy -
Taking over WALL STREET Trash

U.S. Government, more precisely GW Bush, Cheney, Paulson and Greenspan-Bernanke, want to "SAVE" the world's stock Exchange by a DIRTY TRICK, that cannot work at all.

A. Fundamental error pre-programmed

Now, after having discovered that the politics of Clinton, Bush, Greenspan and Bernanke have produced trillions of Dollars in losses, due to the handling of Junk Bonds, derivative instruments of chaos-finance, packets covered by sub-prime mortgages, speculative thinking with most stupid Hedge funds and their criminal CEO, in fact of all Investment and Private Banks of the world, the U.S. Governments wants to take over all Zero-value securities.

When Securities have lost in values 90 percent and more as compared to 2006/07, the take over by a criminal State only proves that these virtual losses have now become real. Re-Selling the titles in 3 years time from now, does not change anything to the losses below 100 percent of value - that existed middle of the year 2007!

Thus, they hope to stop the downfall in scales at U.S. Wall Street - and all other Stock Exchanges. This program is absolutely crazy and of no value and commonsense at all.

B. Effects for Stock Exchange, Banks, Old Age, Insurance etc.

The lost values in possession of Banks, Insurance, Re-Insurance, Old Age Funds etc., were diminished by the true loss of value of junk-papers, already when issued. Whatever TRASH was financed and handled at Stock exchanges. The ones who possessed the papers in the moment, towards the end, the break-down at Wall Street and other Stock exchanges, could not longer sell the useless junk "securities".

Let's name them: Not only UBS, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Citicorp ------ and hundreds of other huge and small banks throughout the world.

How now, the real loss can be recovered? Just giving for free or almost nothing all those paper to FED or any other SUB-ORGANISATION of FED, Worldbank or IMF? This would not change one jota to the situation, although stock exchange values may go to heaven again.

However, what price should the U.S. normal tax payer (not the rich VIP who prevented paying high taxes) lose - by going cunningly with losses and its coverage over FED or sub-organisation? In order to have paid heavy amounts for take-over of such scrap, to all Banks of the world, for double-financing those zero-value papers?

Billions? Trillions? And how do Bush, Paulson, Bernanke think, where the funds would come from? Over U.S. deficit, increasing again U.S. gigantic State INDEBTEDNESS? And what will do the completely STUPIDS in blind U.S. Congress, what will tell us mad-gone McCain-Palin and Obama-Bider?

We have here the proof, that the new Presidents and their kitchen cabinets will be just as idiotic as the Clinton and Bush "administrations" were all the time.

C. Effects for USA and other Nations

USA and European nations are asked to sharply increase - against Russia - their efforts in re-armament. Great!

At the same time, USA TAXPAYERS will pay Billions or Trillions Dollars for taking over derivative sub-prime Junk from Banks, Insurance, Re-Insurance and perhaps private Investors who would have got or still will get in bankruptcy?

My God, this idea breaks the neck of USA as a nation. This State was already quasi-bankrupt since a long time and artificially kept alive by huge investments of China, Japan, Korea, Europe, Russia etc., when purchasing zero-value U.S. Treasury Bonds plus Papers with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the hundreds of other low value TITLES, which, without any person knowing it today, were worthless all the time since creation.

This is what is going to happen: USA just as bankrupt and at the bottom, as Swissair was short before its Grounding on Unique Airport, or ALITALIA, broken the neck by filthy politics of Berlusconi, on Malatesta Airport near Lago Maggiore.

When USA breaks down, all other Nations of the world will fall down too. Globalisation, privatisation, neo-liberalism of Friedman and Chicago Boys, deregulation, Junk Hedge Funds and Derivative Craze have finally done its work and effects. A right-wing plan, not corrected ever by the left, to destroy Economics of a planet, has worked perfectly well, and this has been the plan of all capitalistic Scrap of VIP, since Soviet-Union tumbled to hell.

Not one System was created on EARTH that at the long time would not have ended in terrible economic, ecologic and political disasters. With the philosophers this globe had, another way of development would have been an idea of UTOPIA.

D. Stunning discussion at Swiss TV with UBS CEO Rohner and his Swiss "Experts" in economics

Listen what these chaps have told to its population:

1.  Marcel Rohner: No one could have predicted or known about the disaster - not former President of UBS and CEO Marcel Ospel, not new president Peter Kurer and by no means, my person, low IQ new CEO Marcel Rohner, all banking idiots of low investments did guess nothing, BEFORE it happened. Fact is: Rene Delavy wrote about all these facts since 20 years in his books and since March 2006 in all Editors Letters, published worldwide over Online Press.

2.  The odd "Experts" said: It can be assumed that we have now saved the world. Fact: The sub-prime papers are only the PEAK of the ice berg. Recession and other crazy finance instruments, not yet discussed, will arrange a huge additional loss to today's situation that may exceed existing losses of the day, by several times. And the artificial Hype at Stock Exchanges, risks to bury these truths.

3.  Swiss "Experts" did not understand: The U.S. System alone created the whole finance misery - and it is responsible for the collapse - and NOT the Banks and their "greedy" investors, all normal folks having become victims of greedy Abzocker-Investment-Bankers. So Banks, Insurance, Folks etc. could not escape the TRAP, opened by Greenspan, Bush, Clinton. Chicago Boys, Friedman and Popper. This is the major truth about what happened since 1990 and creating our downfall to hell - when we experience now "THE END OF CAPITALISM" - as explained in my former Editors Letter.

4.  "Experts" ignored: The new Agency in the USA only covers a little percentage of losses and for only some banks and not for the investors in our World - and for sure NOT one Bank outside USA gets a Dime. This is U.S. protectionism, not allowed by international treaties.

5.  Worst, St. Gallen Idiots still adore Capitalism of Friedman and therefore don't realize Delavy's theorem: The socialisation of Banks and Investments in the USA, makes out of this State another Soviet-Union, even worse than the one we had under Marxism, because it is based on a LIE OF SYSTEM, shouted out in  the world by Americans since 1960. Americans are hypocrites, and even criminals, when we look at Vietnam, Chile, Argentina, Africa, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan etc. - the worst Rough-State ever on the Globe.

E. Conclusion

It is proven now that all "EXPERTS" in finance, banking, national economics and Company Law of Economy have become crazy to an extent, a normal person like Delavy can no longer keep quiet about the atrocious stupidity of World's Press of Economy, all Murdoch Media of small brains, having zero understanding for mechanics in commerce, economics, financing, banking, national households - et j'en passe.

Let's be clear: The losses that occurred, due to the stupidity of all governments on this Planet, due and on top of the Greenspan-Bush kitchen cabinet, just followed by unknowing parliaments in China, Japan, Russia, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, whole Europe etc. - these losses will not disappear by DIRTY FINANCE TRICKS of nothing.

On the contrary, after a short PSYCHOLOGICAL HYPE, the whole World Economics will fall down to hell, but now for good and for all times. And nothing, nothing can prevent the Popper-Friedman Systems, under Shock, to be shattered by own blindness and craziness.

This system cannot work in any other senses or directions. And now, go all to hell. And thanks for having tried to think for a few minutes.