U.S. Cold War of Systems

U.S. COLD WAR still going on - now being a "War of Systems"
or: What if Soviet-Union would have argued like USA always did?

Important question about WAR OF SYSTEMS: Have we been influenced by the capitalistic or socialistic Systems since 1960? The answer is absolutely clear, about the true indoctrination forming our present:

Western fantasies about the pretended superiority of U.S. ideology, as compared to ideas of socialists or communists in the past, have again become a topic of high interest. Note: "COLD WAR" is over, but one-sighted views on ancient Soviet-Union continue be shreddered through all western press products - an experience that was increasing in force and number in the recent months in media and literature.

We face a concept of defeat: Dull neo-conservatism and hypocrite neo-liberalism try to strike back... towards its end of existence.

Therefore, it is about time to stop our eternally same production machinery for western indoctrination, coming from ideological U.S. "Think"-Tanks who have no knowledge about real sceneries and functioning of systems. And so, some Rove-Friedman-Cheney gurgles of war around Bush, brains of meanest kind, still try to dictate our opinions and views, in the western world and beyond.

Misleading dialectic on controversial systems

This dialectic is so cheap and misleading that any intellectual person with higher common sense is hiding his face when U.S. and other scrap-media are spreading false news about former Soviet-Union, still and ever the same spiritual junk, exactly as diffused before 1989. They pretend to be a kind of best journalism, when being in reality a god-lying carpet of false tones and theories - going on and on and on, keeping at life an idea of "Cold war" that seemed ended long time ago.

Once for all: The Soviet-Union was social, it gave jobs to all citizens, its health care and old age schemes were fine, the schools and universities excellent, they were first in surrounding the planet in the orbit, they kept up a long time with the much richer USA in armaments, they did not interfere like the USA with all blood-dictators of the world and did not smash given economic systems by Friedman ideology of the worst kind, assisted by the slaves of U.S. politics, famous WorldBank and IMF - and U.N. and many NGOs were not bought by Dollars, in different cunning ways, in order to diffuse a one-sighted history on politics and economics, apparently true when blinding us since 1960.

Wrong and cunning U.S. Comparisons

We should feel tired being forced to hear all the same fairy-tales repeated about Prague and Budapest and Tiananmen Square all the time. U.S. media and all European Merkel and Blair and Swiss Dwarfs and Swedish honours of Stockholm are stupid enough by wanting teach us, with ever same threats, some lessons on Democracy and "Human rights", to all Russians, Chinese, Iranians, Iraqis, Indians etc., in the sense and name of dull and egocentric politicians like GW Bush or Ronald Reagan or Thatcher-Blair or Bill-Hillary-McCain.

What would have done the U.S. government and congress if Alaska or Hawaii would have declared, being fed up of U.S. hegemony and privatisation and deregulation of all that quark, telling them to be "free" and in good hands with state-regulated systems of one capitalistic truth? The USA would have shattered to death those lands immediately - as they did with Vietnam and some Central and South America countries, or - with weapons in Friedman economics - done in Africa, or recently in Iraq, wanting to get under their control all the energy reserves, as well as hegemonial power on Central Asia via Afghanistan in midst of Russian's and China's influence zones, very near to their oil wells and still not yet prospected huge areas, north of Asian continent....

Power of criminal indoctrination

At the same moment, USA helped Israel, another master of arts in indoctrination, lying to the whole world, when shattering together Palestine and Lebanon (and let pay damage by Europe) - and soon going perhaps against Syria or Iran and - why not - against oil-exporting countries, like Saudi Arabia and all the rest of Islam scrap, with valuable and technology-world saving oil and gas reserves. And Siberia too is very great and rich as well, and Russia may anyway lose power in future. So, why not place some nice Pollonium-missiles in New Europe?

All this should be regarded as a tendentious shit coming out of an insane brain, perhaps a pro-communist brain? The truth, all this comes out GW Bush brain trusts, some Wolfowitz or Rove of Berkeley studies, based on Chicago school intellect. I am sure, dear Reader, you are - contrary to most "think"-tanks-  able to make distinctions and be assured: I have never been fond of socialism, or Marxism or witch-burning Rome's Ratzingerism, not even of Putinism, Fidelism or Chavezism.

Recognize the truth about systems of Crooks

The true matter is like follows: There exists still a very small minority of not yet insane brains and they hate stupidity and they hate wrong measurements when two perpetrators in West and East do the same - but only one, the more decent nation, was and still is eternally mentioned as the one big CROOK... whereas the United States of America continue shattering all still functioning systems on this globe, around the year 2000, by a deadly ideology of growth and maximizing profits for the happy few.

Remember: While Soviet-Union did not accept leaving under western influence some nations, they freed out of a terrible WW II produced by Hitler-Germany (as USA neither would have accepted with nations freed by western armies), after having paid for that effort with millions of Russian lives, the Soviets later on defending this right according to laws of logics, in Hungary and in Czechoslovakia. And while these minor effects of interest politics happened, the one and only "freedom country" ­- USA - smashed without any reasons Vietnam, killing about 3 million folks, then assisted in "social-risks" countries like Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica (and NOT in Cuba - thanks to heaven) to torture to death hundred of thousands of youth, teachers, lawyers, editors, journalists, without seeing an uproar in Russia - and they tried to wipe out just any man or woman who was expected to be "left", social, anti Chicago Boys and not creeping in the assholes of all criminal U.S. presidents, its hypocrite and blinded Congresses, financing the torture instructors of CIA and FBI and helping out with ideologies any rich U.S. assholes, when privatising all relevant companies in Central and South America, Africa, and tried to do the same, after 1989, in Russia and China.

Learning about "superior" ethics?

Further, whenever they could take over folks' wealth, they did it - after their holocausts on millions of folks - without paying a Penny of reparation for their immense crimes. God damn it: This is the truth about the "superior" ethics, of U.S. governed "supremacy" in the western world - as compared to the communist countries like Soviet-Union, former East New-Europe, like China, Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba, not under Batista but under Castro. --- And: I did not forget Russian's greatest crime - Chechnya, and to some extent the one of China: Tibet - (both terrible enough but less important than massacres committed with millions of death in own populations, under Stalin and Mao, committed in Soviet-Union and China since about 1940).

Still, by repetition of the same eternal lies when talking of Soviet-Union, China, Cuba and some other socialist countries - and leaving out in their fairy-tales some South and Central American, African and Asian bloody dictatorships, instructed by glorious CIA-Killers and official U.S. Generals, we all were indoctrinated to death by lying on facts and "relativating" things in stupid manner, by New York Times, Washington Post, Fox-TV, Hollywood Industries and Mumbai Bollywood complex, The Statesman, The Independent, Foreign Affairs, Times, NZZ, FAZ, Die Welt and a lot of other one-sighted and right-wing media of this world, under U.S. and pro-western influence and spell, all that "free opinion building" literature, dictated by Murdoch, Berlusconi, Bush, Sarkozy, Blair, Merkel and name-it Junk of lowest intellect - blindly followed even by all left or "social" media in western countries, living in a culture of low thinking and small brains.

No real facts anymore - only play-station fantasies for adults, of very low relevance

And around the year 2000, even "Socialists" Putin, Hu and Wen, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and Marx or Lenin or Mao ( if they were still alive today) and Hugo Chavez would start to believe that the Western money and stock ideology would be highly superior to the real and not pretended Marxist or Russell's humanistic ideals and they all would try to copy a system that will - in some years from now - prove to have been murderous, when the collapses in ecology, economics, stock exchanges, water and air, finalized resources and energy in oil and gas and all the rest will fall over a hypocrite Hollywood / Bollywood world under influence of writers and directors - representing a globe of easy reflecting on what? - on nothing at all.

In this connection, piecemeal U.S. thinkers like Michael Moore, Al Gore, Fukuyama, Huntington, Chomsky, Klein, Soros and in fact all "Think-tanks" and NGOs of this planet, are regarded as high-intellectual geniuses whereas in fact these hegemonial chaps do not even understand five percent of the total existing World-Chaos, basic knowledge required to understand our present reality and our destructive voyage into a future with very little hope and smallest perspectives left in feasibility.

How the existing systems will collapse

By the year 2025, after all collapses which I have described in "CHAOS", "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstoerung" and "10 Maximen der Weiterexistenz", will have gone over our planet, considering resources that will soon become priceless, clear water reserves gone and air in mega-towns nearly got unbreathable, oil and gas no longer given for a penny, real-existing explosion of populations creating insurmountable human mass problems, competition of loud and insane culture-scrap against always less real philosophers with commonsense, ever more poor human masses, holocausts for animals becoming daily praxis, all of us accepting deadly ideologies throwing anybody to the bottom, further increasing stupidity in media, when exploiting at the same time vanishing IQ-high minorities.

Result: stock exchanges collapsing now due to huge bubbles resulting of derivative hedge and other Junk invented in New York, Chicago, London, Frankfurt and Zurich - and above all the dirty political tricks of GW Bush, Blair, Kissinger, Rove, Cheney, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, 7 Dwarfs, Merkel and, on a economical scale, all those insane Chicago Boys and Girls proclaming salvation for the world when in fact being driven in collapses - so, when the dust and fog will have gone, the world media will finally shout: "Good heavens - nobody could have foreseen all these terrifying consequences of our own world-wide stupidity...."

The perpetrators and winners during our downfall

Yes, dear Reader, stupidity on the highest scales in favour of some happy few of richest VIP and their depending politicians, governments, CEO, NGOs and cultural idiots had and will always have a price to be paid, and it will not be an odd Nobel Prize, but a final price for "Unforeseen consequences". But this last time, we have no Cesar, Chingis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, or even Reagan-Thatcher-Pinochet under influence of Popper, Friedman, Hayek and Bush. This time we have a planet-wide problem, since we have come to the "point of no return", following a hype of Las Vegas making the richest richer and the great masses soon very poor, and this point of no return went by, in fact, already around 1975. However, there is not one single scientist or "economic genius" anymore to tell the human mankind how to surmount forthcoming mass-problems - based on mathematically predictable human holocausts, embedded in an end of history doctrine. Sorry, it has finally become true (read Letter "Nothing but a silent Cry"), since solutions were all missed and anyway, today corrections to our insanity of life since 100 years, would be coming by far too late.

The automatisms of a western Friedman culture of destructing our planet with false and dull doctrines will soon have come to an end.

And then, even the question who committed more crimes, wars, errors in economics, politics, culture, ecology etc. - United States folks, the Europeans, the Soviet-Russians or some errors about Jesus Christ speeches, in Rome or Teheran, will have become obsolete, of absolutely no value and sense at all. Once grounded for good, this humanity will never stand up again.

Humanity should learn to make distinctions

A humanity who cannot make distinctions between low criminality in general or highest State-Horror committed by "decent" nations, such a society does not deserve to overcome the forthcoming collapses. So just let it happen, with name-dropping of Greenspan and Bernanke, Yeltsin and Putin, Hu and Wen, Father and Son Bush, Hillary-Bill Clinton-Clan or Barack Obama or John McCain - or perhaps you may believe that followers of Castro, Chavez or Bin Laden may come up with some ideas how we can stop the insanity of 70 years of deadly Western ideologies, followed and worshipped now by the rest of world in Russia, China, India. For sure, not one name worldwide can be advanced on which we could count to reverse the downfall of our systems, now driving us down to hell. The towers of insanity have grown and grown in the recent past - and their tumbling will cause damages in biblical dimensions - we are standing at the edge of a real final Armageddon.

The free fall in an uncontrollable chaos is there, a real and fast "going down the drain", since 30 years - and in the meantime, the greatest IQ-stupids of the world discuss the question why the Marxist countries were so much worse and more criminal than western holy cash-scripts - and therefore had to end before capitalism.

Looking in false directions, we missed the greatest perpetrators, since 1950, the real ones, better known by indoctrinated people as from "God glorified nations" on this lost Globe - more precisely the U.S. gods-own Hegemony of cynicism, lowest ethics and zero value, a land where deeper reflections were meant to be a luxury - and so served us - as forerunner, to trust them and to run in the abyss of false technological and cashing feasibilities.

Do you want to be living on such a planet, governed by the lowest possible intellectual Zero-minds? Well: you did it already, and now you have to pay the price for blindness and false trust.